The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose was just looking down at the ground but she didn't say anything. No she knew that she couldn't be timid, and it wasn't so much she was timid at that point in time. More afraid. She could stand face to face with the advisor most days and not bat an eye, but now... she just felt broken.
Rose was just shaking her head before she spoke, "It is nothing.... I just..... That was the first time that I had ever been with a man....." She had never touched a man before, nonetheless let them touch her in such a manner. Hell she had never even dated anybody.
"ahhh he took what should have been special and left you feeling broken right" Marcus knelt in front of her "go-to him he should be waking up tell him he will be following some new rules if he wishes to be out of that room, I suggest doing at my wife did show him what he will be missing if he doesn't follow them give him something to work for"
Rose was just looking up at him before she was giving a small nod. Perhaps she could try that, maybe. Rules.... no she could put down rules. That she could do.
Rose was nodding before she was letting out a breath of air, then she was getting to her feet to go off to the room that Adrian was in. She was a bit surprised when Akiza was walking up beside her and gently taking her hand.
Eventually Rose was letting out a breath before she was entering the room that Adrian was in, Akiza following after her into the room.
Adrian spotted Akiza and growled showing her his teeth. Adrian didn't know the female but he also didn't like the smell coming off of her
Rose was just looking towards him for a moment before she spoke, "I've decided to lay down some rules, if you follow these rules, then I'll allow you to sleep with me. If you break them, then you lose that chance, and the counter is reset." With that she was just looking towards Akiza, who was merely studying Adrian for a moment in time. Yet it wasn't long before Akiza found herself getting distracted and gazing off out the window.
Rose looked at him before she spoke, "First off, you stop growling at my Lady. She has done nothing wrong to you." "He probably smells my father on me." Akiza was commenting and Rose was just scoffing and stating that it wasn't as though the princess was anything like that man. After that Rose was stating a few other rules. Hand holding was alright, hugs were alright. But beyond that he had to listen to rules.
Rose just looked towards him before she was speaking, "I am not some object for you to use when you please. If you try and force me, then that is breaking a rule. For starters, go and take a shower." She was however looking towards Akiza, who was just studying the male for a moment in time.
Adrian huffed but went to do as she told since he wanted to feel her under him again and figured this would be the only way to do it
Akiza was just watching for a moment in time before she leaving the room with Rose. "Take a breath." Akiza spoke and breathed with the other female, who seemed to be having a minor panic attack.
Adrian growled as he tried to figure out how to get the damn shower on and when he couldn't he walked out and whined a little looking at the stall with sad eyes.
Rose was going over to help him get the shower turned on, and was helping get the temperature adjusted so that he didn't get burned.
Hugging her was alright by her, at that point in time anyways. "Take your shower. I'll come back and check on you in a little bit." she spoke after a moment in time. She was wanting to go and shower herself.
Adrian nodded his head and then stepped under the water and sighed as it eased some of the pain. before she could leave Adrian reached out and caught her hand and asked "join?, I no touch"
Rose hesitated for a moment in time before she was in the end giving a nod. No there had to be trust between the pair of them, and it had to be built up slowly. "The only touching that is permitted right now is hand holding and hugging." she spoke after a moment in time before she was taking to pulling off her clothes.
Adrian nodded his head and waited for her to join him. he was trying to prove that he could be trusted and that she didn't have to fear him
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