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The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose was just looking for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "I come here to ask for assistance, and in exchange I can provide freedom. Currently the king is away and has summoned his general to his side, which leaves my lady without protection. I ask that you help me keep her safe. If you swear loyalty to her, then the king will not touch you. You wouldn't belong to him anymore."
"the king does not care for those around him if he did your mistress wouldn't need a guard" Bailey knew that he wouldn't let her go she proved too much of a threat to him
Rose looked towards the female for a moment in time before she spoke, "The Princess is a different story completely. She always has been. She is his pride and joy, but evidently things must be bad for him to have summoned his General to his side."
this had Bailey laughing "he went to find the rebellion leader but he never will I am betting that he found their hideout though and possibly got trapped"
Rose looked over before she spoke, "I hope that the rebellion knows that.... should the King be killed, at this current point it would be his advisor that would take over, versus the princess. And if one thought that the king was bad the advisor.... he is far worse."
"I never said he would die he is just gonna be trapped for a while" Bailey had basically just told the female she was either the leader or knew the leader to know that he was trapped
Rose just looked towards her for a moment in time before she was commenting that it seemed useless to come and try to speak to her about the problem at hand.
"say what you wish but your king will never change he made that clear the day he forced us all below ground, give me one good reason why I should protect his spawn" Bailey would agree to help for that one day if she could give her a good reason
Rose looked over before she spoke, "Because Lady Akiza is the one that can turn everything around. She doesn't see the violence that happens, that is always erased from her memories. She is pure, she is innocent. She is the light in the darkness for many. When she becomes queen, everything can be turned around. Nobody has to live underground, not forcibly anyways. If they wish to remain they can, if they don't then they don't have to."
"for now I'll help you but as soon as he guard returns I will be leaving" Bailey knew that some would underestimate her currently because of her eyes but she didn't care
Rose looked towards the woman for a moment before she spoke, "It is obvious that you have ties with the rebellion. After the general returns, I shall personally help you leave. But I ask of one other thing of you. Please.... Make it known to the rebels that Lady Akiza isn't a threat, make it known that she shouldn't be harmed." The fact that Rose was promising to help her escape was definitely her way of showing sincerity, considering it would be a death sentence for Rose when it was discovered.
"no one has ever doubted that she wasn't involved she will no be harmed" Bailey then yanked on her arms rattling the chains knowing full well the guards would come to yell at her
Rose just looked towards her before she spoke, "I am hoping that you will keep to your word." She was however looking behind her as the guards came in, and it seemed like the advisor was there. Damn it.... she had no excuse as to why she was there. Things were going to get terrible, especially when he was asking why she was there with the prisoner. "My lady was concerned about her wellbeing and tasked me with coming down to make sure that she was still alive, and to ensure that she is being properly fed." Rose spoke after a moment in time, her tone of voice calm and collected, her eyes and features not showing fear, but her thoughts were going a million miles per hour.
Bailey smiled when one of the guards made a mistake and had brought plant life into the room using her powers she was able to free herself and get out of the water. Bailey then rung her hair out and looked in the general direction of the female and spoke "lets get going" Bailey then pushed past the men as most of them were terrified to even touch her while she was awake
Rose was just looking towards Bailey before she was inclining her head, and watching the female walk past the men. As Rose was walking past them she was giving a startled gasp when the Advisor was catching her arm. He was telling her that she was going to regret freeing the monster. "The only monster I see here is you, and if that so called monster can protect my lady from the likes of you, then I shall get along with her just fine. Now release me." Rose spoke in a sharp voice before she was snapping her hand away and hurrying after Bailey to show her where they were going.
while they were walking Bailey took the girls arm and summoned the plants and created a delicate design before placing the band on her arm "they will protect you when your not near me"
Rose was a bit startled by Bailey grabbing her arm, but once it was done she was just looking down at the band. It was beautiful actually. She didn't say anything just continued to walk down the hallway until she came to the door that they were entering. She didn't enter right away, instead she knocked to alert Lo-Wen to the fact that they were back. Although it was Nat that seemed to open the door, which had Rose raising an eye. "Aki had a minor panic attack. The General is sitting with her right now." Nat spoke before she was looking at the other woman that was with Rose, before stepping aside so that the pair could enter.
Akiza was currently sitting on Lo-Wen's lap, just curled into his chest, her head resting on his shoulder.
Lo-Wen looked up when he heard the two and then spoke softly to the woman sitting in his lap "Aki I need to leave your father summoned me but there is someone here who will keep you safe while I am gone" Lo-Wens voice was soft so as not to freak the female out
Akiza was just shaking her head and telling him that he wasn't allowed to leave. Her father could summon one of his other generals, he had other generals that could be called.
"Aki I can't go against his order but I will be back and soon the one i called for no one will mess with" Lo-Wen knew she was scared and terrified but he had made sure she was safe
Akiza was just looking up towards him, fear written on her features but she was giving a small nod of her head. Although it was evident that she was exactly enthused about this at all.
"don't be scared" Lo-Wen then smiled at her and settled her in the bed before getting up to head out stopping only long enough to warn Bailey to keep her safe
Akiza was just grabbing up her blanket and holding it to her chest, before she was watching him leave. Soon enough Rose and Nat were coming into the room with another woman. Good thing that Akiza had taken to wearing her veil once again, a normal thing for her unless she was around her handmaidens or the General.
Bailey gave a simple nod of her head before speaking "there is no need for coverings I can't see you at the moment" the light in the room even hurt her eyes at the moment and she was almost tempted to fashion a blindfold over her eyes to keep the light out
"The lady is a worshiper of the goddess of life and purity. The veil is a "barrier" between her true sight and that of violence." Rose was explaining before she was going over and dimming the lights a bit.
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