Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Brayden was looking over for a moment before he spoke, "Possible but none of us are up to full strength."
“We all need to heal first before we try anything anyways” Kodi looked at the girls and could tell they were all worn out as well
"How long can we remain here?" Brayden was questioning as he looked over towards Ariella, who had taken to curling up in one of the many chairs at some point in time. "Technically however long we want but... a few days would be best for this realm. Especially with Aranya being here, with her being half demon. No offense Aranya but eventually her demonic magic will actually begin to effect this place and will result in this realm slowly becoming tainted."
“I understand if need be I can hop out in a few hours and head to the ruins to make sure no one has settled there and do a little cleaning” already the angelic influences were starting to wear on her
Ariella was just giving a faint smile before she spoke in a soft voice, "Your decisions are your own. I do not control them. But I ask that you at least take those couple of hours to rest up."
Ariella was merely curling up in the chair, although it wasn't long before she was falling asleep herself. Brayden was merely exploring for a moment before he was finding a spot to lay down himself. Nope just a spot on the floor where he could sprawl out, and just pass out for a bit.
Vivian was just looking at Greg for a moment before she questioned in a soft voice if he was alright, especially with what he had gone through.
“Just tired some sleep will do me some good Ari healed everything else now it’s just a matter of recovering” Greg smiled at her and kissed she cheek
Vivian was giving a nod of her head although there were tears in her eyes as she buried her head into his chest, mumbling that she had been terrified for him.
Vivian was just nodding her head and was just relaxing into his arms. No it was time to sleep, no doubt about that. While she wanted to sleep, she wasn't sure if she could even sleep.
A number of hours had gone past, and everybody was still asleep when Ariella woke up. So currently she was busy in the kitchen making something to eat for everybody.
Ariella was looking towards Aranya for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "My name is Ariella and I.... I know this doesn't mean much but.... I am sorry for everything that you went through because of the king. I can't imagine going through something like that... yet you still stayed... so strong." Yet again there was that high chance that she had gone through that and just didn't recall at all, after all she hardly remember anything from before being pushed from the heavens. "I hope that we... can be friends?"
“I like that and don’t be I was pretty much ignored until recently” Aranya shuddered a little at the thought of what had happened to her but hoped it wouldn’t happen again
Ariella was just looking at Aranya before she was actually wrapping her arms around her in a hug.
"Want to help me make breakfast? I know this place is taxing on you but I'm hoping that you will stay around to eat." Ariella spoke before she was pausing for a moment then spoke in a slow voice that perhaps there was something that could be done.
“Of course I’ll help and stay to eat but then I will have to go maybe I’ll go and pester my father once we are settled and see how they do it” Aranya remembered something. From when she was really little with them going to the angelic realm
"I know that once angels and demons were allies and then.... that changed. I think... it has to do with my uncle. The current ruler since.... he pushed me. I was suppose to be named queen but obviously I'm not there." Ariella was mumbling although she was rubbing her temples a bit as though her head hurt.
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