The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Akiza was just nibbling on her lip for a moment and before the plants could react she was actually making her way down. Her arms were going around the one general that she trusted, and she was drawing him backwards. "Stop this. This isn't you." she spoke.
Bailey only had seconds to get between her and the male when he lashed out and put her back where she was safe "stay there or I swear i'll cacoon you in those plants" Bailey didn't have time to protect her while she tried to get through to the men all she could to was keep them clear of her plants
Akiza was startled and was stumbling backwards, falling onto the ground. It wasn't long before she was being swept away by the plants again, and she was merely going quiet. No she really didn't want to watch this violence as she was looking away, closing her eyes.
Bailey continued to fight until the king, Lo-Wen and his men arrived which was almost two hours later. Bailey was crying out when she was struck by the male for getting out of her cell
"Stop it! Leave her alone!" Akiza screamed when she saw Bailey get struck, and who would have figured that perhaps she did have powers. Because at her words everything just seemed to freeze as though all time had stopped moving. Yet this is when weakness and exhaustion seemed to kick in instantly, yet again this magic was untrained, it would take a while. The magic didn't last for long, but in those few moments plants were moving Bailey to safety. Akiza found herself already breathing heavily and then the magic was fading. She was praying for the plants not to let her fall, everything was spinning.
Lo-Wen flew up to her and held out his arms "come here Aki lets get you down to the ground" Lo-Wen knew something had happened but her father was pissed as all hell at the moment
Akiza was just looking towards Lo-Wen when he flew up and she went to move towards him, not that she got overly far, not with passing out and falling into his arms. Mikael was most definitely pissed off and probably would have struck Bailey, although Rose came out of nowhere and was standing between the pair, taking the hit.
"My lord! Bailey is only doing what this handmaiden asked of her. With the High General being gone, my Lady was in need of protection. And this is something that Bailey agreed to assist with. What happened here was the fact that the advisor came to inform the princess that the generals wished to speak to her. Upon arrival it was quickly realized that something was wrong, none of them were acting like themselves. Bailey took it upon herself to protect the princess, despite being in danger herself." Rose spoke, already knowing that Mikael was going to be more than furious with her.
Bailey moved and pulled Rose out of the way "stay out of this if he wants to be pissed at me he can be besides what's the worse he can do kill me" Bailey twitched when she heard Lo-Wens wings and then looked in that general direction as she listened for Akiza's steady breathing
Rose was a bit startled to be pulled out of the way, although she wasn't at all shocked when she heard the king tell the guards to take her to the dungeons. Akiza was certainly breathing, at first her breathing had been a bit more on the rapid side, but it was slowly settling out once again.
"no need to drag me there I know the way" Bailey stood only to have her legs give out after a few steps she had pushed her physical limits and while her powers were still strong her body couldn't hold out any more
What would surprise Bailey, was the fact that Rose was being hauled after them towards the dungeon as well. Regardless of if they fought or not, the two ladies were essentially manhandled down into the dungeon.
Lo-Wen stopped them before they got too far "my king I know you are mad but Rose has always acted in the princesses best intereset and the fact that she was right that the princess needed a guard should be enough to clear her of any wrong doing if anything she should be praised with out her doing as she did your daughter would be dead right now"
Mikael just looked over before he was speaking, "But the dancer back in the cell she had been. Toss the maid into the chamber with our experimental soldier. As for my high General, if you try and speak over me again, I shall have you stripped of your title."
Lo-Wen looked at him his voice calm but deadly "take it for all I care but I will tell you this if you try you will lose not only me but your daughter as well and if t=you think Rose acted on her own your wrong I gave the all-clear to get the dancer and it proved my instincts were correct as your daughter was in danger as we can see by the number of UNCONCIOUS soldiers and generals laying on the ground. she didn't kill them because she respected that your daughter doesn't like violence" Lo-Wen then walked off carrying Akiza back to her room
Mikael just looked for a moment before he was speaking, "Akiza will never betray me. Not even if I sentenced you as a traitor as well." After that he was gesturing for the guards to continue taking the two of them away.
"Then..... shall I brand you both as traitors now and have you both thrown into the dungeon?" Mikael questioned, although it was rather obvious that he wasn't himself. He would never threaten to do something like that to his child, or to his top General. "Also I have decided.... my daughter's hand in marriage shall go to the advisor."
this had the elder who was with smacking him and hard her own powers flashing stunning everyone in the room "now you listen here young man that advisors no good for your child and you know it, you are going to take a couple of hours and deal with this pent up frustration and then we will all talk" of all the staff she was the only one to get away with this grabbing the king by his ear he dragged him to a room and shoved him in there with Bailey "blow of some steam you have a perfectly good female to do so with" she then slammed the door and locked them both in
Man this was definitely a sight to behold, a shame that Akiza had ended up missing it. Mikael found himself being shoved into the cell with Bailey, although he was speaking something to a few of the other guards. Basically that the woman was a traitor as well, and he was officially renouncing his crown, but it wasn't Akiza he was naming.
Meanwhile, Rose would find herself stumbling and falling when she was shoved into a different cell. A cell that contained one of the experimental soldiers that the king had been trying to make.
his behavior had Bailey laughing "no one is gonna listen to you right now you got hit with a mood and personality altering drug it takes a few hours to wear off" Bailey was sitting on the ground and laughing her head off at the whole thing
Mikael was just smirking before he spoke, "If you say so." Already some of the men were doing as he had said, there were a few that were stupid enough to even try and take Akiza from Lo-Wen.
Lo-Wen reacted as expected and fought back taking all the guards out and claiming that the king wasn't in his right mind so as not to listen to him. Lo-Wen presents his proof in the fact that he had been sprayed with something while in the caves and all the guards who had been with agreed as they had seen it.

Bailey still laughed at him while making sure to get as far as possible so he couldn't touch her
In the end, Mikael was going after her. Eventually she would find herself pinned to the ground by the male. "Obviously you know something about this. " He spoke in a harsh, deadly tone.

Akiza roused a bit and was just blinking. Her head hurt and she was confused on what had happened. But Lo-Wen came back.
Bailey struggled under him in an effort to get free “ so what you shouldn’t have been sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong”

Lo-Wen looked over at her when he heard her move and smiled
Mikael just looked towards her before he spoke, "And perhaps you and your little rebellion should just learn to shut the fuck up and listen."

"Lo-Wen.... When did you get back.... What happened? How did I get here?" Akiza questioned in a soft voice, before she was sitting up in bed.
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