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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She didn't even get the chance to knock before the door was thrown open and a large pale Tabaxi - who resembled a lion in a way - scooped her up and spun her with an uproarious laugh.
"Kimia!! My little darling!!" He greeted joyously. Kimia laughed and squirmed.
"Hi, dad...!"
"Who's this?" The joyful air was suddenly very tense as he stared hard at Agaruk, Kimia still in his arms.
"Ah, dad, this is Agaruk, mom invited him too, remember?" She said. A soft rumble sounded from him as he set Kimia down.
He rumbled more before taking his hand firmly and giving a grin.
"Bold Breath, but Bold is just fine." He greeted cheerfully.
"Likewise! That's a firm grip you have, you sure you're human?"
"A-Ah, dad, no, he's not a human!" Kimia said quickly.
"If only I were so lucky." He grinned.
"Bold~! My love~! Bring them in~!" A distant female voice called and the Tabaxi's ears perked.
"A-Ah," he became embarrassed, "Right, please come in."
The whole place was very lavishly furnished, and when they reached the den, a woman came into the room. She looked alarmingly like Kimia; the only difference being the lack of feline ears and tail. And a much larger rack.
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