The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

“How about you learn to listen to your people instead of enslaving then” Baileys eyes burned with anger and while she wanted nothing more then to hit him she was currently stuck and unable to move because of him having her pinned

Lo-Wen looked at her and smile “ I will explain all later so for not just rest
Mikael just looked towards her before he was commenting that he wouldn't have to enslave people if they knew how to follow his laws.

Akiza was just giving a nod before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Come lay next to me."
“Really so how could a farmer and his family who always paid their taxes and worked their fields from sun up to sun down break any lawns. I was eight when your men came for my family and ten when I was orphaned because both my parents passed away. I was then beaten and abused for not moving fast enough while trying to grieve. Your guards cut my ears for a punishment when I wasn’t even there when it happened”. Bailey glared at him and waited to see what he would say to that

Lo-Wen walked over and sat next to her and then rubbed her head lightly
Akiza just looked towards him for a moment before she was curling into him, at least for a brief moment. It wasn't long before she was sitting up rather quickly and was questioning where Bailey was. Where Rose was.
“Calm down everything will be settled soon until then just relax ok your father was effected by something and isn’t himself so he is currently locked away to keep from harming people” Lo-Wen looked at her lightly and then smiled
Akiza was just burying her head into his chest before she was just mumbling that she was glad that he had ended up coming back. Although she was startled when the door was flying open, and the advisor was barging into the room with a couple of guards. Guards that were more or less dead loyal to the advisor.
Lo-Wen stood up and spread his wings out protecting her. Thankfully the other generals had already recovered and were on their way to help him. What even had effected them was gone and Bailey hadn’t hurt them
Akiza was just quivering a bit, and holding onto the back of Lo-Wen's shirt. The advisor was speaking, "I suggest that you step away from my fiance now. You aren't needed at all."
this had Lo-Wen laughing at the male "it seems you forgot one of the key laws in this kingdom that the first ruler put in to place and that can never be struck down, if the ruling king is not in his right mind any and all declarations are null and void, and seeing as how he was hit with a spray that altered his personality slightly this day falls under that law so until I hear form the king when he is in his right mind I will not be leaving her side"

Bailey looked at him "what you have no come back for when someone shoves facts in to your face"
The advisor was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before he was actually gesturing for the guards that were with him to go forward. Guards that even Lo-Wen would have a bit of a problem with, especially while protecting Akiza. "Make sure not to harm my fiance." the advisor was speaking.

Mikael was just looking towards her before he was commenting that he had absolutely no idea of what she was talking about.
"exactly you are so out of touch with what is going on that ALL but your novels have been enslaved to work in the mines whether they committed a crime or not." Bailey tugged on her arms to try and free them "let go of me"

Lo-Wen knew he would have a hard time but he wasn't going to let them get near her without a fight and they would get one hell of a fight form her
Mikael was just tightening his grip on her before he was commenting that he wasn't out of touch with anything. It wouldn't be long before she found herself having her clothing clawed off by him.

Akiza was giving a small whimper of fright and was moving away from Lo-Wen, towards the wall farthest away from everybody.
Bailey moved and her hair fell away from her ears exposing the scars from where they had been cut and but cut she meant the tips had been taken off and shaped to look like a humans. "then I hope you lose to the rebellion" Bailey sadly couldn't fight with the grips on her wrists but her feet were another story and she kicked at him as best she could to try and get him off of her.

Lo-Wen looked over when the other generals entered and went to his side creating a wall between the others guards and the princess
Not that Bailey's fighting back was really getting her anywhere at all, in the end it was a losing battle, and Mikael was getting his way with her.

Akiza was just standing with her back against the wall, and her arms wrapped around herself tightly. Already there was fighting and she really didn't want to see anybody else get hurt. There was a startled shriek from her when the advisor just seemed to materialize next to her and she found herself being drawn to him.
Lo-Wen reacted to her scream and leaving his companions got between the two putting her behind him while facing off with the advisor. "what makes you think I am just going to let you take her"

Bailey struggled against him the whole time doing he best to keep fighting him while trying to get free
Akiza was falling backwards away from the pair, and just sinking down to the ground. "Just stop.... just stop fighting." she whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. Although there was that strange power of hers flashing out again when one of Lo-Wen's companions ended up getting stabbed. Once again everything just seemed to freeze around them, other than that of Lo-Wen and his companions, perhaps because she was wishing that they didn't freeze.

Mikael was simply having his way with her, regardless of if she liked it or not.
Lo-Wen held his hand out to her "come on we need to go for now once your father is in his right mind we will return"

Bailey bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying as ever time he moved she hurt. she could also smell the drug burning off of his skin and knew he would soon go back to normal
Akiza was just climbing to her feet, although it was obvious that she was as confused as the others. How those that had been with the advisor were just freezing.
"calm down I will explain later for now we need to leave" Lo-Wen picked her up in his arms and like the other generals they all fled the castle for the time being
Akiza was wrapping her arms around his neck as they fled although as they got farther away, the magic was shattering and she found herself breathing a bit heavily as though she had just run a long distance.
Lo-Wen looked at her "steady your breathing Aki that will help in the long run" Lo-Wen and the others headed to his personal home that very few knew he had to hide out

while they were running the soilder who Rose had been shoved in with was staring at and watching from the shadows as he slowly moved closer to her
Akiza was just looking towards him for a moment before she was giving a slow nod of her head, although she didn't say anything. Not at that point in time.

Rose wasn't doing much of anything, merely sitting on the ground with her feet tucked under her. She was nursing a sore shoulder though from when she had been tossed into the room, and had fallen rather roughly onto the floor. However a noise somewhere in the room at her just giving a small startled gasp before she was just looking around.
the male stayed in the shadows till he was behind her. after a few tentative sniffs, he reached out and grabbed her dragging her back into the shadows with him.

Lo-Wen landed when they reached his home and after letting all the generals in he walked in as well and closed and secured the door so no one could enter his home
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