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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She held onto him and finally realized he was still mostly dressed, "Shoot, honey pot, I'm sorry.." Sje laughed.
Kimia kept to the Arcanum, having been slacking on it lately. She helped the students when they asked, of course, but mainly stayed organizing everything. She was on her break on her phone when she got a message from her mother. She was inviting Kimia and Agruk to dinner, and Kimia felt it was kind of fishy. She didn't tell her mom about Agaruk, so how did she find out? Her ears fell back and she huffed. "Kit.."
She knew it had to be him, but worse than that, she knew her mother. How could she bring Agar into that house?
She didn't want to be rude either. Her mom was genuine, she hardly saw her mom nowadays. She sighed and agreed to dinner before texting Agaruk about it.
"Good cuz I was worried haha" he said. "I wouldn't fuck your mum."
"Not that I think she's ugly!"
"I'm sure she's hot"
"Not that I know what she looks like!"
"I don't, I promise!" He spent the next few minutes stumbling over words trying to explain that while he was sure her mom was gorgeous, he had no intention of cheating.
"You have to try and not shove food in your mouth." If she knew her mom, she would have to try and keep Agaruk in check.
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