The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

It wasn't long before they came to the part where the humanity had slowly been stripped away from him. Wait in the background.... so that is how Adrian knew Rose. Rose had been there, although she was unconscious on the ground at the time. The event still took place, but his humanity didn't stay lost for a long as they remembered. A few years after the experiments it would have returned completely, which meant that he would be in full control at that point.
It would take a bit for everything to catch up with him although when they were snapping back to the present, Akiza was collapsing next to him on the bed, breathing heavily.
Lo-Wen walked over and picked Aki up before moving her further up on the bed and settling her in. he then pulled the blankets up and tucked her in before he moved and sat next to her so he could watch over her
Not that she was going to have a good night's rest anyways, not with feeling like that vile man was still touching her. Which had a soft whimper falling from her lips. Who would have figured that the person that she was wanting at that point in time wasn't Lo-Wen or Rose, instead it was Bailey. Who knew why, but that was who she wanted.
Lo-Wen stroked her hair "calm Aki your safe and sound at home he can't touch you anymore" Lo-Wen had made sure of them before he returned
A servant was knocking on the door before they were stating that they had brought Bailey there as requested. They may or may not have been walking past when they had heard that being said.
Akiza was just opening her eyes when she felt Bailey in the room and was on her feet, despite it being a terrible idea, and rushing over to her, wrapping her arms around her in a hug. "My lady... I don't think it is wise to be up right now." the servant spoke upon noticing the actual effort it took for her to stay on her feet.
Bailey froze a bit but then gave her a gentel hug back "come on you need to rest" Bailey then guided her back to bed so she could rest
Akiza was allowing her to lead her back to the bed and was sitting down. Well it seemed that even Bailey was confused as to why exactly she was wanted by the young princess.
Akiza was just whispering that the darkness hurt and was asking for her help to make it stop hurting. The darkness from when the demon had forced himself on her.
"I can help but there will be a side effect that you need ot be aware off" Bailey didn't like it but there was little she could do considering how she had become infected with it
"well on top of reversing what was done because of how you became infected you will become aroused and you can either ignore it which can be painful for you or you can have someone help you release it" Bailey wasn't going to flat out tell her to have sex as that wasn't proper
Akiza was just growing a bit wide eyed before she was giving a slow nod of her head. She was looking over towards Lo-Wen, wondering if he would help with that or not.
Akiza was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "I want to forget that creature touching me. I want to forget that pain."
Bailey nodded her head and then touched both Akiza's head and lower belly. she would first feel really warm and then she would feel pressure. while this was happening the darkness was slithering up Baileys arms and curling around her neck before vanishing from site
Akiza was just letting her do what she needed to do although after a bit the feeling got quite uncomfortable, and she was squirming ever so slightly.
"hold still princess I know it is uncomfortable but it has to be done" Bailey spent twenty minutes removing all of the darkness from her and then sighed when she was done "you have ten minutes before the effects kick in to decide what oyu wish to do"
Akiza was just nodding her head and was grateful when it was done, and Bailey was giving her warning that the side effects would kick in soon. She was just merely pointing to Lo-Wen before she spoke, "Bailey. If you find Rose, she will help you. Then go to the caves and open the doors so that people can come out."
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