The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

"I would have to agree with you there you have dirt and grass caught in your hair from laying on the ground" Adrian wasn't saying she smelled but she was a little dirty
Rose just looked towards him before she spoke, "And with how sweaty I feel, I also feel like I haven't showered in a week."
Rose was giving a nod of her head before she was standing up, and following after him. However she did pause for a moment before she was stating that she was wanting to go and find Bailey, there was something that she wanted to talk to the woman about.
"I belive she is slumbering wood elfs need to rest after large out puts of power" Adrian smiled a little and then metioned that that was what he had read
Rose was giving a nod before she spoke, "I just wish to know.... what the rebellion is going to do now. Mikael is no longer king. Do I need to be fearful that the rebels will try to harm Akiza?"
"they shouldn't if she can show she is a better ruler then he is then they will welcome her with open arms but I think there is something wrong with the king" Adrian walked with her so that they could get to their room
Rose just looked over before she spoke, "I could have told you that. Aki is his pride and joy, his gem that he wanted to protect. He kept her away from violence, and shielded from the outside world. But the moment that he lashed out at her, this is when everybody knew."
"its been going on longer then that but I think Bailey did somethign to him I could feel it and I worry that they are bound" Adrian discribed the book he had hread so she would know where he got the information
Rose just listened for a moment before she was commenting that things were getting to be more complicated than what she really wanted to deal with.
Rose was giving a nod and soon enough they were walking into their room, she was just brushing some of her hair out of her face.

(Want to time skip to something? Perhaps a few weeks later? Things are getting better, Mikael is slowly regaining his sanity?)
A few weeks had gone by, and things had seemed to get far better than what they had been.
Today was a bit day for the kingdom, and for those that once lived underground. Akiza was officially being named as queen, and there were rumors floating around that it was going to be publicly announced that Lo-Wen and herself were engaged. Currently she was sitting in her bedchambers with that of Rose and Bailey, just twirling her hair a bit. "Bailey.... are you sure that the rebels will accept me?" she questioned, probably not a question that Bailey was quite unuse to at that point in time. Akiza had asked it numerous times in the last week, after the pair had started to talk and came to terms with everything. Honestly now the three ladies just seemed like they had been friends forever.
"Aki. Settle. Everything will be fine. Even if something happens, the generals will protect you. Lo-Wen will be at your side. Bailey and I will assist as we can. Adrian will be with you when you go up for the crowning, since Lo-Wen cannot be at your side." Rose was commenting after a moment in time.
Bailey chuckled from where she was doing Aki's hair weaving bits of flowering vine into it as she went along "you know you will be safe and sound and they will accept you" Bailey knew they still didn't know she was the leader and if she had her way they never would either. Bailey then smiled at her once she finished and then moved to where she could see her "now quit playing with your hair and relax"
"I'm sorry, I'm nervous. I just feel like....... the people will think that I am just like my father. And I'm not...." Akiza spoke in a soft voice, which had Rose chuckling and she was commenting that she wasn't anywhere close to her father. The only thing that she shared with her father was her natural leadership skills. But otherwise she was kind, compassionate, and intelligent.
"no one doubts you or thinks that you are lettign them out of the mines and agreed that only criminals will be going below ground to work the mines and then they are under the watch or those who are loyal to you and Lo-Wen" Bailey smiled and then looked over when there was a knock on the door letting them know it was time
Akiza was giving a nod of her head before she was rising up to her feet, allowing Rose to help her with the veil. "Are you sure that Adrian is willing to stay at my side?" she questioned Rose, who was commenting that the male had offered to do that. After all Akiza had helped him regain his sanity, and now himself and Rose were happy.
Akiza was giving a nod of her head before she was gliding out of the room. Off to the throne room she went. From there she would walk up to the throne with Adrian at her side, and she would be getting presented with her crown. This is also when she would be shedding a small amount of her blood to make a blood oath. An oath that all rulers made, although every rulers oath was different. She wished to be a benevolent ruler that her people cherished instead of feared.
Bailey walked over with them and then vanished in to the shadows and reappeared with those from the mines diguised from head to toe even her voice had taken on a male quality. from there she would make sure that all knew the rebellion approved of her
Akiza was just gliding into the throne room after a moment in time, and was smiling towards those that were around. She was even looking over towards the rebels as they arrived. The guards seemed to tense up, although all of the generals were calm it seemed.
Bailey watched as Adrian walked her up and then as she was crowned queen. from the back of the room Bailey called out "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN"
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