The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose was just watched for a moment in time before she was shooing the guard out of the room. Although the guard was commenting that the king had managed to escape, which had her commenting that she wasn't worried.
with so many people on the look out he wouldn't be able to do much at that point. when Adrian heard the new though he growled his voice rumbling in his chest
Rose was just patting his head then spoke, "His first target will be Lo-Wen, who is currently with Aki."
Rose was giving a nod before she spoke, "And being that Aki is with him, and she could potentially be in danger... that power seems to double."
Rose was just giving a soft smile before she was just getting up and speaking, "Lets go to our bedroom." Although she was startled when somebody came running into the room, and before either of that realized it, she was being tackled by a male. A male that just brought tears to her eyes and she was wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Oh thank god you are still alive." she breathed. Her brother was still alive.
Adrian growled a little when seh was tackled but seeing her cry had him freak out and go balistic and he acted like a dog and tried to drive the male away
"Adrian.... Calm down. These are tears of joy. Remember when I had that random attack of pain. And was wishing that somebody was safe. This is my brother, this is the one I was scared for." Rose spoke after a moment in time and soon enough the male was giving Rose a hand to her feet.
Rose was giving a faint chuckle and was then looking towards the king as he all of a sudden seemed to appear. He had been force teleported away it seemed.
Not that Adrian would be able to get very far, the king's power lashing out and hitting him away almost instantly. "You don't stand a chance against me boy." Mikael spoke in a harsh voice and was looking towards the siblings for a moment, the young man already drawing out his sword. While he was drawing his sword, Rose was taking off towards Adrian to check on him, somehow seeming to avoid Mikael's magic attacks.
Adrian stood back up and growled once more but yipped when shadows lashed out at the king. Bailey walked in and rubbed her eyes yawning a bit as she did "can't you stop being an ass for five fucking minutes and clear that damn clouded mind of yours"
Rose was going over to Adrian and just kneeling next to him. Although Mikael's gaze was flickering towards Bailey before he was speaking, "You aren't permitted to be within my castle." "Father, due to the fact that you are not in your right mind, you are no longer qualified to be king. As your only heir, I, High Princess Akiza, shall be stepping up as Queen until you are of sane mind and body." came the familiar voice of Akiza as she was gliding out wearing a light purple dress, and Lo-Wen was following behind her. Well the pair had definitely had their fun, the evidence was still on Akiza but it was hidden at the time.
Bailey moved fast and using the darkness surrounding him she pinned him to the wall. she then looked at them all "once I am done you will have ten minutes to get him secured before he wakes up" Bailey then walked to him on hand going to his head like with Akiza but unlike her the other went to his heart. soon darkness surrounded her entire body as she pulled it away from him drawing it out of both his mind and his heart.
Akiza was giving orders for the king to be bound. There were some of the guards that were refusing to listen to her words, stating that they wouldn't take orders from a female ruler. That being said she was merely taking a step back and allowing Lo-Wen to speak up, knowing that he would.
Lo-Wen rounded on them and snapped "when your queen give you and order you will follow it or I will have you arrested am I understood" Lo-wen glared at the men and dared then to defy him.

Bailey worked fast and soon no darkness could be seen around the king but Bailey was covered head to toe. once she stepped back the darkness vanished in t oher and she collapsed her head striking the ground hard when she landed
Well this definitely had the men up and moving, heading off to get their job done. Well all but one of them, he was grabbing Bailey before she could collapse to the ground completely.
Lo-Wen turned and looked "take her to the central garden make sure she is laying in the grass but also in the shade" Lo-Wen had asked the elder what to do if she ever got ill or passed out and this was what he was told
This had the guard nodding and he was heading off to do that. Rose was just looking over at Akiza before she spoke, "Wow Aki. Who knew that you would speak out against your father like that." "I'm trembling, and terrified to death." was all the princess said.
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