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The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

"if you wish" Bailey then turned and went and sat in front of the door her eyes closed and she focused in meditation to keep tabs on the advisor
Rose was going over to kneel next to Akiza to find out if she was alright, while Nat was going over towards Bailey, and kneeling down next to her. "What size clothing do you wear? I have to go and do something, I'll bring back some actual clothes for you."
"don't bother with clothes for me this dress is fine" while the dress exposed more then she liked it would work to keep people distracted if need be
"That dress is quite exposing, and torn." Nat was commenting but after that she wasn't going to say more, she would just continue off to get the other stuff she needed.
Nat gave a shrug before she was heading off, not even bothered by narrowly running into the advisor.
Sure enough the advisor was bursting into the room and was blatantly stating that the princess was needed. This wasn't actually a technical lie, she was needed by some of the other generals that were there. Men who just wanted to swear their loyalty to her.
the minute he walked into the room the plants reacted and instantly wrapped around him. this had Bailey getting up and walking over "you know it is rude to enter a ladies chamber without her consent"
The advisor looked at Bailey before he spoke, "And you should still be rotting away within the dungeons. And this conversation is between myself and the useless princess." The only other being that knew that Akiza had no magic of her own, although what he didn't realize is that she had more loyalty from the people than her father.
Bailey walked over and leaned in close "there are those who like you have active powers and then there are those whose gifts slumber till they are needed if I hear you call her useless one more time I will not hesitate to pop you like a grape"
The advisor was just looking towards the woman before he spoke, "You will all end up rueing the consequences." With that he was turning to leave the room, but not before letting out his own burst of magic. Power that was far stronger than what he let on, and magic that had Akiza coughing as though she had been punched in the chest.
Bailey stood still it not even effecting her "so will you" Bailey was more then glad that the shadows recorded everything so they could be played back later if need be
Rose was just rubbing Akiza's back gently and was stating that she would go with her to speak to the generals. This had Akiza shaking her head before she was telling Rose to stay there. She was looking towards Bailey and questioned if the woman would accompany her.
"of course I will I was asked to protect you" Bailey had given her word to keep her safe and that was what she was going to do
"Who exactly are you? Other than one of the dancers. I've seen you many times dancing. Your dances are always beautiful." Akiza was commenting as she headed towards the war room where the generals were gathered.
"I happen to be the only dancer who has a large selection of dances i can use and you can gall me Bailey but other then that I am a nobody" Bailey walked calmly to the room where the generals were
"I am Akiza, but you can call me Aki." Akiza spoke with a bright smile on her lips. Through her tone of voice, it was quite obvious that Akiza wasn't somebody who would bring harm upon another.
"i'll keep that in mind" when they walked in to the room Bailey could sense more then just a few generals in the room and this had her reacting and using the plants to get Akiza up off the ground and out of their reach
Akiza was a bit startled by being suddenly pulled up from the ground, which had her giving a startled shriek. Although the plants weren't rough about it, if anything she was more or less cradled in them it seemed. This had her just letting out a breath before she was looking towards the ground. The generals she knew but there were a few faces that she wasn't familiar with. "W...What is going on?"
"I don't know stay there" Bailey could tell something wasn't right the general who she could tell meant no harm weren't behaving right. it wasnt long before she was being attacked and reacted accordingly
Akiza was just watching although she was a bit startled when Bailey was attacked. And it was the general that had always been dead loyal to Akiza that was attacking first. Perhaps it was because they thought Bailey was a threat? "Stop! Don't attack her. She was tasked by the High General to stay at my side." she spoke after a moment in time.
"they are not gonna listen something isn't right with them" Bailey was doing her best not to harm them but soon she wouldn't have a choice
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