The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose just hummed softly before she was drawing Aaron with her, leave the two to talk. More like Akiza wanted to show Lo-wen what she had been working on lately. Already one of the other generals, who took to training with her, was going to assist. "I have something to show you."
Akiza was just looking towards Lo-wen before she was leading him off towards the training room. It was actually Markus that seemed to be assisting her with everything at that point in time. "I wanted to show you what I've been working on." she spoke in a soft voice.
Akiza just looked at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a gentle smile before she was looking towards Markus, who was giving a nod of his head. Soon enough he was grabbing out one of the practicing sparring swords.
The art of ribbon dancing truly wasn't an easy thing to learn, one had to have quite a bit of stamina to pull it off perfectly. Not to mention she had been learning how to use a ribbon in a defensive manner. The art of using it to strike hard enough to cause injury, but not to kill. Hell she had even managed to snag away the weapons of those that she had been training with.
Markus was one of those generals, much like Lo-Wen who never seemed to struggle with keeping up with an enemy. Also seeming to know what move that they were going to make before they made it. But right now, it was obvious that he was struggling to keep up with Akiza.
Well she had been keeping him on his toes for a bit, but then there was that accidental misstep, which had her almost getting hit by the sparring sword. Thankfully Markus was able to react quick enough to avoid either of them getting hurt.
"Let's call it quits for the day. You aren't use to all of this work. Get some rest." Markus spoke in a gentle voice, not wanting to state how long she had been training that day. Only a couple of hours, but for somebody who had never done anything like that before... That was a major strain on the body.
Akiza was just looking over before she was giving a nod of her head. Man her whole body was sore, and her legs felt like jello.
Akiza was just wrapping an arm around his neck gently. After that she was giving a slight gasp when she remembered something she had wanted to talk to the elder woman about. Something in her fathers will about when she became queen before the time was right, whatever that meant. That she had to be married and produce an heir within the first year of being queen.
"Oh umm.... I had been looking at the stuff my father had written. A will for if I became queen before the time was right. And it w as staring that within a year of becoming queen I had to get married... And produce an heir." Akiza spoke before she was stammering that she wouldnt mind having a baby with him... But she was ready for that so soon.
“We can look in to it I doubt there is but we can look” Lo-Wen knew her father had wanted to protect her with his will but at the same time he didn’t know if there was a loop hole
Akiza was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she spoke in a soft voice, "But I suppose..... Would you ever want to have a baby with me...."
Lo-Wens eyes glowed for a second before he smiled “of course I would but I would like it to be on our rearms and not your fathers”
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