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Midvadir Dreams - (Tarrakhash x CasualVelociraptor)

“Trust me, when I said we should talk privately, this is not what I had in mind,” Sajida huffed and crossed her arms. He would soon realize that this younger Sajida was much more terse and direct.

“How can you talk about damaged youth when you lived your whole life in comfort?” she snapped at him. “When you don’t know what I had to do to survive?!”

“You don’t want that...yet you twisted that knife in my heart to win anyway,” Sajida hissed. “And when was the last time you listened to one of ‘your’ women, rather than selling them on something?” Like sex or getting pregnant.

“And yet, I worry that maybe you’re right,” Sajida continued and hugged herself. She was talking about the idea that love was not finite. “But how could I ever love anyone properly when I threw away the chance to be with the man I loved? When I broke my vows to him with...everyone it seems like? How could I ever be the wife you need while looking over my shoulder at how happy everyone else looks, how happy they make you, and knowing that I can’t always make you happy? Why do I ruin everything I touch?!”

With that, she curled up on the rock and started crying.
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He watched her huff and gestured to her,"I don't know anything about a damaged youth, but my mind isn't stuck in a younger body. It tells me you have trouble letting go of something at that age.....and we know what it is."

Shaking his head he sighed, wishing he could hold her,"You're a healer, if a splinter is left it fosters, rots the flesh around it. The only way to get it out is to lance it and let the puss push it out....I lanced it and you finally mentioned his name, finally started to let it out and I don't know where we are." He smiled softly as she attacked him,"I listen, sometimes with my ears sometimes with my soul. You choose not to share so you think I don't listen. I know something about each of you that you'd never share with someone else. I listen and I talk....yes we have sex, and lots of it, but sex is not a great evil that you make it to be."

Even knowing he couldn't he moved closer and tried to hug her his body passing through hers as he settled next to her crying form,"We all make mistakes, Sajida, and I don't say you didn't but before you can love again you need to forgive yourself and know that he'd forgive you too. You can only stop hurting things when you stop clinging to your own pain and guilt! You did something wrong, yes, does that mean you can't love or be loved? No."

He chuckled,"Akari tried to steal my crown gems, I love her. Kalisha was spurned by you for five years, she loves you. Chloe doesn't even know you and she would love you given a chance. Love grows as you give it, it only dies if you hold on to it for yourself. Love is like water, the more you give to the plants the more they grow but most of it runs through them to be given again. They only take what they need if they are loved enough....stop hoarding your love, stop refusing it, you empty your love in us and we fill you back up again with extra."

He tried to stroke her head, failing again and he grunted in a frustrated fashion,"You can learn, we will happily teach you, but you have to forgive yourself, Sajida, no one else can take that burden from you and until you release it you will not feel the love Kalisha and I are trying to feed you. When you allow it to flow through you, my prickly pear, you will flower and flourish."
“Perhaps this place is the graveyard of irony,” Sajida said bitterly. “I’m a healer, yet I’ve allowed a deep wound to rot my heart. I can control water with ease, yet I am as stubborn as a stone. I want love to flow through me like a flower yet I am, as you so eloquently put it, a ‘prickly’ pear and push people away. I want nothing more than to take care of you, my little luksao, and for you to hold me in your arms right now. Yet I can’t, here for obvious reasons or anywhere right now, for reasons I’m only beginning to comprehend.”

“I...see what you’re saying more clearly as well,” Sajida then added with a sigh as she hugged herself, her. “It’s just so hard to be vulnerable like that, and I envy the others for taking that risk when I seem to be unable to. I...I just n-need time to process and finally decide what I need to do. When we arrive in Surabamba and I pay my respects to all that I have lost, then you will have an answer from me as to whether I want to stay with you or go. Please respect my space by not trying to be intimate with me until then.”
"Perhaps it can also be the graveyard of guilt? If you let yourself perhaps this is where you can allow those feelings to die their death.", he smiled at her little word and he nodded,"I long to hold you....what does that word mean, specifically when you use it on me?"

It was very, very difficult for him to watch her holding herself and not be able to touch her and her request made him sadder still,"If it is what you wish but if you seek it out, I will give it to you, but don't talk to me about my sweet tongue or my clever tricks. If you find yourself in my arms of your own will, then surrender your guilt and just enjoy the moment. I'm here for you, no matter the time or place and so are the others. Don't be foolish and deny yourself comfort when you are approaching a time you will need it most. We do not judge you, only love, but yes you will need to pull in your thorns to let it happen."
In response to his first question, the younger, more nervous projection of Sajida’s spirit gulped, “I...I can’t really say right now, Yusef, because I’m not sure.” She now looked away from him, worried that she’d revealed too much and he’d have expectations that she didn’t want to disappoint.

There was a sexual component to the desire to hold and be held by him, Kalisha, Chloe, heck, even Akari. But that wasn’t it, not entirely. Yet, because of the ticking clock she put on herself, if she didn’t figure all this out soon, then she’d lose the few remaining people who cared about her, and not just needed her as a wandering healer. Forever.

She knew that the one place she would need to go to find answers would be the Vilcaganga River, where she’d gotten married and then ritually bathed with Vivaan at the beginning of what she thought would be their long life together. But that would have to wait until she got back to Surabamba. In the meantime she would have to deal with feeling weaker after these last major uses of her healing water. And once she went in the river, tried to wash herself of all her guilt, and talked to Yusef, what if he didn’t like the answer she gave?

All those questions were ripped away from Sajida’s brain as she found herself back in her older body, along with Yusef, Akari, and Kalisha, lying on the ground. Arcturis was snuggling by his master, and Hopper attempted to sit everybody up appropriately in the airplane that was now charging its way through the night sky. Sajida was slowly getting to the point of awareness, yet her body felt like molasses that refused to move.

“Wow, you were right, Tommy! The incantation you said helps clear your mind really helped me do the same!” Chloe grinned.

“Well, we won’t know if it worked worked or not until we figure out why they were in your brain in the first place.”

“And thanks again for coming, even though it means you’ll be bait,” Chloe said with a sympathetic smile and shoulder rub.

“Hey, bait is a better position than I’ve been in in a long time,” Tomasi said. “I just hope, when this is all over, that my family is safe.”

“Well, we’ll arrive in Kadugimir in the morning and fill the others in when they wake up.”
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Yusef lay in the floor of the plane, a groan escaped as he came back to conciousness and shook his head slowly as the world spun,"What happened.....crap..." He shot up suddenly as he realised he was in the plane,"Sajida!" And then he grabbed his head and growled,"Fuck my head.....what in the blue blazes happened?"

He looked around, spotting all his girls and then he blinked seeing Tommy,"What the heck is going on? And why is he still with us? They'll be tracking us?" He growled again, thinking about getting up but knowing his limbs would betray him if he did.

With a frown he leaned forward looking at the girl nearest him,"Is everyone okay?"
“I’ve...been better,” Kalisha groaned. She’d accidentally fallen into the Void Water for an extended period of time, clinging to a floating rock with her metal arm to prevent from being dragged under for all eternity. That was until Akari flew in and lifted her up, just as Chloe sent them all out of her head. So she was looking very pale despite her melanin concentration and was shivering a lot as Sajida tended to her with healing water.

“I feel like a goddess,” Akari sighed victoriously. “I’ve seen and heard so much, in so many times, multiverses, and dimensions at’s hard to explain.”

“It’s...I’m so very small now. Please Kalisha, hang on,” Sajida sighed. All Kalisha could do was turn her away and screw her eyes shut to keep from crying. She loved Sajida so desperately, only to have her feelings manipulated in a power play, and she was gutted; nothing had hurt her this badly since Sajida initially turned her down.

Chloe and Tommy then proceeded to explain the plan as they’d already discussed amongst themselves, and Tommy went into more specifics.

“If we link with any local resistance, use me to lure the Iron Guard to the Maswan Dam, which has redirected part of the Madieca River to the sea in order to allow ship traffic to go around the world more easily, and then blow it up, we’ll strike a significant military and economic blow to the Iron Commander’s attempts to consolidate power. Maybe a resistance victory might get the Alliance of Free States to put pressure on the coup government. I know this because I overheard our Nightstalker unit commander speaking with the Iron Commander about both these strategic goals.”
Yusef had a lot of conflicting emotions to deal with, the joy of seeing Akari feeling powerful, the heartache of seeing Kalisha all but depressed thank to Sajida and Sajida starting to see what it was that she was risking and he didn't know if his input was needed but he did know what he had agreed to in whatever that place was. Moving he slid an arm around Kalisha, cradling her and looking over at Sajida,"We used our time in there to talk some more. Sajida is starting to see, Kalisha, she's asked that we leave her alone till we get to Surabamba." His eyes flickered between Chloe and Akari as well,"So I ask you all respect that, if she comes seeking you out then it is up to you but none of us will approach her." It would leave her alone, but it would also highlight what she had found that brief time in the desert and make the absence fonder.

He also knew Sajida had meant just him, but the five of the...well four for the time being, were one and he needed her to see that too. There was no picking and choosing, it was the unity of all or the loss of all. He pulled Kalisha into his arms even more, kissing her forehead,"It's okay, my love, some people have to learn their own way." And some people never learned, he could only hope he had said enough to push Sajida to the end. Now of course was the difficult part, excluding her, even if all of them could feel a connection to her, but it was the only way she'd learn.

Turning his attention to Chloe and Tommy he nodded,"The real question is are the freedom fighters going to be okay with blowing up a dam that will help them econocmically if they win? And how do we plan on blowing up such a large structure?" He wanted to ask Kalisha questions about the people and how they felt about the dam but he also wanted her to recover, so for now he simply held her,"Chloe, I didn't get a chance to see this there a bed or a hammock or something I can move Kalisha too while she recovers?"
“I wasn’t able to salvage any of the Leaky Bucket’s beds while making this plane, and couldn’t fit our equipment and the beds from the hut, but I did stretch out part of the sails to make a hammock. Hopper, if you’d do the honors,” Chloe said. The little robot warbled in concern for Kalisha, but dutifully stretched out and fixed up the makeshift accommodations for his fellow machine.

Sajida now felt the full weight of her decision. She didn’t know whether to approach Kalisha to offer some support or whether that would have been going too far; she could have done so out of a sense of medical necessity, but for now, the patient was stable if a little shaken up, as anyone would be if they’d been clung to existence at the edge of oblivion.

“I...I’ve heard rumors for a couple of years now that my older brother, Omar Siddig Haroun, has been launching attacks against military targets in an attempt to overthrow your father. He probably hates me and he’ll try to kill you too and oh gods I failed my big brother! I was such a whore!” Kalisha wailed, despondency overtaking her.

Sajida decided that it was too painful to see her best friend in such agony, and risked a crack in her resolve to stroke her head while whispering little Surai melodies to her. “I can try reaching out to some of my more...unorthodox contacts in the morning and see what nibbles I get. If a resistance has survived this long it’s probably relying on the black market,” she then said.

“In the marketplace at Bentikal, I saw something called ‘fire slime,’ I think,” Akari said and kneeled down to touch Kalisha’s forehead with her own. “Perhaps we could buy some and not use it for its intended purpose of pest control?”

“Great idea, Kari!” Chloe cried. As Akari blushed at her new nickname, Chloe continued, “All we’d need is for me and Kalisha to create a casing, ignition trigger, failsafe...things like that. But I need you to help me make that happen, Kali. I just...need you, period. I love you.”

“I love you too, little firebug,” Kalisha said after Chloe kissed her, starting to calm herself.

But Sajida felt like she was slowly being supplanted and went off into a corner to quietly stew. Tomasi tried to talk to her, but got his head bitten off for it.

“I...I’m sorry, I just feel very weak right now,” Kalisha sighed. She looked wistfully and then angrily towards Sajida before continuing, “And the one thing you cannot be in Sudavadir is weak. This has been a very long day, and I’m going to need to rest if I am to face my brother and protect you, Yusef. Will you...hold me until I fall asleep beside you?”
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Yusef scooped up Kalisha, gently putting her in the hammock, a smile curling his lips as the girls rallied around the one having problems. He gave Sajida a sad look, he'd love to include her, but she had chosen to exclude herself, and more importantly hurt Kalisha and that was not acceptable. He sighed as Kalisha started to lay into herself and he smirked,"Please, Kalisha, we're practically married at this point...he will have to go through me if he even thinks he's going to hurt you." He wasn't worried about her brother attacking him, but he was concerned about who the brother was, and what he represented but his choices were limited thanks to the Iron Commander's moves.

He nodded at Akari's words about fire slime,"Yes, I'm pretty sure between Chloe and Kalisha could turn that into something lethal." He chuckled at Chloe's exubarence and looked at Akari,"Kari....yes, that works, a pretty name for a pretty girl." He slid an arm around the thief's waist and gave her a squeeze. Of course Kalisha's request brought a smile to his face,"Of course, Kalisha, and you are anything but weak! You ate soul snakes in the desert while building your arm! You are strength incarnate."

Sliding into the hammock he curled around her protectively, his forehead pressed against hers as he the hammock rocked under their weight and between that and the motion of the plane the pair were soon drifting off to sleep together, the warmth of their bodies sending the Sultan of Midvadir into a deep, dream filled sleep and it wasn't a peaceful one.

Midvadir lay in a smoking wreck, flames burning from the domes of the golden topped towers, blimps dropping bombs and Hanuku's voice boomed in his ear,"Yusef, Yusef what have you done? You are weak, you are weak....." The scene shifted and he watched as Chloe, battered, bruised, scarlet blood leaking from her nose was stuck in a spiralling dive, the flying machine around her in flames as she shrieked the ground rushing up to meet her. Swirling smoke and chaos took her away from him and he screamed, soundlessly in the noise of battle Akari running as a Nightstalker breathed flames, engulfing the dancing thief as she leapt off of a roof, burning and shrieking out his name in horror as she felt into the streets of Midvadir.

Her flaming body landed on the ground, Sajida moving to her swiftly only to have a crash obscure her, splinters of stone flying everwhere, and smoke billowing from a massive Goliath, the leg of which was the cause of the noise, only Sajida's arm sticking out from beneath the massive clawed foot. Yusef howled in agony and the howl turned into a mob of people chasing Kalisha down, beating her to the ground one of them, a half machine half man with an axe for an arm sliced her good arm off and used it to beat her and she screamed,"My flesh is weak, weak, Yusef, you are weak!!!"

The agony shook Yusef's body as he shuddered only to have the Iron Commander's massive figure, towering above Midvadir lift Theo above the smoke and ashes and with a contemptuous sneer snap his neck,"You have failed, Yusef, you are naught but a weak, weak man who can barely understand his dreams....Weak, Yusef, the world has no use for the weak."

"You are but a man, destined for a man's failures!"

Cackling laughter chased Yusef from his dreams, a gasp tearing from his lips his body sweaty and his chest heaving. Thirst burned in his throat and he knew what he had to do, he couldn't just be a man, he had to be more than that. His fingers scrabbled at his belt, pulling a philter from his belt, thirst all but consuming him as he looked at the lightening bolt symbol on it. Just once more, just once more it would make him strong. Strong enough to keep them safe, yes, that would be it. Pulling the cork from the potion he drained it in a single drink, the power sliding into his body, the changes being made and he nodded this would would. He could feel it changing him, making him stronger, better...yes.

Sighing he pulled Kalisha closer, it was almost morning, he could hear Hopper working on flying the ship. Soon the girls would be awake and he'd be strong enough to take on the Iron Commander and his was better now. He wouldn't fail...he couldn't fail. His body calming he drifted back to sleep, a spark of electricity leaping between his fingers as he drifted off.
Arcturis was the first to stir. He’d always known when his human was in dire straits, and his emotions were particularly fraught right now. He couldn’t understand why he’d seen his master wake and pace, but he knew what he had to do. After giving a reassuring purr to Hopper, who clicked and whirred a question, the loyal panther settled at Yusef’s feet and curled up as they both went back to sleep.

Akari was next. She had always been an early riser, always wanting to escape to safety before the sun could blind her. After all, too much light or heat shone in her face could hurt her a little, especially her eyes, and it particularly bothered her up to a week after the use of her active Darkness abilities (as opposed to the less taxing power to slip into and through shadows). But this time, she wasn’t running from something- but toward.

She wrote:

My Dearest Yusef,

These past couple of days have been the best of my life because of you, and I want you to know that always. Yet I still don’t know what I ever did to deserve your love- especially after I belittled your performance in bed and promised to allow you to impregnate me only to then take another vial of the contraceptive draught.

What I said yesterday is true, from a certain angle. I DO want to have a baby with you. The way you held me while calling me Kari cemented that. You allow me to be, and I love you for that. Heck, I was this close to ravaging you in front of everyone. I, Akari Takahashi, belong with you and know that happiness lies in the family we’re creating, made of people we’ve chosen and ones we’ve yet to bring into the world. But if I get pregnant NOW? Well, you’re going to need every ounce of my power to get you through this, and I’m afraid I won’t be any use in battle waddling along all bloated like a drunken seal. So my plan is to wait until the war is over to bear your heirs.

But keep filling me with your virile spunk, hot stuff, and I might just change my mind. Maybe it’ll be a little game between us: me keeping my guard up, you trying to breed me. The fun thing for me is neither of us will know who wins until I start to show...and isn’t the mystery I bring part of the fun?



Then she slipped the note under his head, kissed his nose, left another note for everybody else and entrusted Hopper with it, and left the ship after Hopper landed it to seek out old, one time friends who might be able to help...if they didn’t execute her first...

Once they woke up and read Akari’s note, Chloe headed towards town to find a scroll copier machine if there was one; Sajida went to market to sell her wares and buy information on the location of the resistance; and Hopper and Tomasi were stuck with walking Arcturis, who needed to go potty in the biggest litter box in the world.

That left Kalisha. Once she reversed her slumber, the Mad Witch grinned as, knowing she had Yusef all to herself for the first time in a while, she began to rub her sleepy man through his pants and sweetly kiss his neck.
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Yusef had slumbered well after the philter, his mind going back to the dreams he was used to that left him feeling good but his dreams took a definite turn for the more erotic as his body started to respond to the soft rubbing of one of his lovers and he woke with a gasp of pleasure. His eyes flickered, his head leaning back exposing his neck further to her dark and tender lips, his arms sliding up and around her as he chuckled once he realized who it was, and that it was quiet in the plane,"Oh, Kalisha, you are feeling better I assume?"

His fingers slid up to cup her large, full breasts, squeezing them between his pale fingers and his hips rolled into her caresses,"Hmmmm, you certainly feel pretty dang good to me, my darling." He leaned in and kissed her, a smile curling his lips as he reached up to play with dark hair,"Ohh, and you have a different arm this careful with that, the last time you hugged me with it I think you left might rip a rather important bit off if you aren't careful."
“Mmmm...yessss,” Kalisha cooed. “I do feel a lot better now. Thanks for the checkup, Doctor Yusef. I suppose that means we’re even when it comes to taking care of each other.”

“Or maybe not,” she giggled while licking her lips at the view of his bulge. “Let me start your morning off right, my intended.” No foreplay ensued. No dancing around. Just his baggy trousers yanked down to his ankles and her mouth swallowing him like the snake- the way she preferred to hunt, stuffing his cheeks full of juicy man meat.
Yusef smirked,"It's not about keeping score, Kalisha, you'd do it for me and I'd do it for you.....ahhhhhh.", his thick shaft slipped into her mouth with ease and she simply swallowed him, his body shuddering as he slid his fingers into her hair, stroking her face and shuddering as he stiffened the rest, of the way in between her skilled mouth,"Wow.....everytime I forget how much the others still have to learn, my dark and delightful"

Shuddering again he lay back, watching her in delight,"Fuck....Kalisha, yes......oh man." His eyes rolled back in his head a little bit and he growled,"Man, you're so beautiful...."
“As much as I love devouring your cum and teaching you and the others the ways of pleasure...this time, I need you to teach me something. Something that will need your cock to be nice and sloppy and wet.”

Kalisha sighed and kissed him tenderly as she explained, “Yusef, I...I need you to be the first person to fuck my...uh, what’s the word? Butthole while you hold me from behind. While you pin me down and have your way with your wife. While you show me that I have nothing to fear so long as you are my husband.”

She then kissed him and said, “I’ve...I’ve never trusted anyone this much. But I figure if I can do this then I can face my brother today.”
Yusef blinked, his mouth opened and then closed as he tried to work his way around what she was asking. Trying to determine a right way to go through the complex emotions her request and the way she requested it. In the end though there was nothing he could refuse her, or the others for that matter, if they really wanted it.

He stroked her face and chuckled,"As you are no doubt aware, I've never done that before either. That said...if this is what you need then I'll be happy to going to just lay on the hammock, press against a wall?"

He blushed a bit,"I don't really know how hard this is going to be. Do we need a harder surface or is the bouncy hammock going to work?"
“The bouncy hammock will work, love,” Kalisha purred and kissed her nervous Sultan’s nose. “And if you don’t go in the first time, I am more than happy to get you slippery again,” she added, licked her lips and chuckled.

“Just think of it like a second mouth. Like in my mouth, you should probably go slowly, but it will suck you like nothing else.” After giving this tip, Kalisha faced him and sucked his pointer finger as she slid the tip his cock into the entrance of her brown star. Then her powerful hip muscles took over and she sank to his base, groaning in dueling discomfort and pleasure.

“Now you have conquered all my holes. Everything I am is now yours, Yusef. All you have to do now is slooooowly pull back and thrust while you hold me tight and you will claim me, forever.”
Yusef raised an eyebrow and nodded as the pair moved into position on the hammock, his eyes dropping to watch what she was doing. Her instructions made it seem rather tantalizing but he was going to do what she wanted in any case, she was the most sexually adventurous of his intended and he was always willing to try anything one.

She lined him up and he pressed forward gently but firmly, a consistent pressure. Her body slid open slowly and he forced his way through the restrictive opening with a groan of pleasure his eyes flickering up to her face as she bunched her hip muscles and drove her dark skinned body over his pale cock, a shudder coursing through him as he found himself staring down at where he had entered her, the pink opening to her cunt unused but warm and willing.

He nodded in acknowledgement of her instructions, one hand dropping to stroke the lips of her pussy, the other anchoring on her hip," damn tight...." With a shudder he held her in place and drew backward watching as he slid out of her and then looked up to meet her eyes as he thrust into her his fingers denting her dark skin as he gripped her tightly,"Kalisha, are mine......mine.....yes!"

Drawing out again he pulled her as close as he could before driving into her again and again, the repetition making it easier and easier as he took her final entrance and made it his own,"Can I...finger the same time....gah....or you do it....I want you to cum, Kalisha...with me."
“Y-Yes, gods, finger me, and play with my little brown peaks while you press up against me...I’ve never felt so full in my entire life,” Kalisha groaned.

“This is going to sound weird...but I’ve never had a dick that’s this- lively? It’s hard to describe, but I can sense how much energy you have stored up in your testicles, and I know that when you erupt inside me, I’ll absorb the energy and have an extra pep in my step, as I’ve heard Chloe say. Mermen have come close- hehe, come- but you literally are magic, Yusef.”

What she didn’t realize was that this energy was in fact being injected into every fluid of his by the recent ingestion of the philter.

“When you can, I also want you to spank my cheeks to make me surrender to your need to pleasure yourself in my tight, greedy ass...”
Yusef didn't understand the talk about Pep in steps but he knew he'd been given free reign on her body and was in an intense and unusual situation as he thrust back and forth one hand shifting to dig into the firm brown peaks of her breast the other sliding two fingers into her waiting snatch his thumb stroking her pearl of pleasure as he drove back and forth out of her tight, tight muscle ring that squeezed his rod with each thrust.

From time to time he released her breast and slapped her greedy, greedy ass setting it to quivering before he returned to assaulting the peaks of her breasts, tweaking and teasing the dark nipples as he took his time fucking her ass, watching her reactions to see how it went,"All mine, Kalisha, every hole....cum for me my me you love me."
“I hypothesized...oh! From the moment I first saw you, mmh, that you had such potential, my darling boy. You have, unh, far exceeded my expectations, YusOOF!” Kalisha groaned, letting out little grunts with each of Yusef’s powerful, rhythmic thrusts.

“I have been fucked many times by many people. But, to feel love and to be loved during right so rare and wonderful for me. It is as if you and I are each a wing of one butterfly. And the thought that we are so connected, and that despite our love for everyone else, makes me feel like I’m married to you already. And now, now I- I’m gonna cum for my sexy, young future husband!”

Kalisha buried her head in the hammock to mask her screams when she climaxed, before she wheeled up to Yusef to kiss him, wrap her entire body around his, and serenade him in broken Sudaish and Vadirian phrases of love for him and pleas for him to unload his warm, loving cum deep within her ass.
Yusef grunted in response, her poetic words bringing a grin to his face but her dark body enveloped him and he focused on her body and his as her body clamped down on him as she came and no sooner was she done then she swallowed him up in her arms as he continued to thrust her pleas for his love juice did not fall on deaf ears as he trembled in her arms,"Kalisha.....oh...." He dropped his head to his shoulder as the much tighter hole clamped on his throbbing cock as he filled her body with his seed.

Their sweat soaked bodies crashed into each other a few more times as he emptied himself inside of her, the thick, slick cum making his movements in her ass even easier as he thrust to the hilt and cried out his love for her in an inarticulate, wordless moan of delight before collapsing on top of her. The hammock rocking from side to side as he panted in her ear,"I love you, I love all of you, every part you've shared with me and the parts you think are not good enough. You are my strong, dark woman who holds us all together like one of Chloe's machine, the glue of our strange relationship....."

Fingers rose to stroke her face as he lifted his lips to kiss her cheek,"My darling, thank you for all you have given, all you have sacrificed and all you will still do."
“Speaking of what we’ll do...” Kalisha smiled after kissing him while his cock went limp inside of her. “Once Sajida makes contact with Omar and his gang of misfits, I will be meeting him in costume as Msalijinsa, the trickster goddess of legend who betrayed her gender to pretend to be the husband of Wemamina, the most beautiful mortal woman in Sudavadirian mythology. (Because real women surely cannot want other women, unless fooled!) Supposedly, that one incident of ‘unnatural’ coupling caused a world-destroying flood. Such foolish superstition from a culture that made Omar swallow an older man’s cum and get his nose jammed through with a spike when he was just 15 to become a warrior...and made me watch, which is why in truth I will never get a piercing. I hope you now see, Midvadirian, that taboos are not universal.

“Anyway, that name is what I was called, more or less, by the Elders when they ordered my dismemberment and death by exile and Omar did nothing to defend me, and so I told him I would return as Msalijinsa to haunt him, wherever he was. So, to complete my ironic revenge...guess who you’ll be playing?” She then threw back her head and gave a baying laugh.

Kalisha then concluded, “Don’t worry, my young’s just a temporary sacrifice to hide your identity. To make sure that no one recognizes you until we want you to be recognized. And if you agree, when the others return we’ll make sure you’re, if not the most beautiful, then a very pretty girl indeed.” Kalisha licked her lips after cleaning them both up and holding him gently, imagining a fun new roleplay for them if he agreed to that too...
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Yusef shrugged at her talk of taboos, although very much not interested in another man or his cum, he'd heard of these although the jamming of a spike through the nose sounded pretty damn awful no matter what culture did it.

His eyebrows rose as she explained the 'plan' and he chuckled,"You want me to dress up as a girl?" He did not look thrilled at the idea at all,"If it is necessary I suppose we can....." The idea of dressing up as a girl was strange to him, nevermind behaving like one,"I don't think I'd be very convincing at all....."
“Perhaps not as you are,” Kalisha grinned. “Especially not topless like Sudavadirian women are allowed to be,” she added, playfully rubbing his very manly nipples and chest. “For all the talk about my free spirit, I never got into that, and fortunately you won’t have to either.

“You see, in Sudavadir, foreign wives are not unheard of but unusual, and any foreign women, married or not, are required to cover up head to our men aren’t tempted,” she then laughed. “Nobody really looks at a foreign woman for long in my land- certainly not long enough to spot any flaws. With my disguise and the others traveling with you as my harem, no one will think twice.”
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