The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

He grinned at Elsa, leaning down and biting at her neck. Leaving her clit ring alone for a second, he made a path across her stomach from one hip to the other, scratching with his fingertips into her skin. He was in the mood to be a little rough today. Just a little bit. "You're right, I could, mamita," he answered. "I know all 'bout your juicy body," he bragged. "Maybe one day, we can take that ring out and see about that," he teased, playing with it again, and then pressing his finger up and down her slightly open slit.
She groaned when he started to tease her more. She really wanted him and she was starting to get a little irritated that he was teasing her so much. "You really want to take it out? Be hard to get back in," she grumbled as she squirmed beneath him. She whined and gripped his hair tightly. "Stop teeeeeasing!" she whined high and bucked her hips up.
Carlos loved it when Elsa begged. He tried to shake her hands loose from his hair, but they were anchored in there pretty firmly. "Stop teasing?" he repeated, continuing to feel lightly up and down her slit. "I didn't know I was teasing. So what you want anyway?" he pressed, moving his hips up and starting to presses his cock down on her slit, lowering his own hips very gradually. "Just tell me, you don't gotta be afraid," he said, continuing to prod at her with his words.
"I want your coooooock," she groaned desperately with a huge pout. She was so into him right now that she was more than willing to talk dirty. She would say anything he wanted her to say, she just wanted him in her. "That big juicy Latino cock," she purred, glad that he couldn't shake her hands free from him. She had a tight grip on him and that was how she liked it. She whined again, almost childishly, when he began prodding at her womanhood so cruelly.
Carlos was egged on by her passionate whines. And, of course, the admission that she wanted his cock. "You know there's a catch, mama," he growled, reaching down and spreading her pussy open even wider than it already was to make sure his cock had ample access. Slowly, he began sliding it into Elsa’s tight, but familiar warmth. "If you want my daaaark, haaaard, cock," he said slowly, "I'ma have to pound the shit out of your poor pussy. Maybe even fuck another baby inside you, get you all hot and swollen up again," he added, staring down into her eyes. "You up for that, mama?"
Elsa thought it was a little strange that he would bring up getting her pregnant again. He didn't even have that much interaction with Gui, despite the fact that the two of them lived in the same house. She moaned as he started to pump in and out of her, her pussy immediately clinging to him and begging him deeper. "If that's what happens, daddy" she said evasively, looking back up into his eyes as she allowed her body to move slightly with each slow thrust he made inside of her.
Carlos didn't respond to her comment. It wasn't like he could will her to get pregnant, anyway. She'd never asked about using anything to prevent that, and he wasn't going to, that was for sure. "Damn, you was in some serious need of some cock," he gasped when she started going into pre-orgasmic mode almost right away. He pressed his length down all the way inside her, his dark eyes up in her face, only an inch from her own. He began pressing his hips down, meeting the upward thrusts of her hips and pushing them back towards the couch. "I don't think I can leave you again, 'else you gonna start lookin' for it somewhere else before long," he teased, biting at her neck again while he pushed hard back and forth, letting a deep groan right into her neck.
She laughed a little but was quickly subdued by him sinking all the way inside of her. She was in desperate need of cock. She was lucky, too, because she almost always got it. She wasn't the one who had to go months without any, like whatever guy she wasn't with. She felt a little bit like a slut because of it, but she tried not to think about it. "I don't think anyone else is gonna be able to do what you do, Carlos," she moaned just before her hips bucked up violently. She gripped his hair even tighter and ground her teeth together, she was close. He went for a while longer and then she finally couldn't stand it anymore. She whined high and desperately and her pussy clamped down onto him hard as she came.
Carlos looked down at Elsa wildly, kissing her lips and grabbing some brown hair from the side, holding on tight. "You right, ain't no one gonna give you cock like I give you cock, sugar. You know it's true." He continued meeting her hips as he bucked, pressing them down hard into the couch each time, until her moans filled his ears, her muscles clenching down on his thick Latino cock. Still holding each others’ hair, he pounded down into her as hard as he could, riding out her long, moaning orgasm. Elsa's whole body shook as he drove himself down on her, until he felt his cock throbbing, then releasing a think stream of his juices inside her, groaning out from deep within himself before he collapsed onto her warm body.
After they were both finished and holding each other close she did some thinking. "Carlos," she started, stroking his hair lightly as he lay sweating on top of her. She squirmed a little bit underneath him just to get comfortable now that they weren't moving. " you really want me to get pregnant again?" she asked dubiously. Honestly, she didn't want to get pregnant again.
Carlos scrunched up his face a little, thinking about the question. It wasn't something that he would have thought about planning, another baby. To him, pregnancy was just something that happened sometimes when you had sex. "I don't know," he replied, a little frustrated. "Gui is nice, if you didn't get pregnant the first time, you wouldn't have him. I thought you would take some pill or something if you didn't want no more babies." Pulling his hips up, he slid his warm cock out of Elsa, letting out a long 'Ahhhh," once the cool outside air enveloped it. He moved onto his side so there was room for both of them to be a little more comfortable on the couch. "Ain't that true?"
She sat up after he slid out of her, thinking about the super casual way that he spoke about getting pregnant. "I didn't think you'd want me to. Most ghetto guys think it goes against their manhood." she said softly as she stood up and stretched. She grabbed her clothes and padded over to the laundry room, tossing them in. Then she went to the crib and took up Gui, rocking him gently. She planned on going upstairs.
Carlos didn't know why Elsa being on the pill would go against his manhood. He’d already had a baby with her. Anyone on the street could see Gui, and know Carlos was capable of producing a healthy, male child. He put his boxers on, and grabbed a beer, drinking it downstairs before finally heading up to bed and sliding in next to Elsa. All he could think about in bed was the drug thing. That was going to take a good lawyer, or a big bribe to get out of. He wondered why, in fact, he hadn't been arrested yet if they found his stash? That was weird, he thought.
She let herself lay against him in the bed, her fingers tracing his chest gently. She didn't want to have another baby with him. Especially not if she wanted to get out of her and go be with Brendan. She knew it was going to be hard for him to love Gui as it was. Another one? He probably wouldn't just resent them, but her too. If she was going to have another baby, she wanted it to be Brendan's. Nevertheless, she fell asleep pretty quickly, squished up against Carlos nicely.
Carlos lay still for hours, unable to sleep. Finally, sometime in the middle of the night, he drifted off, sleeping peacefully until midmorning.

Brendan woke up early that Wednesday, his friend sleeping on the couch. He'd taken off from work that day, because it was the day he was set to approach Carlos. He was hoping for a call from Elsa to confirm that everything was a go, but he was going to move forward with it either way. She's said she was in all the way, and he would have to take her at her word. They had their morning coffee and eggs, and then started organizing for the daring plan.
Elsa woke up in the morning to find Carlos still asleep beside her. She slipped out of the bed and took a shower. She thought today might be the day that Brendan was going to do his little attack and she didn't want to look like a lazy house-girlfriend. She then got dressed in regular jeans and a top. Carlos was still sleeping at this point so she scooped up Gui and took him downstairs for a feeding. Once she was done with that she set about getting breakfast ready, her heart beating at what seemed like a gajillion miles an hour.
Brendan didn't hear from Elsa, so he went ahead with the plan. He assumed that could mean that Carlos was at home with her, so they drove right over to Carlos' house. Brendan and his friend pulled up and double parked in the street fifteen minutes later, in a rented black car that looked every bit like an unmarked police car. Dressed in a dark suit and sunglasses, the man walked confidently up to the door alone, and knocked, not knowing that Carlos was still fast asleep.
Elsa's heart froze when she heard the knock at the door. She wiped her hands off with a towel and slowly approached the door. She peeked out the window and saw the dark car across the street and the man in the suit at the door. "Carlos?" she called up the stairs, but there was no answer. Slowly, very slowly as she thought she might pass out from nervousness, she opened the door. "Hello?" she asked timidly.
Carlos groaned and rolled over, awakened by the banging on the door. "What's going on, sugar?" he called out down the steps in a gravelly voice, rubbing his eyes. Late at it was, he was still beat. Staying up half the night, combined with the tiring travel had that effect.

"I'm Daniel Gorman," the man in the suit barked at Elsa, flashing a badge. "Narcotics divison. I need to speak with Carlos Jara," he said matter-of-factly.
Elsa swallowed hard and her hand was squeezing the door handle tightly. "Carlos," she called again, her voice wavering and fear obvious there. "Can...can you please come down here?" her second call was almost like a whimper. She didn't know why, but this was scaring her to the core. She didn't know how Carlos was going to react.
‘Daniel’ smiled very slightly at the knowledge that Carlos was there, inside. He didn’t feel like chasing Carlos all over the city. Carlos, meanwhile, knew immediately that something was wrong. He got out of bed and slipped on a pair of designer sweatpants, but no shirt. Reaching into the closet and pushing up on the drop ceiling tile, he took out a gun from up top. But then, he put it back. He had to decide now whether he was going to fight and run, or stay and try to get out of this.

It was his ‘family’ that made him decide to talk with the cops. He couldn’t risk letting his son and girlfriend watch him get shot to death in his own house. Besides, he couldn’t subject them to a life on the run even if he was successful. And, if he was caught with the unregistered gun, that was just an additional charge. So he left it, and headed downstairs. “I’ll handle this,” he grunted at Elsa, stepping up to the door. “Go upstairs, sugar.” Turning to Daniel, he let a condescending sneer crawl over his face. “What is it?” he demanded.
"O-okay," she stammered when Carlos finally came down the stairs. She touched his arm gingerly as if to say something else, but then she turned away. She scooped Gui up and then ran up the stairs. She went into their bedroom and shut the door. She didn't want to hear what was going on down there. If they were going to fight, or scream, or yell, or whatever -- she wanted no part of it.
Daniel watched and waited until Elsa went upstairs. He knew that it was an offense to a gangster to insult him or argue with him in front of his woman, so he didn't want to give Carlos any extra reason to get his back up. "Daniel Gorman, narcotics division," he repeated in introduction. "My partner and I executed a warrant two days ago," he informed Carlos, handing over a manila folder, and removing his glasses, placing them in his suit pocket once he’d handed over the folder. "I think you know what we found," he said as Carlos perused the high quality, glossy photos of his drug stash. "My partner and I," he said, motioning out to the shadowy figure of Brendan, in the passenger seat of the car, "are on our way to headquarters to put in a warrant for your arrest," he told Carlos.

Carlos hurled the folder back into Daniel's chest. "So what you want from me?" he demanded. He knew if they wanted to arrest him, he'd be in handcuffs by now, unless he came out shooting. Daniel grinned a big, toothy smile. "Those who know me well know I'm not against... alternative arrangements," he explained delicately. "After all, it would be easy to…. change the report before it gets turned in, and say we didn't find anything." Carlos nodded in understanding. He'd done something like this before. "But the problem for you," Daniel went on to explain, "is that someone has already beaten to you making alternate arrangements," he informed the now-confused Carlos. "I think you recall a former guard named Brendan," he added.

Carlos steamed over this for a second. His mind was racing to process all this. What did Brendan have to do with all this? The very sound of that name brought fire to his nostrils. He thought he got rid of that guy. Now, he was coming back, like some vermin insect. "It's simple," Daniel added after a pause. "He wants your woman." Carlos almost punched the cop right in the face at that revelation, but he just barely held back from hitting him, steam almost rising off his head, he was in such a rage. "He wants you to break up with her, so he can take his chances with Elsa. He doesn't mind if you schedule some arrangement to visit with your son. And he wants to be safe. If you go after him, this 'misplaced' report," Daniel explained, holding up another folder, "will find its way back down to headquarters." He paused, waiting for Carlos' response, which took a while to come out. Many thoughts raced through his angry mind. His crew, his street family, needed him. Besides, he couldn't go away forever. But there had to be another way. It would be an incredible defeat to let Brendan win this one. "I need some time to think 'bout that," he finally told Daniel, a little calmer. He had to remain calm, his life was in the balance here. "How 'bout you come back tomorrow?" Not ready to fall for that, Daniel shook his head at Carlos. "I'll wait out in the street. You can tell me in fifteen minutes," he offered. "Fine,” Carlos sneered, slamming the door in Daniel's face, and storming up the steps to Elsa and his son.
Elsa could hear Carlos storming up the stairs and knew the conversation hadn't gone well. She didn't know exactly what the 'cop' was supposed to say to Carlos, but she knew it was going to make him angry no matter what it was. She had Gui cuddled up to her chest asleep while she leaned against the headboard of the bed. When the door opened and she saw Carlos' angry face she hugged Gui even closer to her. "What happened, baby?" she murmured, genuine fear and concern in her eyes.
A million thoughts raced through Carlos' head. He couldn't tell her that Brendan wanted to 'take' her. That would humiliate him in Elsa's opinion. What if he took out his firearms and went after the two cops? There were two of them, but he had the element of surprise. He wondered, though, if they had the only copy of the report. Either way, he'd have to go underground after a shootout. "Sugar," he called out at her. "There's been a... problem," he explained. "I might have to... go out of town, for good, or at least for a while," he confessed. He wanted to feel Elsa out and see what she'd do if he needed to make an escape. "What would you say 'bout comin' with me?"
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