The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Akiza was giving a nod before she was doing just that, and was giving a soft gasp when he was pushing back into her
Lo-Wen leaned forward and started to kiss her neck while he pumped in and out of her enjoying the feel of her pussy wrapped around his cock
Akiza was shuddering a bit as he kissed her neck, and was just tilting her head a bit as though bearing her neck to a vampire. Clear as day was the hickey that the demon had left, the one that she hadn't known about, the one that was given after she passed out. The other one Lo-Wen had already covered with one of his own.
When he spotted her looking at him Ali-Wen kissed her and then smiled. to him, the marks were just things that would fade but he still wanted to cover them up and make it so that no one else would think to try and touch her. Lo-Wen nuzzled her neck after her finished kissing her and then smiled at her lightly
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For the rest of the night, nobody saw the pair but nobody was overly concerned about it. They were safe, and even if somebody did get to them, they were in for one hell of a fight. As they were doing that, Rose was learning to fight with Ivan, so that she could defend herself if needed, or if she needed to defend another. For the last few hours they had been training. The general hadn't even broken a sweat, but she was sitting on the ground breathing heavily.
while she was training Adrian was stretched out on the grass and just watched them it seemed as time went by that the feral beast slowly changed in to someone more human and relaxed as he wasn't jumping at everything
Ivan was chuckling a bit before he spoke, "You are a fast learner. Why don't you head to your room and shower, rest your body." This had Rose giving a thumbs up before she was falling backwards into the grass, just sprawling out. No she would go and do that in a bit.
Adrian chuckled and then for the first time spoke in a full sentences "we need to work on your stamina and strength but he is right you did really well"
"In her defense it has been two hours, and she just started to show that she was getting tired maybe twenty minutes ago." Ivan was commenting after a moment in time, and soon enough he found himself getting hugged from behind by Nat.
"true but at the same times even the female soldiers can last longer but they also train daily" Adrian may be out of date with some things but he knew there were female soliders
Rose was just tilting her back from where she was laying then she was rolling over onto her stomach.
Rose just got to her feet and was mumbling that she so wasn't sparring with him again. She was pretty sure that she had various bruises, yet again she had gotten herself into that situation.
Rose just looked at him and was mumbling "Fuck you." This had Ivan chuckling and was telling them not to have too much fun, and soon enough he was being dragged away by his wife.
Adrian held his hand out to her "come on training with a general without having the basics mastered is going to put you through hell"
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