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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She was going to lose it. She only had one other thing she could think of that might force him to snap. "A-And here...I thought you were really some...powerful Warchief. Can't...can't even take what you want...from a small woman like me..."
He wrapped a hand firmly around her throat and suddenly began slamming into her spot roughly, his eyes wild and the drool dripping from his lips and off his tusks.
She inhaled sharply, or as best as she could, before her eyes crossed and got those weird hearts like they always did. Her pussy shuddered in delight around his thick shaft, loving each thrust.
"F-Fukken.. bitch." He snarled as he slammed hard into her spot, his eyes wild and his muscles rippling under his tanktop.
He couldn't take it anymore, if he could, he'd conjur up another one of himself and throat fuck her right now. He gripped her legs and hugged them tight to his chest as he pounded away at her.
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