The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Lo-Wen wrapped his arm around her and then kissed the side of her head "you did great and you didn't show any fear that is key to being a good ruler"
"No externally. God I'm glad that none of his mind readers were around. They would have seen the pure fear in my mind." Akiza was mumbling before she was looking towards Rose, who was just smiling.
Rose just looked over before she spoke, "Oh nothing at all. Just glad to know that you two have finally breached a barrier."
"Oh I'm sure she will." Akiza spoke before she was flushing a bit and was commenting that it felt sticky down there now.
"Well not like there was much of a choice...." Akiza was commenting in a low mumble before she was walking over to him.
Akiza just looked at him for a moment before she spoke, "I don't want to get cleaned up yet. You were saying that you hadn't finished yet." Yeah they had been interrupted in round two and she was flushing a bit before she was stating that she wanted to continue where they had left off.
Akiza was just commenting that they had gotten interrupted though, she had only been able to tell him a couple of the spots. Her neck had been one of them, but that had been obvious from the mark that had been left. She was gesturing to her chest and was commenting that his hands and his tongue had been all over breasts, and she was touching her stomach. She was simply telling Lo-Wen that the demon had touched her stomach and had just mentioned something about someday. Not that she had understood that the demon had wanted her to bear his child. And obviously Lo-Wen already knew about her private regions.
Lo-wen nodded his head and then helped her strip out of the dress before taking his own clothes off. Lo-Wen then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom after wrapping her legs around his waist
Akiza was just letting him carry her into the bathroom, wrapping her legs around his waist, although she was shifting a bit, just allowing his dick to slide inside of her. More comfy for both of them.
Lo-Wen chuckled when he felt her sift and then he moved and turned the water on letting it get warm before he stepped in to the shower with her
Akiza just wrapped her arms around his neck lightly, somehow not afraid. Anybody else she would be terrified of them carrying her but she knew that he wouldn't drop her at all.
once the water was warm Lo-Wen stepped in to the shower and let the water run over htem while he carefully helped her move so they could go back to what they had been doing
Akiza was just looking at him before she was speaking softly "I've loved you for the longest time. "
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