The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

"no I won't" Bailey then looked at rose and urged the plants to get her out of there which they did before the door slammed shut once more. Bailey then turned and looked back at him "once again you are showing why the rebellion needs to take you out"

Lo-Wen hoped they would get her out of there all together while he fought with the damn male
Rose was letting the plants usher her out but she didn't get to her feet at all, just quivered on the floor a bit. No that wasn't the king. While the man was cruel.... this was on a whole different level. The king was chuckling before he was commenting that there was still another step in his plan.

"Lo-Wen. I have her." Ivan spoke and was stating that he was leaving with her. Back to the palace.
Bailey watched him but didn't say anything for now she was trying to figure out what to do with the male.

Lo-WEn was too bust to react to his announcement but he was glad when he heard that they were getting her out of there
Rose was getting to her feet slowly once again and was turning to walk away. No there was something even more dangerous going on at that point in time.
Rose just looked over for a moment before she spoke, "I.... I don't know." Although her attention was turning when some soldiers were announcing the return of General Ivan and the princess. This had her gasping before she was picking up the hem of her skirt and running off. Although at some point she was just tearing off the end of her skirt to make it easier to move.
Rose was running outside and going over to Ivan, and kneeling on the ground with Akiza. "Aki.... I'm glad you are safe." Rose spoke in a gentle voice before she was leaning forward and gently pressing her lips against her princess' forehead. Well this was the first time that Rose would have really shown her ability to outsiders before. The kiss of healing.
Rose just looked towards Akiza and was happy when the female was opening her eyes. "Adrian, help me move her to her bedchambers. Ivan, I'll take over from here." Rose ordered and the general was giving a nod.
Rose was just looking over before she spoke, "Don't be growling at me." Akiza was a bit startled and was speaking in a soft yet frightened voice that she could walk on her own. He didn't need to carry her at all. Although he could probably feel her trembling and Rose was just stating, "Aki. You can't walk. I know you. I see the trembling. I saw what happened when I was healing you. Adrian is going to play nice, and help out as needed, or else." He would understand her words but Akiza wouldn't understand. Although he could probably feel her just slump slightly in his arms as though she had given up a fight, that or she felt bad that he was practically being forced into helping. She would apologize later when Rose wasn't around.
Adrian followed ROse to her oom before he went over and gently set her down on the bed. he hadn't minded helping but at the same time he could smell the advisor on her and that was what had had him growling. Adrian had no hatred for the princess so she had no need to fear or apologize to him
Rose ended up just leaving the two of them so that she could go and grab some stuff. Akiza was just curling up on her side was she was laid down and just looked at the male for a moment. "I'm sorry you had to do this." she spoke in a soft voice although there was a curious look in her eyes before she was sitting up rather quickly. Good thing her dress covered up her private areas, but that still didn't do much of anything. "You are one of those experimental knights..." Akiza whispered in a soft voice and soon enough he would find her placing a hand on his chest, and speaking something in a soft voice. No she knew that she could reverse what had happened to him. She wasn't sure how she knew, but she knew that she could.
the minute she touched his chest Adrian jumped back instinct telling him to stay clear while he didn't growl he did go and hide in a corner. Adrian kep this head low and his eyes peeled in case she moved to come over to him
No Akiza was following after him and kneeling in front of him. "Calm. I am not here to hurt you. I can help you. I can help cure your body from those experiments. You'll still have the enhanced reflexes, strength, speed.... but I can help bring back the humanity more quickly. This way.... you don't need to be afraid of hurting her again because that darker side took over. I know that you probably don't trust me because I am his daughter, but I ask that you do trust me. While I'm his daughter.... I'm not like him.... I don't want to see the world enslaved. Instead I want to free everybody, I want to see the people happy!" Akiza spoke although at the last part there were actually some tears in her eyes, she was definitely sincere with those words.
Adrian pushed back further in to the corner a distressed whine coming from him. at that point it would be better for her to speak to Rose about it rather they and make him understand what she was trying to do.
Akiza was just drawing her hand away before she was speaking in a soft voice that she was sorry, she hadn't meant to frightened him, it hadn't been her intention at all.
Lo-Wen walked in with Rose and while he didn't look hurt Adrian would be able to smell the blood and knew he was hiding his injury "he doesn't understand your trying to help him Aki so don't be sorry"
Akiza was just looking over her shoulder towards them for a moment but she didn't move to get up at all. Rose was just sighing before she was questioning the princess on what she wanted to do exactly, which had Akiza explaining. "Adrian, she can restore your humanity. That means those rules... don't need to be in play. You'll be in control of yourself." Rose was speaking after a moment in time before she was turning back towards Lo-Wen and prancing over to him, giving him a soft peck on the cheek. Well if he had any injuries, he didn't know.
"ust go ahead and do it Aki he needs his humanity back" Lo-Wen looked at Rose When Adrian crawled over to her and curled around her legs
Rose looked down to Adrian before she spoke, "I need you to trust Aki. I trust her with my life, so please do the same. I'm going to go with Lo-Wen so that we can talk about a few things, but I'll come back in a bit." Akiza was just watching before she was just giving a nod of her head and Rose was telling Adrian to go and sit on the bed.
Akiza was just watching for a moment in time before she was letting out a faint breath of air. The fact that Rose trusted her this much. With that she was going over to Adrian and was just telling him to relax, that it wasn't going to hurt or anything. She was gently touching his chest and speaking something softly, a gentle magic seeming to flower over him. A warm magic. "Let us reverse the damage that was done." Akiza spoke and the area around the pair of them seemed to change. He was more or less seeing flashback of his past, flashbacks that were going by too fast to really understand what was happening.
while that was happening Adrian was letting out another distressed whine but he made no move to escape or runn off as he had been told not too
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