The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

The coronation was something that went by rather quickly, although the oath was the biggest thing. Her promise to her people. That she was going to be a benevolent queen, that she would be a queen that the people wouldn't need to fear. She was looking towards the new voice, and saw that it was coming from where the rebels were at. Perhaps they would accept the new rule. Although there was tenseness as the doors flew open and Mikael seemed to be walking into the throne room, and straight up towards where Akiza was at.
Bailey vanished from where she was and out of the shadows near her she moved and stood in front of her preventing the king from getting close to her "come no further"
Mikael just looked towards Bailey before he spoke, "Step aside, this is between my daughter and I. This is between the true ruler of this kingdom, and the child that attempts to be ruler." Already one could feel his magic, which had Akiza wanting to shy away but she couldn't do that. Over the last few weeks she had gotten control over her newlyfounded abilities, thanks to everybody. She was just waving a hand and Mikael seemed to freeze. "Guards, kindly escort him out of the room. He shall be dealt with today. I do have some news to announce." With that she was gesturing over towards Adrian before she spoke, "At the recommendation of the other generals, I wish to announce that hence forth, Sir Adrian is a general, taking over for Lord Ivan." Rose was smiling and clapping before she was walking up next to the pair when Akiza was stating her name, and how she was officially named as Akiza's personal handmaiden and guardian." Although it wasn't going to be Akiza announcing the engagement, no that was up to Lo-Wen.
Bailey bowed and then walked off heading after the guards after mentioning him needing another clensing. Bailey had slept for two weeks after the first one and it seemed like she would be sleeping for some time after this one as well.
Akiza just watched as she headed off before she was leaning towards Adrian and questioning in a soft voice, "So are you going to end up proposing to her or not?" At first these two had been a bit at odds with each other, but slowly they had gotten use to one another. She looked up to him like he was an older brother if anything.
Akiza was just giving a faint smile and then it wasn't long before Lo-Wen was walking up and taking her hand. A number of people were cheering for them, and a few of them were even calling out that they had so called it happening at some point.
Lo-Wen chuckled and then smiled at her before letting everyone know that they could go and enjoy the festival. Lo-Wen then guided Aki back in to the main part of the castle "Bailey has headed to do another cleansing of your father"
"Yes I know." Akiza spoke after a moment in time before she was letting out a small breath of air.
"Aki is her new room ready so once she is done she can safely slumber?" Lo-Wen hadn't gotten involved with the project so he didn't know if it was done or not
Akiza was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Yes it is. And I've already given the guards that stay with her orders to take her there when she is done." Guards that had been handpicked by Lo-Wen, so she knew they were loyal.
"I am glad already you are showing that you are a caring queen my love" Lo-Wen then wrapped an arm around her and smiled at her

once they were to the room that the king was being kept in Baliey moved to him but this time instead of just touching him she had to kiss him and drew even more darkness out of him
Akiza just looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "I've always been caring." With that she was telling him about her current project that she was working on. After that she was leading him over to the window and pointing into the distance. Off towards the ruins of the former city that her father had destroyed after deciding to "banish" everybody below ground. The city she was fixing up so that the people had a place to live.
Akiza just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I do need help." She was giving a faint sigh before she was commenting that she wasn't sure if she were truly prepared to be queen or not.
"you are and you have a good council to guide you" Lo-Wen had seen to it that all old council members had been removed and new ones put in place
Akiza was just looking towards him before she spoke, "I know. And they do an amazing job helping with everything." She didn't have everything piled on her shoulders like she would have with the old council.
Akiza just walked with him, humming softly before she was eventually commenting in a rather innocent voice that she wanted to have a child with him.
"not everyone agrees with someone having a child or becoming pregnant with a child before marriage and they may try to claim that the child is a bastard when it comes time for it to take the throne
Lo-Wen smiled and walked with her as they went to check on her father "do you want up to place him in a room or a cell to recover?"
Akiza just frowned for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Lets get him put in a cell."
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