The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

"of course" Luna sent the other guard away and sat with her in her arms just holding her so when she did wake she knew she was safe and not still locked in the cell with Adrian
Rose wasn't out for overly long, thankfully the gas seemed to wear off more quickly. Yet again the nurse had placed a few things in the room that would help as well. Opening her eyes she saw that the room wasn't dark, and she felt arms around her, but they weren't a man's arms. This had her looking and she saw that it was only Luna. Her eyes were tearing up and she was shifting so that she could just wrap her arms around Luna. The pair had grown up together, they had been the best of friends, practically sisters. Even after they had gone their separate ways. Luna had an affinity for swordmanship and went on to become a guard, in specific a guard to Akiza, while Rose had gone on to become a maid, and was eventually being named a handmaiden to the princess.
"its ok Rose I am here and your safe now" Luna hugged her close and just rocked her assuring her that she was safe. while she wanted to say that Adrian liked her she figured now wasn't the time
Rose was just curling into her friend before she was speaking in a soft voice that she wanted to shower. And she was whimpering that it hurt... yet again the first time tended to hurt. Especially if your first time was something that was forced on you.
"the doctor has to look you over first hun and then I can take you to shower ok" Luna was glad the rules where female doctors only examined females
Rose was giving a nod of her head before she was questioning in a soft voice, "Who was that man? I've never seen him before...." She was very startled when the awful advisor seemed to be sweeping into the room which had her pulling up the blanket to hide herself as best she could. Her eyes were full of fright, and this was when it was clearly evident that at that point in time any male had her afraid. "Who said that you were allowed to leave that cell? We should really get you back, he is getting quite upset that you are gone." the Advisor spoke, already magic seeming to float around the pair of them, and Rose felt herself getting sleepy again.
Luna slashed it away with her own powers "his royal majesty the king said she could leave and if you don't believe me I do believe he is on his way to see the head general" hearing that Adrian was upset bode well for Rose as she would be able to get control of him but for not she wasn't going to let her near him just yet
The advisor was just watching them faintly before a few of his own guards were coming into the room, and he was stating for the pair to be arrested. That they were conspiring to kill the royal family. And at that point in time, Mikael wasn't even there to stop them. Rose was giving a whimper when a guard was pulling her away from Luna, and she was just holding up the blanket around herself. Not that she had anything else to cover up with at that current point in time.
Luna stood and drew her own sword being that she guarded the princess her skills were on level with that of Lo-Wen if she wished to use them "release her right now and if you try that stupid shit with my I will not hesitate to end you, you have not right to barge in here and have us arrested. the medical wing is a neutral zone, there is no reason for your guards to even be in here" Luna was right so long as they were in the room they couldn't be arrested
Rose was giving a small gasp when the advisor was actually reaching out and smacking Luna across the face, causing the young guard to fall to the ground. The young maid was quivering a bit although it wasn't long before she was managing to break free from the man holding her and was bolting out of the room. The sheet she was holding more tightly around herself as she moved through the hallways. No she knew the palace like the back of her hand, she knew a few of the places that they wouldn't look for her at. And she also knew that Luna knew the palace like the back of her hand. After all they had gone exploring all around with the princess numerous times.

Akiza was sitting up with a startled gasp, which had one of the generals that had stepped in to check on her inquiring if she was alright. This had her giving a nod before she spoke in a soft voice, "The king approaches."
Lo-Wen looked at her from where he was sitting and then stood and walked over to her "are you certain?" Lo-Wen didn't know if he was in his right mind or not but if he wasn't they would have one hell of a battle on their hands

the moment he struck her Luna had every right to defend herself and she did using her powers she shoved them all back and away from her forcing many to land on their asses. Luna then stood to her full height and pointed her sword at him "you do not command me nor do you rule this kingdom I would get your head out of your ass before the king returns or you may find yourslef losing it"
Akiza was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Positive." She didn't rise from the bed at all, other than the sitting up. She still felt as though that wasn't going to be the most wise of ideas.

Rose simply ran through the halls and was ducking down into a hidden area, just drawing her knees to her chest. Her hands were to her mouth to hide the frightened whimpers that threatened to come out. Push came to shove... she could always retreat down into the dungeons. Not that she wanted to go down there, but if that is what it came down to. There were certain areas in the dungeon that none of the guards dared to venture.
Lo-Wen sighed and then gently touched her head "rest I will see what he wants" Lo-Wen then turned and headed down the main entrance of the house to wait for him. normally he wouldn't have his sword drawn but since he didn't know the kings mental state he wasn't going to take the risk.

while the guards were hunting for Rose so was Adrian as someone hadn't secured his cell. because of the changes he had gone through he was able to find her purley based on smell alone
Akiza was just looking towards him before she was giving a nod, and taking to laying down once again. Not that she had anything better to do at that point in time.

Rose was getting to her feet after she was certain that the guards had left, and was creeping out from hiding. Alright time to backtrack back towards where her rooms were so that she could get some actual clothes. She made her way through the hallway, just keeping a close eye out for any guards. This situation..... it wouldn't have happened if the king hadn't left.
"Found the traitor." somebody spoke which had her looking over her shoulder with a startled gasp, and she was darting off once again, just holding the sheet tightly. Why was this even happening? The damn advisor was pure evil, there was no denying that.
Adrian heard her and smelled her fear which urged him into moving faster. when he found her he tackled her into an empty room and then proceeded to stand guard in front of her making it so no one could get near her if they tried they would die.
Rose was startled when she was all of a sudden being tackled into an empty room, falling rather roughly onto the floor. This had her just looking up for a moment to see who had done that. No. How.... He was suppose to be locked in the dungeon..... She was shaking her head a bit and just crawling backwards away from him, holding the sheet to herself tightly.
Adrian moved close and sniffed her checking to see if any other male had taken what was his before her moved and sat in her lap keeping her form moving away but also effectivly keeping others from getting close to her as well.

Lo-Wen greeted the king when he walked in to the house but waited and watched to see what was going on
Rose was just whimpering and turning away from him, although it wasn't long before she found herself being forced to sit on his lap. Of course she was going to try and get away from him. No she didn't want anything to do with the person that just raped her. "Let me go." she spoke and tried to push away from him.

Mikael was just looking towards Lo-Wen before he spoke, "I'll assume that my daughter is here with you. I wish to see her."
Adrian growled and turned and looked at her "no must protect"

Lo-Wen looked at him "and why should I let you, you threw her handmaiden in to a cell and decided to marry her off to an ass who is only after your title and power"
Rose was just looking at him for a moment before she spoke, "I don't need your protection. You are the one who has hurt me more than they have." There were tears in her eyes once again and she was just hugging the sheet to herself. Considering it had fallen a bit, it revealed some of the bruises that he himself had left on her earlier in the day. And she was trembling, out of fear and out of being cold.

Mikael just looked towards him before he spoke, "I am the king, and you have no right to question my authority." Although he was about to move forward when he spotted his daughter, as she came out with one of the other generals, who was there as support if it was needed. "Your rule, your authority, has been passed onto to your heir, has been passed onto me, when you lost your mind, and lost control of your actions. Until you can prove that you are of sane body and mind again, then your authority will be handed back to you." Akiza spoke after a moment in time, just watching her father from behind her veil. Well this definitely had him getting furious, and the magic pressure was building in the room. The general that was supporting her was just shifting her a bit behind him, blocking the magic that was radiating from the furious king.
Lo-Wen shifted his sword and picked it up pointing it at him "this alone tells me you have not returned to your sense since you would never unleash your powers on your daughter or in my home" Lo-Wen was more than furious and his own powers were surfacing. because of this Lo-Wens wings came out and stretched out creating a barrier.

Adrian saw the buirses and whines if she added ears and a tail he would look and behave more like a puppy with uncontrolled urges. Adrian then nuzzled her neck and continued to whine
Rose was just pushing him away from her before she was managing to wiggle away, and was getting to her feet, just moving away from him more. Or at least as much as she could, before her back was hitting the wall. Soon enough the door was flying open and sure enough there was the advisor standing there with a few of his soldiers. There was a wicked grin on his lips.

Mikael just looked towards him before he was speaking in a rather harsh voice, "Akiza, I suggest that you begin listening to my commands. Or it will be that handmaiden of yours that will feel my wrath. I do hope that she had a pleasant time with Adrian." This had her giving a startled gasp, but the general didn't allow her to move past him.
Adrian wiped around and growled at them. Adrian was between the advisor and her and if they tried to get close they would have a fight on their hands

Lo-Wen looked at him "I was right you are not in your right mind or you wouldn't be doing this to your daughter now you can leave my home willingly or I can toss you out the choice is your"
"Rose. You have conspired with others to murder the royal family. What do you have to say for yourself?" the advisor spoke, which had her exclaiming that she would never do that. Although she found that no words came out, in fact she felt like she was being suffocated. If one did look, they would see almost black markings in the shape of fingers seeming to form around her neck.

Akiza was just watching and soon enough the general that had been with her, was gently leading her away. This way if things did get violent, she wasn't exposed to that.
Adrian growled and then charged forward slamming into the advisor as he could tell that something was happening to her and he didn't like it at all
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