The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Lo-Wen moved to stand in front of her while glaring at the two males, already they were pissing him off something fierce and as it stood he was going to have to move now as he only wanted a few people to know where he lived and the advisor wasn't one of them
"My darling daughter, it is time to return home with me. In exchange for you returning with me, we shall allow Nat to return to the arms of her husband." Mikael was speaking after a moment in time.
Lo-Wen looked at them his eyes flicking from blue to gold as he used a second site to see what was up with the king as he had never laid a hand on his daughter's maids before nor had he ever allowed for them to be harmed. Lo-Wen then offered her his hand so she could borrow his site and see what he was seeing
Akiza was just watching nervously and soon enough she was accepting Lo-Wen's hand so that she could see what he was seeing. Her father was covered in darkness, darkness that came from the advisor. This had her quivering a bit before she was withdrawing her hand, not wanting to see that anymore.
Lo-We n looked at the king "why would I hand Akiza over when you are obviously being controlled, and before you even think about saying your not you have always respected my wishes to keep my home private and not bring anyone here without my consent and yet the advisor is here with you when you do not have my consent to show him where i live"
"You will hand her over to be, because she is my daughter. And she will be safest with me." Mikael spoke after a moment in time, although his expression had Akiza taking a small step away.
"no she won't if you wish to discuss this in a civilized way only you and Nat are welcome past my barrier and in to my home no one else" thankfully Lo-Wen could limit who came through so even if they rushed the barrier they would be unable to get past it
Mikael was just looking towards the advisor who was giving a shrug. Well this seemed to work out in their favor, when the advisor was shoving Nat forward, causing her to fall through the barrier. More like testing to see if it would end up being safe the king or not. She passed through with no problem and was collapsing on the ground. This had Akiza giving a gasp before she was actually running towards her, to check on her.
Lo-Wen moved forward with her and grabbed them both scooting them back away from the barrier so she couldn't be pulled through by her father. the grouping out front had gotten the attention of many including the doctor he kept on staff who rushed over to tend to Nat
Nat was partially conscious and was just grasping Akiza's hand and mumbling for her to find Ivan. She wanted her husband. She needed her husband. "I'll get him." Akiza spoke before she was allowing the doctor to take over and she was running off towards the sparring field. "Ivan!" she yelled which had the man pausing in his training with Rose, who was also looking over.
Lo-Wen watched the other two while he waited for the king to walkthrough he hopped the barrier would cut the two of them off so that the advisor could no longer control him
Mikael was walking through the barrier after a moment in time, although sadly for Lo-Wen, the barrier hadn't cut off the magic. Actually the advisor's magic seemed to follow after, and the barrier was slowly beginning to corrode away.
Lo-Wen growled and ordered everyone into the house while he worked on closing it. what he wasn't expecting was for the bracelet that Nat had to react and spiral out aiding his barrier and keeping it standing. what would be shocking them all was that the plants were drawing away the darkness form both the king and Advisor since the plants were part darkness they called to any that was running lose
Everybody was retreating back into the house as they had been ordered too. Well most of them were anyways. The advisor just seemed to frown at the bracelet and soon enough his appearance just seemed to change into something far darker. Rose and Akiza had been following after Ivan although they were both pausing in their steps to look.
Lo-Wen was more then pleased for the aid as it would help protect Akiza and Nat. what ended up startling everyone was when a shadow form of Bailey appeared. while he plant powers were locked away her control over the shadows had surfaced and were acting according to her will when the bracelet was formed
The advisor was giving a laugh before he was speaking something in a completely different language. This had Akiza looking over wide eyed when she heard this. Demon language, and not just any demon. A high level demon. And a very powerful one at that. Although it wasn't long before magic seemed to swirl around the two woman and they were vanishing away.
Bailey spoke back her own powers lashing out at him. because the bracelet was still on Nat it would protect the two females while she worked on getting free. he may be a demon but she was the goddess of the night as her father had often called her because of her control over all forms of darkness. but she had her limits and she was fixing to find out what they were
Not that Bailey lashing out really fazed the advisor at all. Nope he still had the two woman in his grasp at that point in time. Or at least he had Rose anyways, although it wasn't long before he was just dropping her. After that happened he was disappearing with Akiza.
Akiza was struggling against the demon, although it wasn't getting her at all. In fact it just seemed to piss him off and she was choking on the magic that was wrapped around her.
Lo-Wen worked to follow the trail so that he could get to them before the male hurt her. Lo-Wen knew that if he wasn't fast enough that something terrible could happen to her
Rose was just watching for a moment, her eyes filled with worry. Lo-Wen would find her, but who knows if he would reach them in time. She was getting to her feet from where she had landed. "Aki.... Please be safe." she whispered and crossed her hands together.

Akiza had ended up passing out from the amount of magic, and the demon was just appearing in his home which was blocked off to others and she was just being placed down on a bed.
Rose was just watching for a moment but she was just taking a step back. She wasn't able to help at all, no matter how much she wanted to. She would just get into the way.
Marcus looked at her "get Adrian and get him back to the castle we will be along shortly" Marcus then turned and bound the king in chains "take him back to his chambers and leave him with his pet make sure the door is sealed shut so he can't get out"
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