The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Rose was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Please... All of you... Stay safe, and be careful." After that she was turning around so that she could go and find Adrian, running up to him a bit breathless. "Come on. We need to move." she spoke.
Rose was heading off back towards the king and was telling Adrian that they needed to get him back to the palace. "You had better pray that the advisor doesn't hurt her." Rose spoke in a rather dark voice to the king, who was just chuckling and questioning what she was going to do about it.
Adrian growled at him and got rather close "her nothing me I make you pay" Adrian then picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder before heading for the castle
Rose was following after although was just looking towards Mikael with a slight glare as he was making a comment about something.
Once they got to the palace some of the guards were halting them, especially when they saw the king. This had them going to draw their weapons although paused when Rose was stepping forward. "Lady Rose.... What....?" one of the guards was questioning and she was explaining the situation at hand and soon enough a couple of the guards were coming over to help take the king in after she was stating to throw him into his room, and make sure the door was locked. "Until the return of the High General and the Princess, I am in charge." Rose spoke after a moment in time.
Rose was just watching as the guards were taking the king away, although she was drawing back slightly when the king was glaring at her, and making a comment that she was going to pay for this.
"you'll have to get through me first" Adrian glared at the king and watched as he vanished. the guard carrying the king carried him to his room and dropped him in there before backing out and closing the doors sealing them so he couldn't escape. once the doors were sealed that chains holding him vanished
Rose was just wrapping her arms around herself at the threat. It was a threat that she could believe that the man would stick too.
Rose was a bit startled at his arm wrapping around her, which had her giving a small gasp. She was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke in a soft voice, "Y....Yeah."
Lo-Wen growled his agitation as he hunted for them following Akiza's power trail was difficult.

"oh look the puppet is back" Bailey had woken up and was glaring at the king
What would probably help Lo-Wen track, was the sudden but international service fear from the young woman, and the pain. Well it seemed like Lo-Wen was the going to be her first, the advisor had taken that right. Basically his claim on the princess.

Mikael was just looking at the woman and was mumbling for her to shut the hell up. He was a little more in his right mind, enough to know that his daughter was in danger.
"why should I listen to a puppet" Bailey hoped that his anger would snap him out of it even though she knew what would happen.

Lo-Wen felt it and used it to hone in on her and soon he was arriving at the males home ready to free her
Mikael looked over towards her before he was hissing at her to shut the fuck up.

"Lo-Wen!" Akiza was sobbing as she just curled up in a ball on the bed, tears streaking her cheeks. The demon was still in the room and was sitting next to her, just stroking her hair as though to comfort her. There was a small amount of blood on the sheets under her.
"why should I your own people locked you up because your a puppet" this had Bailey laughing at him

Lo-Wen was moving as fast as he could to get to her so that he could get to them
Mikael was just looking towards her for a moment but he ignored her pretty much after that. It wasn't long before the chains seemed to reappear around him as the door was opening, and Rose was walking into the room. "I hope that you are pleased with yourself. Your daughter has been tainted by that vile creature." the handmaiden spoke which had the king snarling at her to shut the fuck up.

It wasn't long before the demon was appearing before Lo-Wen, holding Akiza by her hair. The dress she had been wearing was shredded, and she had various bruises. Tears stained her cheeks, and the fear was beyond evident in her eyes.
Lo-Wen looked at her his eyes soft and assuring so she knew he didn't blame her at all for what had happened. Lo-WEn then turned his eyes to the creature and gone was the compassion all that stood there was anger and pure rage "so you truly want to die don't you"

from where she was standing Rose would be able to hear Bailey laughing as she watched the whole thing unfold
As Bailey was laughing there, there was a strange magic that seemed to wrap around Mikael. It wasn't light or dark, in fact it was something far more dangerous it seemed. Rose was actually falling onto the ground as the magic lashed out violently, even Bailey would feels the effects of that. Although perhaps not as badly as Rose.

"Do you really think that you can beat me." the demon was laughing and soon enough the grip on Akiza's hair was tightening more, which had her giving a cry of pain. All of this happening, there was that chance that her magic would kick in, perhaps anyways.
Bailey stopped laughing and then looked at him his eyes narrowing

"I think your cocky and rely too much on your powers. your no match for me with a sword without them and we both know it" Lo-Wen hoped that her powers would kick in
It was more like the powers were out of control if anything, and his restraints were actually shattering. Although if anything his anger seemed to be directed towards Rose, who had her arms up to block the magic back lash from striking her in the face.

Akiza was being tossed aside by the demon, and just falling on the ground roughly, hair falling over her face. The demon was smirking before he was just darting forward.
Bailey pulled on her bindings and smiled when they snapped as his powers had weakened them. Bailey then moved and got between Rose and the king her eyes daring him to come after her.

Lo-Wen blocked his attack knowing full well it had been coming as he had antagonized him intentionally.
Rose was just looking up with a startled gasp although was grateful to see that Bailey was free. That had been one of Rose's intentions while being there, to free Bailey. But it had happened on its own it seemed. "Move out of the way. Let me kill that girl." Mikael growled.

As they were fighting, the other generals were showing up as well. Ivan was taking to going over to Akiza and was taking off his cloak, wrapping it around her, before moving her to a safer area behind the other generals.
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