The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

The moment that the advisor was being tackled, the magic that was holding Rose was disappearing. This had her collapsing onto the ground, coughing.
The advisor was just waving his hand before he was telling his men to back off for the time being. There was a slight smirk on his lips as he walked away. Rose was just pushing herself up onto her elbows and watched them leave.
Adrian stood and looked at him growling the whole time as if daring him to try and come back in there.

Lo-Wen watched him and wondered if he was just fucking with them or not
Well the advisor did in fact leave, which was most definitely a good thing. Although the man probably had something else in mind.

Mikael just looked before he spoke, "I deem all of you within this home as traitors. You shall be executed on sight, and stripped of your titles and authority." Well he could do that to the generals anyways, but he couldn't do that to his child at all. Besides, most of the people would end up following her in general.
"and this is why we locked you up" Lo-Wen sighed and then growled a little at his words

Adrian moved and then laid down on the ground
Mikael was just turning around before he just seemed to be vanishing away.

Rose just quivered a bit but she didn't move, just curled up more in the blanket. She was terrified, in pain, and it was very cold in that room.
Adrian rested for a while before he walked over and curled up around her.

Lo-Wen then watched him leave and then put wards up around his home
Akiza just watched for a moment in time from where she was at before she questioned, "Father... what has happened to you?"

In the end, the pair would find that they weren't going to be able to get out of the room as easily. Not with the door being guarded, waiting for them to come out. And they had been asshole enough to lower the temperature in the room. Perhaps it wouldn't affect Adrian at all, but it definitely would Rose, considering her health was already rocky. So it was no surprise that she was shivering, and beginning to cough a bit.
Adrian whined and shuffled her in to the corner and then got as close as he could to try and give her warmth.

the elder was waiting for him when he returned and then looked at him lightly "so you didn't apologize like you had planned did you?"
Mikael was just looking towards her before he spoke, "They decided to go against my orders." With that he was just continuing off and was soon coming upon his advisor.

Rose just felt herself being moved, which had her giving a slight gasp.
Mikael just looked over before he was turning and walking off, not wanting to speak to her anymore at that point in time.

Rose was awake and moving away from him, pushing herself up to her feet. They couldn't just stay there. This had her going over to one of the shelves that was there and grabbing ahold of it, to try and push it forward.
"Passage behind shelf." Rose spoke although was giving a slight hiss when her hand slipped and she was falling into the shelf. Damn it. This entire situation.... was irritating. She merely sat there with her head resting against the shelf.
Adrian stood up and then walked over to where she was and after picking her up and moving her out of the way he started tugging on bugs and the shelves in the same area till the passage opened
Rose was just watching for a moment in time before she was getting to her feet once again. Time to get the hell out of that place. This tunnel would lead them into the barracks actually. She was just hoping that there was an ally there versus an enemy.
Rose made her way through the tunnel, her hand running along the wall. She was pausing for a moment though to lean against the wall.
Rose was stumbling slightly when he was doing that but continued on her way. Soon enough they were reaching the other door and were pushing it open, and the barracks were shown.
Rose was just looking around for a moment before she was going over to one of the chests that was there, and pushing it open, digging through it. No the male whose stuff she was digging through wouldn't care. After all it was her own brother whose clothes she was snagging at that point in time.
Adrian watched her closely and if she tried to rin she would find that she was getting pounced on as he had no intention of letting her escape him
Rose was changing into the clothes, at that point in time not really caring if the male saw her. It wouldn't be the first time, and she highly doubted that it would be the last time. This did reveal the other bruises that she had, ones that were inflicted by him personally.
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