The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose just turned towards him and before he realized it, her hand was coming into contact with his face in a hard slap. Tears were falling down her cheeks before she spoke, "Just stay the hell away from me."
Adrian growled and did as he had the advisor and tackled her and while he had take her down he did not make a move to grab at the clothing she had placed on her body "mine" Adrians eyes glowed and she would find that he had no intentions of leaving while he respected her need for clothing she would not be getting rid of him
"I do not belong to you. I don't belong to anybody at all. I am not some toy that you can play with whenever you feel like it! You have no sense of what is right or wrong! You've already forced me against my will! Now let go of me!" Rose spoke although instead of fear she was seething in anger at that point in time, her eyes holding pure anger in them at that point in time.
Adrian didn't care bit by bit his human mind was slipping away, the doctors figured in a matter of a few weeks he would be nothing but animal and like the experiments before him, he would be put down as a safety risk. needing to keep her safe and away from others Adrian grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder before heading off. what was left of his mind remembered where the Grand general lived and that was where he was headed
Rose was giving a shriek when he was tossing her over his shoulder, which had her trying to get away from him. "Let go." she whimpered but it was a futile struggle.
"no" Adrian walked all the way to the manor and when he went inside he was stunned to see the grand general but that lasted all of a couple seconds as Lo-Wen was knocking him out and taking Rose form him
Rose was just kicking at him, wanting to just get away. Although it wasn't long before she found herself in Lo-Wen's arms, and Adrian was collapsing to the ground. Her eyes were tearing up and soon enough the man would find that his shirt was wet with her tears.
"its ok Rose your safe now" Lo-Wen had Adrian taken to one of the room while he headed to the living room one to comfort her and two so he could talk to her in private
Rose was giving a nod before she spoke, "I'm so glad to see that you guys are all safe." And since Lo-Wen was safe, that meant that the princess was safe as well.
"we are now I know this will be hard but I need you to tell me everything that happened" Lo-Wen needed to know if Adrian had spoken to her if so there was a chance he could be saved and she would be the one to do it
Rose was just wrapping her arms around herself when he was wanting to know everything that happened. She quivered slightly but she was telling him everything that had happened. Everything that had happened with the advisor, with Adrian. The fact that he had evidently claimed her as his own.
Lo-Wen shook his head and then spoke softly "I know you don't want to hear this but the human side of Adrian is rather sweet and attentive if he was in full control that never would have happened, but because he is talking to you I think with your help we can get that man back but you would have to be willing to risk him wanting you to have sex with him again and possibly quite a lot of it" Lo-Wen then explained that if she was willing they could start with commands and instructions given by her for him to follow rules that applied during the day in exchange for having sex at night but he also stated that if Adrian broke a rule he got nothing this would give her more control over when it happened
Rose just quivered a bit at his suggestion and was just drawing her knees up to her chest, and putting her hands over her ears. No she didn't want to hear this at all, although it wasn't long before she was straightening out and stood up. "I am not some toy that can just be played with!" she spoke before she was actually turning and running, leaving the mansion itself. No she didn't want to be there, she didn't want to be around them. Although she was shocked when somebody was coming up behind her and wrapping arms around her. It seemed like it was only Akiza, the female had bolted out of the mansion after she had seen Rose take off.
Lo-Wen joined then wrapping his wings around them both before using his powers to keep Akiza from hearing what he said "I am not saying you are Rose I am asking for your help to save a good man given how his mind is right now he will break more rules than follow them so it will be some time before you have to worry about sleeping with him and by then I am hoping his human side has surfaced enough that he won't desire it" Lo-Wen then explained it had worked for one of the generals who had gone through the same process as Adrian and he and his now-wife were happy. Lo-Wen then released his power and scooped them both up and carried them back to the manor and to the room, Akiza was staying in so they could rest "if you have questions about what I have said Rose just ask General Marcus he will be happy to explain"
Rose just listened to him but she was completely against the idea, at least until he had mentioned General Marcus. Perhaps she should get more information from somebody who knew first. She was however just giving Akiza a hug and was commenting that she was so glad to know she was safe.
Lo-Wen then left the two ladies so that they could catch up while making sure Adrian was secure and couldn't get free when he did eventually wake up. seeing Rose out of her cell meant that she had been released so he decided to send a letter to the king inviting him to breakfast but only if he followed certain rules if he agreed they would expect him for breakfast
Eventually Rose did end up seeking out Marcus so that she could speak to him about the situation at hand, wanting to know more information from him. She found him outside sparring with some of the others which had her speaking softly, "Umm... General Marcus... Could I.... speak to you about something."
Marcus looked over at her and nodded his head of course he then dismissed them so the two could talk in private at least that was the plan till his wife showed up "sorry rose this is my wife Melody I hope you don't mind her being here when we talk"
Rose was just nodding her head and soon enough they were heading off somewhere private so that they could talk. It didn't bother her at all that Melody had shown up, although she wasn't quite sure how to start the conversation. She was biting her lips slightly before she was hesitantly explaining what had happened, before she was stating the suggestion that Lo-Wen had made. After that she was speaking softly "I.... T....The grand general said that.... umm.... may be able to g...give more ins....insight."
Melody looked at her husband who nodded at her and then she spoke "sit down child and while I won't brush off that you had it bad I can honestly say I had it worse you were locked away for a few hours with him I was locked in with Marcus for over two weeks and during that time he raped me over and over and over every day by the time I was rescued I was in a state of shock after I recovered work got to me that he was going crazy so I spoke with Lo-Wen and we came up with rules and rewards if he wanted to touch me he had to go a day without breaking any rules and the most he could do was take my hand if he wanted to do something like hugging me it had to be three days with no broken rules the longest he had to go without breaking a rule was two weeks and if he did that I allowed him to sleep with me and we would have sex but the next day the clock started all over again. now those are just some examples I have the list still if you would like to see it. if your wanting to help him you need to be willing to fall in love because I can say by the time he was healed I didn't know what to do without him in my life, hell the first time after all that had happened that we had sex was six months later but I also did something that you may not want to do, I agreed to have sex with him one time before the rules went in to place but he had to do as I said which was be gentle and kind while we did it. the next morning I told him if he wanted it again he had to follow my rules or he wasn't even allowed to touch me" Melody then dug through her bag and then pulled out the list of rules and showed it to her.
Rose was just looking down at the ground when she heard what Melody had to say, suddenly feeling terrible. She had felt as though she had been complaining about it, especially after hearing what Melody had to say. "I...…" Rose started although just fell silent, not wanting to say anything else at all. No she just listened to what she had to say. After a moment in time she was cautiously reaching her hand out to take the list of rules and look over them.
Melody touched her arm lightly "from what I understand Adrian is the more violent of them but he hasn't lost all communication yet so I am betting you were injured a bit, don't feel bad for complaining or being scared you were hurt and had no clue what was going on Rose but I am betting if you gave him a chance and worked with him you would find love with him and he would get better and do his best to erase your fears"
Rose was giving a nod of her head before she questioned, "As I am helping him.... C...Can I come for advice if it is needed?"
"of course you can come to me or Marcus any time but my dear you need to know that being timid will not help you in this you need to be firm and strong" Melody then stood and kissed her head lightly like she would a daughter
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