The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Bailey stood and wabbled which had one of the doctors cursing up a storm and walked over to help "once he awakens I'll make his majesty tend to her your majesty"
Akiza was looking towards the doctor for a moment before she spoke, "There is no need to address the former king with such formality."
Bailey muttered “ be nice too tired to deal with a cranky Aki” Bailey leaned against her and both females would be able to see that they were losing time and soon she would be out for sometime
Akiza was just chuckling for a moment in time before she was supporting Bailey, stating that they needed to get Bailey to the bedchambers that had been prepared for her.
"yes ma'am so we need to make sure there are plants around?" the maid wanted to be sure since the last time she had spent her recovery in the garden rather then a room
one of the gurads looked at her "pardon me your majesty and please don't take this the wrong way but why do you help this commoner"
Akiza looked towards him before she spoke "Because she has helped me. When that advisor was still here....he..... In truth he was a demon.... And.... " No she found that she couldn't finish what she was saying, finding that she was actually quivering a bit. The other guard knew what had happened and he was actually taking over on what had happened. Who knew how Akiza would be if she were still tainted by that darkness. Would she have become like her father?
"I am guessing she was able to remove the darkness from you my queen" the guard understood now and he was more then willing to protect the one who had saved her
Akiza just continued along with them and soon enough they had arrived at the room that Bailey was going to be using. Filled with plants and there was little light in the room. Hopefully this would help Bailey, unless Akiza had made a mistake in thinking that it was plants and darkness that would help the woman recover.
Akiza watched for a moment in time before she was looking towards the shadows that seemed to encircle the woman as well. "When she awakens, please let me know." she whispered. No she already knew that the shadows, and even the plants, would essentially understand her words.
One of the shadows shifted and took the form of a human and the borrowed Baileys voice “we will do that miss thank you for understanding her needs the best and be warned by saving him she has inadvertently bonded to your father and she will always be drawn to him to save him even if it costs her life”
Akiza was just looking towards the shadows although there was a bit of a sad look at the mention of how she would always be drawn to saving her father, even at the cost of her own life. This had her shaking her head a bit before she was clutching the hem of her dress and speaking in a soft voice that that wasn't what she wanted. No. Perhaps.... maybe she could do something about it. Now that she knew she had powers. Maybe she could use those to help.
Akiza was just looking towards the shadow although she was nibbling on her lip slightly. No she was wary of speaking to the elder, actually she was wary of speaking to many people that her father had once associated with. Sadly there were many that didn't trust her at all, many believed that she was going to turn into her father. That she was just pretending to be innocent and kind. Actually walking out of the room with the guards and she was about running into those that saw her as just a replica of her father, hiding behind the appearance of an angel.
The guards who were with her tensed but they made no move towards the others unless they moved towards her or attempted to harm her
Akiza just continued on her way, ignoring there words. Or making it seem like she wasn't bothered by them, although the truth of the matter was she was slightly bothered by them. Especially when she was especially implied to be a demon in disguise. "Believe what you wish but.... my hands are not stained by blood whatsoever. If that makes me a demon then.... I suppose I am a very unorthodox demon. Because.... what kind of demon strays away from bloodshed." she spoke as she looked towards them through the veil that she was wearing.
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