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Urban Sphinx (w Rain K)

(funny your wording of 'up here' when you see the map of where the estate is...)

Catra paused as she looked at Zara, and the fact something was no longer covering. "Well, see, that's the problem with real life. Those pesky variables. As much as I don't like it, and I tried to avoid physics throughout highschool, too... We actually need some with real life because of things just like what happened. And back in the game room with the bowling ball. I'm sure Angie is very generous in patience, but there might come a point.... Anyhoo, what would it hurt to learn basic applied physics to help you actually know your own strength? Isn't that something you, KC and Polly were gonna do anyway? Oh. And btw?" She giggled and blushed slightly, "Your girls are showing."

"Well, with my fun derailed, unless I wanna LIVE here.." Polly looked away sad. So, she had planned on the sleepover being her first time.

"You won't be happy if you don't have some experiments since you can't do the one you wanted originally, is that it, Pocket?" Angie sighed.

She then looked at KC. "Where we are practically up against the mountain, and that creek that cuts through the property? That's Deer Creek, by the way, but we're actually closer to South Valley Park's South Trailhead than to a lazy river. We get our water for the wave pool from the creek though."

She called for the parking lot lights that the Olympic athletes use and led everyone outside, and pointed. Just beyond the parking lot, they could make out Deer Creek. "The wave pool is about a football field that way. Give or take." She explained, pointing South by southwest.


(The curve in the road on the far right side is where the Howerton Estate is, just as it enters back into the green area)

(Topographic map of roughly same spot)
(You my friend are a super nerd haha.)

Zara rolled her eyes as she settled onto the side of the pool and let her hands run through her hair for a moment detangling it. At the same time her wings were stretched out behind her letting them relax some and dry off. "Hey, I'm just showing her that here toys weren't made with magically gifted girls in mind." She giggled and shot her a wink "Besides I don't need to know the ratio of my wing size to the lift I create or whether or not drag is a thing to determine what I need to do to have fun. Also, Polly just wants to prove my stuff is scientific and not godly, whereas I'm just there to show off and have cute girls enjoy the view. Speaking of." She smirked and squeezed her breasts together as she leaned towards Catra the water slowly dripping down them. After a moment she stood up and followed the rest of the outside not bothering for discretion.

KC smiled and moved over to Polly gently wrapping her arms around her from behind and pulling her back into a hug.
"Mmm we can always try some stuff doesn't necessarily have to be that but there's always touching and teasing." She purred into her ear before letting her tongue slowly drift up her neck for a moment and then stepping away letting her hips sway as she wandered outside with the others. "Oooh when it gets warmer we could totally go floating for a bit down that."
Catra gave Zara's breasts the cat eye once over and smirked, but would send mixed signals as she'd be blushing and her heart racing at the same time as if somewhat ashamed of her thoughts.

Polly shyly smiled as KC pulled behind her, and she closed her eyes and gave more of her neck as KC licked her. "I... Can't." She whimpered. "I can't impose... Your family or Angie..." As she imagined trying to spot where the darkened wave pool was, and heard the remarks about using Deer Creek for tubing, she sort of nodded. Unfortunately, Angie lived in the area and dashed their tubing hopes.

"Depending on how much snow this area and the headwaters get, you might just want to delay your tubing plans from spring to early summer. Melt off can get a bit problematic. Or the opposite can happen. The drought continues and we dry up to a trickle." Sure, Angie was being realistic, but that was hardly the right thing to say for someone with all the posh of Bel Air in a non desert area.

"What about, you know, if I get thrown to you guys, umm... Neighbors? I mean, we aren't that far from power lines." Polly must have been plotting something.

Angie decided to have a little fun at Polly's expense. "Oh, right, building your race car. There's a family of three bears in a cottage back there in the woods a piece. They're still all sorts of bent out of shape at that curly haired criminal with breaking and entering. Yeah. Last thing you wanna do is make a lotta noise while they're trying to hibernate. Especially the kinda decibels race cars make." The worse part of her tease, was how she said it with a straight face, making it almost believable!
Zara was more than enjoying the attention she got from Catra especially when the other girl blushed bright red and her heart started to pulse faster. Most times in romcoms they were bsing when discussing whether their partner could hear their heart. But not Zara cat ears made it far to easy to hear what all excited her girlfriend and for the moment Zara took pride in the fact it was her tits. Licking her lips she moved over behind the girl and pressed up against her back which due to their height difference meant her ladies were resting on her head. "See Angie I had heard there was a witch in a house of candy back here somewhere. Seems she's pretty burnt out on kids at the moment so that might be worse." Zara couldn't help but smile but then again that was probably because she was teasing her girlfriend

KC giggled at the reaction she got from Polly before shaking her head
"Trust me it wouldn't bother my parents any you'd just have to get used to a smaller lifestyle. We're not poor but we def couldn't afford all the parts and stuff for your race car. And we are nowhere near these two." She took a moment to nod at the Zara and Angie. Speaking of Angie she gave her a nod "Well yea that'd be the plan anyway it'd be too stinking cold if we went too early." She giggled at the others comments before completely missing the joke and pushing forward with where her mind drifted. "I just found this out did you know bears don't really sleep when they hibernate. Like they do but not what we think, they're still up and active just way less than during the warmer months."
Angie must have seen something in the way Polly was looking back and forth between the two, because when Zara added her part to the Howertons' backwoods, and the wide-eyed scientist wannabe suddenly looked back to her. She shrugged. "Oh, I know, I know... But as long as Polly doesn't go munching on her foundation, that ol' hag won't bother with the likes of her. No. It's the neighbors who don't like a lot of noise that she has to look out for. Like the wolf in a cheap suit going around blowing noisy porkers houses down. I think he's cracked. He did attack that girl in red. THAT made the papers."

Polly had even wider eyes (if that was possible) and now she was staring in fear and disbelief at Zara to see if she was going to confirm this. Apparently no one read her fairytales when she was growing up... It was probably Popular Mechanics!

KC just got a nod from Angie, signifying she heard her, but they had a live one here that seemingly never heard of fairytales. THIS was going to be milked.
Zara caught Angies look and she couldn't help but smirk but she hid it in Catras hair as she leaned down and gave her neck a nibble. After a moment she was good to go and standing back up "Hmmm oh yea I read about that heard he was a pretty bad guy. Course I heard those swine were pretty annoying what with all 5 of them doing whatever all day long. Of course I heard they're not nearly as bad as that guy who took a nice fall and now he's cracked." She raised a brow a completely blank look on her face as she talked looking like she was discussing the weather with Angie all the while her eyes tracked Polly enjoying the sight of the girls reactions

KC smiled at Angie still a bit oblivious until she caught sight of the way Angie was watching Polly and continued on discussing fairytales. It would seem from the way Polly was acting she had yet to catch on or perhaps she had never heard of any of these stories which was just ridiculous. She glanced over at Polly again and watched her nervous reaction before KC cracked a smile and had to turn around so the other girl wouldn't see her giggling quietly either
Polly finally had apparently heard enough. "Good night! What are the police doing?! That girl that stole from the bears? Why she needs to be locked up! And if you're gonna go around using bad building materials and not up to code that is on you. Maybe the building inspector should be called in on that old woman. She sounds like a skinflint! And a simple fall can't possibly make you cracked... That's like saying he had the sense knocked OUT of him. And you shouldn't go around calling people porkers however much the greedy people stuff their pieholes! Sounds like the wolf fellow is just some leering womanizing demolition expert. Blowing houses down? I think you meant UP Angie, and it's illegal to use explosives on inhabited dwellings anyway! Attack a girl in red, indeed. See? Even how you said it proved he was a womanizer. Wolf is a good name for the likes of him!" Polly ranted, pretty much in one breath, as she stood there huffing and puffing herself.

Angie shook her head. Okay, fun's fun, but Polly had taken it all seriously. Like they were all really Howerton neighbors. "Doctor Dinky? Weren't you ever read fairy tales growing up? Or ever read them yourself?"

Polly was annoyed. "Angie. I love you, but what has THAT got to do with all the crimes you just told me? Breaking and entering; damage to personal property; safety hazards; assault; who knows what else you guys haven't mentioned yet!"

Angie pinched the bridge of her nose. "Pocket... Those were all fairy tales! Goldilocks. Three Pigs. Red Riding Hood. Hansel and Gretel. Humpty Dumpty. Sheesh."

Polly was still firing on all her legal cylinders. "Well... Aren't there some, I dunno, fairy tale police to put the criminals behind bars?!"

Angie just looked at Zara hopeless, as Catra finally figured it out herself and started laughing.

"Polly, my friend... You are gonna need KC to explain it to you in a bedtime story. I love you, dearly, but... Dear me! I would never have believed you were never read a fairy tale; or read one yourself!" Catra said trying not to laugh at the sheer nonsense of the situation.

Polly pouted. "You forget my family's legacy, Kitty Cat. My life, to anyone who didn't know me, would think MINE was one of these..." A wave of her hand. "Fairy tales."

Catra stopped Zara with an arm glomp. "She's called me that for three years. Can't I be your catnip or something else like that? Besides. She's got a fair point."

Angie managed a shrug.
Zara couldn't hold in her laughter as the small science nerd went off on the pair of them going back and forth about how this was terrible and that was terrible and the police really should have been involved until finally she just stood there panting. After which, Angie took a moment to try and talk her down but it seemed she was still on a warpath. "Damn Polly I thought you might know a few of these. And yes they are all dark and screwed up but that was because the authors wanted children to understand that the world ain't so nice especially to kids. Then Disney came along and now they all have happy endings." She shrugged before glancing down at the girl suddenly very attached to her arm and she smiled lifting her up by said arm and turning her to face her "Mmm you do give me fantasies when I see you."

KC was finally able to turn back around but she couldn't stop the giggles as she moved over to Polly and wrapped her up in a hug pulling her close. She kissed her cheek and lay her head on her shoulder "For a genius you are very gullible my dear I mean the first story should have tipped you off. Who in their right mind would try to steal from a bear let alone three." She giggled and shook her head again
Polly raised an eyebrow as she leaned into the embrace. "Hello? Have you met my dad? Bear fits him pretty well, donchu think? Bear can be metaphorical. And it has been scientifically proven that some people also slow down and sleep more during the winter. Hibernate, if you will. It's even got a name."

"Seasonal depression." Angie injected a little too quickly and eagerly. "I'm very intimate with the malady. I have it. Why do you think I push myself to be active during the winter, and the two of you who go to school with me saw how I was last year. I was a real piece of work until my first cup of coffee. Either that, or I was zombified." She led the way back in. "Come on, let's change and go to our HQ. Wentworth? Be a dear, and bring some camomile tea and cream for it, for those of us who want it, that is."

Catra just smirked at Zara. "Fantasies, huh? Maybe, if they aren't too much, we can act one out?" One would think she was a little too fond of her role as 'catnip' for a sphinx.
Zara purred as she snagged the other girls ear with her mouth and gave it a small tug "Mmm well I'm sure we can find a private room somewhere in this gigantic mansion." She chuckled and let her hand slip into Catras before following the other girls back inside. Stopping first to retrieve her top and then change back into her regular clothes before once more making her way "Angie while I love some good Tea this is a sleepover and despite the name, there should be very little sleep. Bring on the sugary drinks."

KC couldn't help but laugh at Pollys words as she went to the other definition of bear and after everything that went down with her girlfriend she didn't think he would much appreciate that one. She shook her head as she walked with them back towards the sleepover room "Don't worry blondie I'm sure we can scrounge up some stories for you to read. Or at least act them out for you hehe we do have our own monster with us." She smiled shooting a wink at Zara who only glared back. "And Angie again I'm sorry but we weren't quite friends yet so I never really noticed well except for that one time at that early morning practice when you took out the pyramid."
Angie looked over to Zara surprised. "I forgot you wouldn't have had any extracurriculars like three of us. I don't think Catra had anything either. I know there was volleyball practice for Tuesdays semis, we had practice outside and I barely had time to get ready and shower. KC woulda had to take the car home. Polly said she had practice today in a text to me yesterday. Oak Bridge faces Monument and the winner faces Poseidon on Thursday for the regionals. Because, let's face it... Aurora will be a cakewalk. Winner of that goes up to Denver for the state quarterfinals, starting next Saturday." She shrugged. "I dunno about the volleyball players, but I've been up since five thirty this morning and I'm one pooped pup. We have all day tomorrow. Promise. Well. As long as it doesn't start at five thirty in the a.m."

Polly looked at the clock. The bells chimed. "It was seven for me, but yeah it's been fifteen hours exactly. I'm not terribly tired, but it might be smart to maybe start up again at seven in the morning."

Angie sipped some tea. "Just as long as it's not five thirty." She looked at Wentworth. "Can the kitchen be opened by seven? Breakfast usually isn't started by the staff until eight on the weekends... Oh. The indoor gym. That CAN be opened that early. House rules, no weightlifting without a spotter. We passed it on the way to the pool, girls. Glass double doors before the pool. You use the same locker room. Small gym, but has pretty much every amenity including an indoor track. It's only quarter mile around though." She yawned and drank some more tea. She nodded to KC with a smirk. "I figured you'd remember that. That's still the talk of the school. A year later."
Zara was lost for a solid minute as Angie continued to talk, she raised a brow glanced down to Catra for help before glancing back at Angie. She even tilted her head some because how did her comment about staying up have anything to do with after school stuff. And then finally thankfully she came to her point and Zara let out an ahh before nodding her head "Ok cool now I'm on the same page you were sending me in circles there princess." She shrugged and stretched her arms out over her head "I really don't need a spotter but sure sure." She laughed and glanced at Catra before nodding over to her stuff "Wanna make a super bed with me Catnip."

KC giggled and nodded her head at the memory "Well its not very often you see the head cheerleader try to get to the top of the pyramid only for her to miss smack into another girl stumble again and run into yet another girl then end up on the bottom of a very large pile of girls. Which I'm sure if it wasn't painful you wouldn't have minded all that much. Ohh didn't Tiffanny have to be in a cast for the rest of the semester to?"
Catra shrugged towards Zara. She was lost after Angie admitted they might not have had as long of days as the others.

Angie huffed as she finished her camomile tea. "Sorry, Zar, but long days do that to me."

Catra only smirked and nodded. "I brought a comforter that I don't think will be needed to cover, but it's like a field of flowers and is downy soft so could make a great, erm..." She pulled it out, partially, showing it was likely either wild daisies or asters. "Bed of flowers, I guess, for the rest of any covers we actually use."

Angie shook her head at KC. "No, KC, sweetie, that was July... Pronounced Joo lee. Tiffany was the one with the eye patch. July was out of her cast before Tiff had her eye back... You know... I never could figure out how her, ahem, Tiffany's, right shoe and my left got off our feet and tangled together up there in the rafters. Maintenance gave up trying to untangle them and finally just left them there... As a warning to all of us to be fully awake, and aware of our surroundings."
Zara chuckled and shook her head as Angie bit back at her "Yes well some of us like our sanity in tact and trying to unwind your riddles is not helping." She smirked and stuck her tongue out at the other girl before she moved over to Catras stuff helping her pull out the comforter "Oooh this is nice ya know we could lay it out on the ground as a sort of buffer." She smiled and would help her move her stuff around until they were both satisfied

KC nodded snapping her finger
"Thats right and then Ella had to have her finger popped back into place." She giggled and shook her head thinking back on the memory "Well that or to easily catch kids dumb enough to think they could buy drugs there hehe." She giggled even more as she moved about setting her own stuff out on the ground and making sure everything was where she wanted it to be
Catra grinned. "Thought you might like. It's also kinda big. It's a queen and drags the floor when on my full. Unless I just can't get it on right." When it would be laid out on the floor, Zara would see that it was easily a queen size, and would be a picture of the wildflowers rolling down a gently sloped hill, like it was taken in a forest glade somewhere in the eastern US. "What else do we need, oh my nightgown... If I wanna wear it. Of course IT'S cat themed. ThunderCats, old 80s one, with all of them around Lion-O and the sky signal from the Sword of Omens. Logo. Everything. Even the Cat Mountain."

Angie didn't hear KC right as she yawned at the same time KC mentioned the other injured party. "Elsa? She wasn't on the squad last year unless she was varsity. She was only in ninth. I think you meant Ella. Sorta if Cinderella had a nickname. Yeah, her doctor mom chewed me up one way and down the other. Over a FINGER! No way am I ever going to forget Ella's name. Hoo boy. I didn't get near the tongue lashing from Tiff's parents over her eye." What Angie had forgotten... It had been Ella's middle finger.

She then smirked. "Oh, yeah, there's been three busts since then, hasn't there? That's what Tiffany meant when she said that tieup was a good thing." She settled in to her area adjacent with KCs, and put a small lamp on and began reading. She'd be out, but not her lamp, in half-hour.

Zara chuckle and nodded her head as she helped Catra set out the impressive comforter and damn was she right that was a massive blanket. She laughed to herself before she grabbed her sleeping back and laid it out on top of the blanket and then snagged Catras and did the same letting the girl put on her nightclothes. Glancing back at her she laughed and shook her head "Wow you really are a cat nerd." She shook her head and stretched her arms out over her head before she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off then she pulled her pants off leaving her in just a pair of panties. "Mmmf there we go that's better."

KC tilted her head as Angie talked about some random girl she shook her head and turned to Polly as she whispered "I said Ella didn't I?" She was confused for a moment before she shook her head and just let it go "Well that's not too bad all told considering you did cause three major accidents hehe." She giggled and set about getting her stuff in place before she lay down on it rolling onto her belly and pulling her pillow under her chin
Catra again just kinda looked without lusting, but the evidence of the interest was plainly there. After she crawled in her sleeping bag. "I'm not sure I'm ready to go almost nude yet. That may take me some time yet. Not that I'm not comfortable with the little I have, just not putting it on display. I do know a couple girls like that."

Polly looked over. "Yeah, Kitty Cat. A certain redhead who behaved herself clothes wise on our camping trip is one. And now Zara." She then looked at KC. "That IS what I thought I heard you say. Maybe she's more tired than even she thought."

Angie nodded to KC. "Bathroom right across the hall. However, if any of you decide to do a workout in the morning, use the locker room showers, please, as the rest of us will probably want to get in and out before breakfast." She looked over to Polly. "I also promised you miniature time, Doctor Dinky, but you never got back to me."

Polly looked at Angie. "Oh. Sorry. Umm... Afternoon. After lunch. If that's okay with everyone else." She then sat on her sleeping bag and looked, at the least, like a lost kitty or puppy. She glanced at the coveted spot between Angie and KC, blushed slightly, and looked away.

Angie looked at the others, Catra only shrugged. Angie had seen Polly's depressed look, but what could she do? Just allowing Polly to sleep where she wanted (between her and KC) might still get back to Mr. Pocket. Maybe even accidentally. She really didn't want to cross him, or her dad who reminded her and everyone else that he knew when Angie made out with her first girl, which just happened to also be her first time.

It wasn't going to matter... But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

End scene. (Please start next morning)
Zara smirked when she caught the other girl looking at her and trying not to show off her attention to the details. She chuckled as she lay down don't the bed and rolled under her sleeping bag as well. Glancing over at her girlfriend she nodded her head "Don't worry about hun I'm just more comfortable letting the girls breath haha." She stretched out underneath her bag before letting her arms rest on top of the bag and turned over to smile at Catra "Ya know you are a very cute girl haha." She smiled head resting on her hand as she was simply content. She would stay that way for a bit watching the other and chatting before she finally rolled over and fell asleep. The next morning she was the first one up and despite what Angie had told her she made her way to the gym to work out by herself for a bit. She took a few moments to stretch her arms out over her head before starting a bit of light cardio to get a small sheen of sweat going. Once she was good and warmed up she moved over to the weightlifting equipment and set the max weight she could before starting a squat workout.

KC raised a brow and nodded her head at Polly
"Thank you hehe." She smiled and shot a wink at Angie as she listened to her talk for a few moments keeping track of the different things she said. She smiled kicking her feet and playing on her phone for a bit until she glanced up and noticed Polly nowhere near them and looking quite pathetic as she glanced over at the pair of them. After a moment she shook her head and stood up "Yup I don't give a shit what your dad thinks you're my girlfriend and I'm gonna enjoy my time with you besides we're not gonna do anything tonight. And if he wants to bitch about anything we do end up doing well me and him will just have to go toe to toe." She huffed as she grabbed the edge of Polly's stuff and tugged it across the room with her until it was settled in between her and Angie's bags. She smiled and let her settle down before she nodded and rolled over so she was facing her. "Now settle down and go to sleep." She would blow her a kiss before taking her own advice and slowly falling asleep. The next morning Polly would find her stretched out with one arm and leg draped across her.
Catra Wouldn't have heard Zara get up to leave, but would be up before the other three, taking a picture of the cuteness of KC half on Polly who had her free arm flopped right over Angie's small chest, almost looking like she was copping a feel. "Too cute." She mused, before getting her shower.

Angie would be up next and yawn before smirking at the sleeping Polly between her and KC. Kissing a cheek, she whispered, "Next time, Doctor Dinky, cop your feel a bit lower. Breasts are fun, but not the best part." She then gave a kiss to KCs cheek before gathering her clothes to be second in the shower.

Catra came out to find Angie standing there. "What time is it?"

Angie pointed to their headquarters. "My travelling clock is by my little lamp. When I came out here to wait it was seven twenty. It's set for those two at quarter to eight." She whispered. It was almost seven thirty. Angie went in the bathroom as Catra headed for the room. Angie's travel clock would be facing Polly and KC.
Zara took a moment to make sure everything was in the right place before she would start her workout. Bending over she would grasp the pole and heft the weights up and onto her shoulders with a grunt. While they weren't the heaviest things she had worked out with it was still putting enough pressure on her. After a moment longer of letting them settle into place, she would start to push herself up and down flexing her ass and thighs as she hefted the massive weight.

KC gave an unintelligible answer when her cheek was kissed and she brought her hand up to swat at her in her sleep. She shook her head some before groaning and pulling Polly closer to her treating her more like a stuffed animal now. She smiled in her sleep and her head found its way to the crook of her shoulder and head where upon she let out contented sigh and settled back into a deeper sleep.
Catra, back in her area with Zara, scratched her head and looked around, she had figured that whatever Zara was doing or was at, she'd have been back by now. She checked her own phone. "She didn't go to the gym without waking someone and telling us, right? Especially after Angie told her last night, not without a spotter?" She rubbed her face. "Actually... It might take all the four of us to spot for her... I hate to, but I'm going to wait on Angie and tell her my suspicion and see if she'll go to the gym with me to look."

Angie would still be in the shower, but just finishing up, when her travel alarm would go off, sounding like an old fashioned analog one with bells on top. ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!

"Five more minutes, Nana..." Polly muttered, barely realizing her current role of teddy bear, and not really caring.
Zara grunted as she stood letting the full weight settle on her shoulders before she started back down once more and continued her reps for several moments. The only sound echoing through the room was her occasional grunt or the sound of the weights shifting and smacking into each other.

KC let out a gasp as the sound blared next to her head she groaned and shook her head before nuzzling in closer to Polly letting out a groan of approval at how warm she felt and the scent that was rolling off of her. She smiled and her arms would tighten around Polly as she managed to ignore the alarm she was in a happy spot so she wasn't going to let any of it be ruined. Although she did manage her own little words of wisdom right next to Pollys ear "Mmmto comfy is nice."
Catra used her foot to shake Polly (not risking. KC, she didn't know her THAT well, yet). "Up and at 'em, Pols, or I'm tellin' Angie! Miniature time could get cancelled!"

And just like a certain blond next door neighbor of a famous cartoon caveman, Polly was right with it, practically jumping up with a "I'm upping, I'm upping! Geez, Fred ya can be such a grouch!"

Angie walked in at that moment, dressed, but her hair wrapped in a towel. "Did I just walk in on a lost episode of The Flintstones or what?"

"Angie I can't find Zara. After what you said last night, I thought she'd wake someone up if she's doing weights!"

"That fool ijit! Doesn't she realize that rule's in place so we aren't liable for her getting injured on our property?! Come on! You two get your showers! We'll be right back! C'mon Kit Kat!"

The two would follow the grunts to the weight section. Both would gasp at what they saw. Angie the first to speak. "She's using all the weights for each bar. That's a ton on there. Each bar is made different, see, so she wouldn't be able to put another bar's weights on there with those."

Catra said in awe. "A ton. Gosh."
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KC gasped as she was rudely rolled away from her comfortable pillow as it suddenly bounced to its feet. Shaking her head she sat up and rubbed her eyes before giving a small yawn "You guys are too rude I was having a very nice dream about a blonde bombshell and a princess." She gave another yawn before stretching her arms out over her head and standing up smiling as she glanced at the two girls who had been involved in said dream. "Ya know I didn't use to have dreams like that till you decided to upset my life hehe." She giggled and sho Polly a wink before giving Angie a wave snagging her clothes and heading towards the shower.

Zara glanced up when she heard the twin gasps from behind her, she smirked and shot a wink to Catra as she continued to push herself up and down.
"Morning beautiful morning princess. Sorry I didn't follow your rules but I figured you guys really couldn't help me if things went sideways. Besides by the looks of it your weights can't really reach my max." She shrugged doing a few more reps before she carefully set them back on the floor not wanting to dent it or anything. She smiled and stood back up straight before turning to the pair her whole body glistening from the sweat. "So what's for breakfast?"
Polly gathered her clothes and things as well, "Let's save water and shower together. We can do each other's back. I won't even mind you copping a feel or three, just so long as it's not overboard, or we go all the way... I mean I do shower with girls at school all the time."

Angie didn't know what to say. "Uh. Well... Um... If you're going to do this tomorrow morning, I'll see if... Well, it's a guy, sorry, but we have a personal trainer on staff... Ex bodybuilder. Jake something or other." She then pointed to the locker room. "Shower first." She sighed. "I never know what the kitchen staff has planned for weekend breakfasts... But it's usually a lot. You should be satisfied."

While Angie said that, Catra came closer, but then stopped and wrinkled her nose. "On second thought, sweat stinks. I don't want to have to take another shower, I just had mine." And she smelled of it. Like dew covered roses. "Raincheck until you get out of the shower, k?"
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