Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Brayden was looking for a moment before he spoke, "I'm not sure if she will. Nothing overly tragic has happened during her time there. That took place before she ended up at the palace. Those memories are still coming back."
Brayden was giving a nod before he was just turning his attention towards something that he could sense close to them. He found himself a bit startled when Ariella did seem to almost materialize out of nowhere. There was an almost haunted look in her eyes although she was rather calm as she just gazed in the general direction that Brayden had been looking.
"The king and he is highly pissed off. And he knows exactly where we are... We aren't going to be safe for long." Brayden spoke and actually found himself shuddering ever so slightly. Ariella was just tilting her head a bit before she was speaking in a slow voice, "We won't be safe here but... I know somewhere near by where we will be safe."
"there is a back way out of here we can use that to escape" Greg then motioned so they could get the others and get out of there
Ariella was just turning to look at the two guys for a brief moment in time before she was heading off to go and get the other two girls, let them know that they were going to get going.
"The king is here, knows where we are and is very pissed off." Brayden spoke although his attention was turning sharply towards where the girls were at. Well there was a startled cry from Vivian and he could sense the king, a lot closer than what he had been before. Seems like he had found them after all.

Vivian had sensed the king arrive before the man showed up and thankfully Ariella was able to wrap a barrier around the three of them, before the king could actually strike them.
Ariella kept the barrier wrapped around them and soon enough the entire group was escaping from that place. Ariella was looking over her shoulder for a moment before she was wrapping magic around them all. Before the very eyes of the king, the group was disappearing and appearing in what seemed to be a different realm almost.
Ariella was just giving a soft smile before she spoke "Welcome to my own personal little realm." No she had rembered she hadade something as a get away from her family. Ily and duties. They wouldn't be able to stay for long, but it worked for the time being g.
Ariella was speaking in a low voice "We cannot remain for long though. A temporary thing since he cannot follow."
Brayden was nodding then spoke "For now we could go to the former castle ruins." Vivian was nodding on agreement stating that the king hated going there.
Brayden just shrugged then spoke, "He already has a hit on us, so why not do something to piss him off even more."
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