The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

after a bit of work Adrian got some soap on to a washcloth and carefully started to wash her starting with her back and arms so that he didn't freak her out too much
Rose was a bit startled by his action but she didn't push away or anything, just allowed him to do that. "Perhaps.... there is more humanity there than what others know...." she spoke in a soft voice.
Adrian carefully washed her but when it came to between her legs he stopped and handed her the cloth not wanting to push his luck as she hadn't gotten mad at him.
Rose had been half expecting him to continue but it seemed like he had stopped, which had her turning around to face him fully. "How long had you been being experimented on?" It looked like he didn't have as many injuries like some of the others had.
Adrian looked at her and shrugged "don't remember" Adrian still held the cloth out to her "didn't want to go too far" with that he was referring to washing her so she knew why he had stopped
Rose was just looking towards him for a moment before she was taking the rag from him so that she could continue to wash herself.
Rose was just looking towards him before she spoke, "You wet your hair so that you can rub soap into it and wash it." With that she was grabbing some of the shampoo and lathering it into her hair.
Adrian watched her and while he got his hair a little wet the dirt washed out of the spots that had gotten welt leaving patches of blond under all the dirt exsposed
Rose was just watching him for a moment before she was telling him to sit down on the little seat that was in the shower. After he was sitting down she was getting his hair wet before lathering in some shampoo, washing the dirt out.
Rose just continued to wash her hair and was soon enough drawing him up and under the water, rinsing out the soap and dirt.
Rose just looked towards him before she spoke, "I may be upset about what happened but.... You are in need of help in general. And if I can help you regain your humanity, then that is something that I will try to do."
"It seems your humanity is there more than one knows." Rose was commenting before she was rinsing the shampoo out of her own hair, although she was distracted and just looking off into the distance. There was a sudden but small gasp of pain that came from her, as though she had been injured. Although that wasn't the case, the one that had been injured had been her brother.
Rose was just slipping on the water and was falling into him, but at that point in time she didn't seem bothered by it. The pain had been brief but sharp which had her just whispering, "Cayden....Please be safe...."
Adrian looked her her "wrong?" he could tell something was bothering her and wanted to know what

on his way back to his office the king was being given updates about his female prisoner as well as a few other things by the elder as she had been the one to gather the information. "we were able to find a way to suppress her powers and she is currently locked in your chambers while being tied to your bed for you to do as you please with my king and if you do not wish for her simply let one of the guards outside your door know and they will take her to her room" the elder had had her bathers and scrub so that she was clean. when they reached his office the elder left him to head home for the night. inside the king would find Lo-Wen's invitation but also Luna who had taken to hiding in there form the advisor
"I don't know. Just pain from my brother." Rose spoke before she was straightening up again.

Mikael was giving a nod before he was heading off towards his chambers.
Adrian wrapped his arms around her before she could get far and mutters a simple please and if she looked she would see that he was aroused and wanted her.

Bailey stared at the shackles that kept her chained to the males bed as she tried to figure out how to get lose
Rose was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "If I say to stop, then you stop. My commands, you will listen to." If he agreed to that then she would allow him to have her.

Mikael was walking into his room and was just studying the woman that was chained to his bed. "Now this is a view that I shall continue to see more often." After that he found himself turning towards the paper that was on the dresser, which had him grabbing it.
Adrian nodded his head and then stood up so that he could get out of the shower as well. once they had both dried off Adrian scooped her up and carried her ot the bed in the room but instead of dropping or tossing her on to it like last time he gently set her down on it.

Bailey glared at him more then a little pissed off at the moment
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