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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

It was difficult for both of them, but for very different reasons. He could barely hold chopsticks, and using a fork and knife with grace was a hard concept to learn.
It was damn difficult. His brow was furrowed, and he was getting impatient, as he tried to keep his cool. It was harder yet when he actually managed to grasp the concepts properly
He smiled as he took a successful grab at a piece of sushi, and easily cut through a steak, but with a bit of effort. "An' ow's that?"
He stopped, his mouth full of food. "Mm?" He asked. He thought for a second and swallowed with a slight gasp. "Well.. yeah, but.. it smelled good."
What a sweet, loving idiot. "Well, thank you." She smiled, trying not to shift, "If you're still hungry, I'll make you more."
He smiled and went back to shoveling the food into his mouth, before it was finally gone, and he relaxed a bit. Not a scrap left. "Oof.. thanks, Kimi." He said with a smile. "I dunno if I could eat anymore though."
It was almost time. Agar was dressed nicely, in a simple button up and some suspenders, a tie, that he kept pulling at. He looked very good when he cleaned up, though he hated how stiff everything was.
Kimia dressed in a nice dress that hugged her waist nicely with a little jacket over it. She left her hair down instead of pulling it up like she usually did.
He loved watching her, but he figured that too, would be impolite. "Kimi can I at least roll up my sleeves?" He asked.
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