The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Akiza was just nodding although after that point she didn't ask any more questions. No she felt more stupid about the subject, but this was one of those things that her father really hadn't wanted her to know about.
"feel free to ask all the questions you want your at the age to marry and this is something you should know about" while it was a difficult discussion for him he had no problems doing it
Akiza was just shaking her head after a moment in time before she was commenting that it was just embarrassing him.
"well yes but I can still do it if you wish to know" Lo-Wen would work through it if he had too but he figured she needed to learn
"There is, in the long run, this information can help you make decisions based your wants and needs by knowing this someone can't talk you in to having sex with them nor will they be able to trick you" Lo-Wen knew it could happen and he had seen it happen before
Akiza just tilted her head before she was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting in a low voice that she wanted to know more. There were a million questions that she was asking although she was startled by the arrival of Rose from nowhere. "Why not just find out for yourself." Rose was commenting which had Akiza looking over towards the woman for a moment in time. Honestly she didn't even know when Rose had left the room that she had been in, but she had left anyways. "Hey Lo-Wen, is General Ivan still outside? He told me that if I ever wished... he would teach me how to fight." Rose spoke after a moment.
Lo-Wen looked at her and his eyes narrowed "is your partner settled or do I need to worry? and yes he is at the training ground" Lo-Wen wasn't going to point out that she had slept with Adrian but he could tell by looking at her as she wasn't jumpy as she had been when she had arrived
"Yes he is settled. Shockingly.... there seems to be more humanity there than not." Rose was commenting before she was jogging off outside to go and find Ivan. She was telling him that she was wanting to learn to fight, if he was still willing to teach her. Akiza was just watching for a moment before she was looking towards Lo-Wen for a moment in time.
Lo-Wen looked at her "yes Aki I know you want something I can see it in your eyes" Lo-Wen wasn't worried too much about what she would want but he hoped she would be upfront about it as well
"if that is what you want I can do that but it will wait till this evening" Lo-Wen wanted a lesser chance of them being disturbed by someone looking for him
Akiza was just smiling before she was just making comments about later. Innocent t comments, and questions.
"I will explain all tonight but if you have any concerns ask Rose as she will be able to better prepare you from the female side of things" Lo-Wen could only give her general information as he wasn't a female
Akiza was just giving a small nod although she was tilting her head as she just looked off into the distance. "It seems father summons."
“Your father was invited for breakfast but I’ll see what he wants” Lo-Wen wasn’t keen on the encounter but he would handle it
Lo-Wen headed down to see what he father wanted wanting to make sure that no one let him through the barrier unless he gave the ok to let him in
Akiza was following after him although she was pausing for a moment when she noticed that the advisor was with the man as well, oh and they had Nat. Man her husband wasn't going to be happy at all. She was pretty beat up. "Nat...." Akiza whispered in a soft voice. Yeah Ivan wasn't going to be happy at all.
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