The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

And elder woman came out of no where and slapped the males “ all of you shut up this instant this is your queen and your will respect her and keep you bullshit opinions to yourself”. This woman was the elder and she quoted the rules based on their personalities as it was easier then fighting them
Akiza was just looking over for a moment before she was giving a small curtsy to the elder. She figured that it was more respectful to show the woman some respect.
The woman in turn bowed back hers being deeper and more respectful “if her Majesty has the time I would like her opinion in a few things that have come across my desk”
Akiza was a bit startled by that and was just pointing at herself almost a bit confused. Oh wait.... she was the queen now. But, there were times where she didn't feel like she was fit to be queen. The words of others when it came to that was definitely getting to her. "Yes of course." Akiza was speaking after a moment in time.
Akiza was just following after the room and soon enough they were in the office, and she was just looking at the papers. Although the young woman didn't make much of a move to sign them or anything. Glance at them, that was about it. "You have been here for long.... you think that I am fit to even be queen.... I know I am inexperienced but.... I was never shown any of this...." she spoke in a soft voice.
“Your are fit you care for your people and you give them hope if you have questions ask I will always help you” the woman smiled at her lightly
Akiza was giving a small smile before she was speaking, "You have more faith in me than what the rest of the council does, which I am thankful for." With that she was looking over the few papers that were there, but she was asking what they were about. Sure it was right there in writing, but she was wanting to know if there was more to them or not.
Akiza was just nibbling on her lip for a moment in time before she spoke, "I..... I wish to speak to my husband and get his opinion on this matter as well." No Lo-wen could give her some insight into this as well. And if anything, she would see if Bailey had anything to say.
“Of course you’re majesty I would never ask you to sign something if you want another opinion” The woman tucked her hair behind her ear and revealed that she was at least part elf
"your majesty?" the elder looked at her and then frowned before moving and closing her office door "is there something bothering you?"
Akiza was just giving a small sigh before she spoke in a soft voice, "I put on a mask when I hear what people say about me. How I'm an demon pretending to be an angel. That I'm just like my father, but my true intentions are hidden away. That eventually I'm going to end up turning on everybody, and turning into....a monster. But..... it hurts to hear all of that because..... it isn't true. And I.... I don't know how to prove that I am nothing like that. I don't know how to prove that..... I am the innocent one that many others believe me to be."
"you don't you own no one here but yourself anything my queen if they don't like it they can leave to say that shit to your fiance and watch as he rakes them over the coals" the elder chuckled a little at the thought of those men getting chewed out by Lo-Wen
Akiza was giving a nod of her head. No she could rely on Lo-wen to assist with stuff as well. Yet at the same time she didn't want to be as much of a burden on him. Things seemed to be a bit different now that her magic had awakened. "I have to ask.... When you learned I had magic... You didn't seem shocked at all. You didn't seem shocked that it had decided now to wake up all of a sudden either. Did you know? "
"I suspected being half elf i can sense when someone has magic and from the day you were born till now I knew and I told your father this. until he changed, he accepted my words and assurances that when you needed it most that your magic would awaken but then something darkened him and he changed and not for the better" the elder moved to sit as he old body couldn't stand as long anymore
"He started changing when that advisor came around. That demon. Is that one of the reasons I wasn't allowed to ever leave the grounds of the palace? " Akiza questioned, not even bothered that the wan was taking to sitting down.
“It’s was before he fully fell your father didn’t trust the male but something changed and then when the elf arrived they started changing again”. With a smile Luisa motioned first her to sit as well “please feel free to relax”
Akiza was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Thank you for the offer to sit, but I am alright for right now. I have found myself a bit wound up, and unable to sit still." With that she was brushing some of her hair out of her face before she spoke, "I..... My gift is that of time manipulation. I know it is possible but I wonder.... I want t..... I want to learn what happened to my father, what had him change. Do you think that it would be possible?"
“It would be but you would have to go with someone who is bound to him in the present I order to safely return” Lucia wouldn’t try to stop her because she knew it would be pointless
Akiza was just looking towards Lucia but she didn't say anything more regarding that. After that she was turning her attention back towards the papers that the elderly woman had wanted her to look at. "Would you advise me to sign these?" she questioned.
"my lady I would rather gouge out my eyes then have you sign those wretched things" Lucia looked over when one of the guards stopped by with more papers which had the female sighing
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