The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan was looking down and concentrating on holding Gui with both hands. He wasn't expecting a kiss at all. It was a complete surprise. He didn't move his hands, still unsure with Gui, and terrified of dropping him or something. So, with his hands in his lap, he kissed her back, fulfilling some of his need for his woman, absorbing her cute little whimper. "Uh.. I wasn't going to go there, but I have to say, it felt right," he admitted in a half-whisper, their faces still close together.
"Oh....God," she murmured, feeling an incredible wave wash over her. "I miss you so much," she whimpered, finally understanding why she had been feeling so weird lately. She had been craving him, missing him. She'd gone such a long time without him. But then Gui started to whimper too and she immediately grabbed her chair and brought it close so that she could sit and watch Gui and still be close to Brendan. "Shh, Gui, it's okay." she cooed at him with a smile.
Brendan could see that Gui was kind of antsy in his lap, so he shifted him so he was close to his mother when she sat next to them. "I miss you too. I have every day, Elsa," he declared, wanting to caress her cheek, but unable to. He really had. The way he saw it, she had Carlos and her baby to pass the time, even if Carlos was an asshole a lot of the time. But he had nobody. All he usually did was think of her. "So do you want to hear this plan, or do you just want to make out like it's middle school?" he teased with a grin.
She laughed heartily at his joke. She stroked Gui's cheek, to which he giggled happily. She looked up at Brendan and placed her free hand on his knee, squeezing gently. "I kind of want to make out like it's middle school...but we should probably talk about the plan instead. After all, if the plan goes well we'll be able to make up whenever we want."
Brendan laughed at her retort. He wanted to make out too, even though he'd made a joke about it. But Elsa made a good point. "Okay," he agreed, heart racing at the thought of even discussing this. It was funny, he thought, to be discussing the plan for this man's downfall right over the man's son. "Well, the whole point is to make him think we've got him set up, not to actually do it," he explained to Elsa to start with. "Do you follow at all?"
Her face twisted a little bit as she tried to understand exactly what Brendan was talking about. "I...I think so. We're going to make him think that he's cornered...but he's not really?" she asked carefully, hoping she was more on track this time than she had been the last time that they had discussed this.
Brendan smiled and nodded, trusting one hand to hold Gui, and placing the other one around her waist gently. "That's the right track," he agreed. "Here's what happens. Carlos gets home one day, and you tell him that two men came and forced their way in and said they had a search warrant. Then... and I have someone lined up for this, a 'narc' approaches him, and shows him the pictures from the 'raid'. The narcs are well known for accepting bribes. So Carlos wants to know what the guy wants...." Brendan stopped to gather his thoughts, realizing that he was probably going a mile a minute and losing Elsa quickly with his spy movie ideas. "You still follow?"
Elsa nodded her head slowly as she listened to what Brendan said to her. So this was all really pretend. That was good, there was no real danger involved. That was, of course, unless Carlos decided to go after the guys who 'raided' the house and try to take them out before the police got anywhere with what they had against him. She just hoped he wouldn't decide to do that. "Yeah....yeah I follow you. I think I get it," she mumbled, leaning over and taking Gui as he started to fuss. She got a bottle out of the bag and held him so that she could feed him.
Brendan smiled at her, handing over the baby, and then moved his hand up from her waist and touched her neck with a light caress, before doing the same to her cheek. She was a little reluctant, that much was still for sure, but he could see this working out, he was strangely positive about it. He was now in the presence of her familiar scent, and just didn’t want to ever leave it, he thought, as he took a deep breath and tried to lodge that familiar tinge in his nostrils. “Okay, baby. Good. And I was going to say that’s where I come in. The ‘cop’ reveals that he knows me, and his price will be to leave me alone and work out a visitation deal with you,” Brendan explained. “Otherwise the pictures come back to get Carlos.” He couldn’t believe that all he had to agree to do was some work on this guy’s house for him to agree to play the ‘cop’. The guy was a prison guard from another city, so he should be up to putting on the right demeanor, Brendan hoped. “But…. and I think this is the most important part. You have to want this,” he acknowledged, searching Elsa's eyes carefully.
She felt like her heart melted right through her body when he said that she had to want this. She wanted this more than anything. Now that she was here with him again she could not believe that there was even a second in her life when she thought she might be able to be happy with Carlos. She could never be happy with Carlos. Elsa belonged with Brendan. That was all there was to it. Maybe it was just because Carlos had such a strong presence, he'd sucked her in and Brendan's lack of a presence had made her forget how magnetized the two of them were. "Oh, Bren. I want this more than anything." she murmured as she leaned forward again and pressed her lips to his once more.
Elsa didn't even have to tell him that she wanted it. He could see it written all over his eyes as she looked back into his eyes, desire to be together deep inside her. Closing his eyes, he kissed her back, opening his mouth just a little bit and letting his tongue run across her lips, forgetting for a moment that they were in a Starbucks, with everyone from teenagers to old people lounging around and sipping frappuccinos. "I'm going to have to hold you to that," Brendan said with a grin when he pulled away. It was playful, but he meant it. He was putting his neck on the line for the two of them, and endangering her a little bit too, and he well knew the kind of personality Carlos had. "I want to make love to you in the worst way," he admitted in a whisper, kissing her one more time. "But I think we should wait until all this happens, so we know we have to really do this if we want to be together."
She bit her lip anxiously when he told her that he wanted to make love to her. She wanted to make love to him too. She wanted to make him feel like the king he was. He was absolute king in her world. "I want to make love too," she groaned softly. She felt more bad for Brendan now than she ever had. She had sex with Carlos all the time, whether or not she really wanted to. But Brendan was celibate. Or at least she figured he was. She didn't think he'd be the kind of man to find another woman to sleep with. She sighed softly and nodded, pulling away from him and settling back against her chair. "You're right. It will be amazing when we finally get to," she whispered with a little giggle.
When she admitted she wanted to make love to him, it almost broke his resolve right then and there. He hadn't been with a woman since they were at the lake house. It had been over five months, and that was a while to him. He would have liked to say that he'd turned down chances, but the truth was that he hadn't exactly putting himself out there since they broke up. Most of his attention was focused on locating a way to win Elsa back. But either way, he was kind of desperate. "It will be amazing," he agreed wistfully, placing a hand on her knee. "That much, I can promise," he added with a chuckle. He sat back a little from her before he started to regret deciding to wait. Pulling a tiny camera out of his pocket, he dangled it before Elsa. "Do you want to try it, or me when you know he'll be away?" Brendan wondered.
As soon as Brendan brought up them having sex together, Elsa knew that if Brendan came over to Carlos' house to take pictures, she would be all over him. She would b absolutely desperate to please him and she would have to touch him. So she knew she would have to take the pictures herself. She reached out and grabbed the camera, tossing it into her purse before he could convince her otherwise. "I'll do it, babe. I wouldn't be able to resist you if we were alone together in a private place." she giggled a little bit and sighed, Gui having fallen asleep on her lap.
Elsa was doing a marvelous job at breaking his resolve. There was no doubt that he wouldn't resist her either if they were alone and she was hot for him. But he could put up with it as long as they weren't alone together. That would only make it so much better when they finally got back together. "That sounds smart, baby," he agreed, handing over the camera. "I could probably resist you even less," he admitted. "Why don't you call me when you get them?" he suggested. "And then we'll meet up to hand the camera back over to me. I don't want any evidence in the house." He gave her a little prod on the leg under the table, smiling at the same time, hoping she'd leave before he had to try to make out with her again.
"Okay, honey." she said with a nod. She packed up Gui's bag again and stood, slinging the bag over her shoulder and adjusting Gui so that he was asleep on her other shoulder. She leaned over and kissed Brendan once more, moaning lightly into his mouth as she tasted his beautiful taste again. She sighed and pulled away from him. She had to get out there right now or she was going to have to drag him into a back alley and do him wildly. "I love you. I'll call you." she said and then walked to the door. She turned around once more and sighed, rushing out the door before she could turn back to him again. She decided to go to the mall and bought a few things with Carlos' money and then ended up going back home satisfied with her day.

The next day Elsa woke and took the camera out of her purse. She went down into the cellar and dug around a little bit until she found where the drugs were hidden. She took a bunch of pictures and then went upstairs to call Brendan.
Brendan kissed Elsa back, going wild inside when she moaned at him. He couldn't even put his hands on her, because he knew they'd end up all over her body, so he just kept them in his lap while they kissed. He knew the moan was involuntary on her part, but it brought back to his mind all the wild, passionate times they'd had together. His cot in his office, the shower at the Center, his apartment, her apartment, outside by the lake, and more. "I love you, too, Elsa," he said in a farewell. It was so hard to just watch her go, but the thought of what she was going home to do allowed him to deal with it. So he just went home to his apartment, did some chores, and ended up talking to his friend, the 'narc' for a while about the whole plan.

The next day was Saturday, of course, so he slept in, and had just got out of the shower when the phone rang. "Hey," he answered, rushing around in his towel to pick up just before it went to voicemail.
"Hi baby," Elsa cooed at him when he picked up the phone. "I thought you might be busy or something. It rang a bunch," she said in passing as she stirred sauce in a pot on the stove. "I took the pictures. If you wanna swing by and pick them up, I have something else for you too. Nothing like what I know you want, but I think you'll like it." she giggled a little bit, "but you shouldn't get out of the car. Park across the street and I'll bring it to you."
Brendan laughed at the sound of her voice and her intoxicating giggle, sitting down on his bed as he brushed his wet hair back with one hand while he held the phone to his ear with the other. "I almost missed the call, I was in the shower," he explained. He wondered what she had in mind, and it really got him curious. "Well, I can't wait to find out what that is, baby," he responded. "So I guess I'll be there as soon as I can get some clothes on."
She giggled again, "Okay. Love you!" she chirped and then hung up the phone. She finished up the sauce and boiled up a big container of pasta. She put all of the pasta into a plastic dish and put a lid on it and then repeated the process with the sauce. When she heard Brendan pull up across the street she scampered outside the house and grinned at him. When he rolled down the window she thrust the containers at him with the camera. "Here. It should last you a couple days. I felt bad so I thought I'd make you some good home cooked food."
"Love you, Els," he shot back, hurriedly shutting the phone and throwing on a t-shirt and jeans. When he pulled up across the street, he smiled at the sight of Elsa running over to meet him. He grinned wider, from ear to ear, when she tossed in the care package along with the food. "I've missed your cooking so much, baby," he gushed. "Maybe even second most among all the things I've missed about you," he teased. "Thanks so much. Call me tomorrow, and I'll talk to you about when this can all go into action." He forced himself to take off before more time passed, knowing it would spell trouble if a neighbor spotted him again. He went straight to the photo store to order some extra large prints of the incriminating pictures.
After Brendan left Elsa prepared herself for Carlos' return. She'd bought the sexy stuff she'd promised him that she would buy, but right now she had a bigger concern. She had to focus on knowing her story for when Carlos came home and she had to tell him about the raid. She left the stuff downstairs messed up some but the drugs were hidden again. On the day that he was due to return home Elsa was sitting on the couch with the TV on, dinner already cooked and in the fridge for her to heat up when he got there. She was wearing her tight jeans and was wearing a tight black tank top that said Carlos on it in script. She'd gotten it made at a ghetto store at the mall.
Everything worked out with Brendan that day. He got the pictures printed up, lined up his partner, and called Elsa the next day to go over what she'd tell Carlos about the 'raid' to make sure they had the same story.

Two days, later, Carlos had taken care of his business interests and was packing up for the ride home. Just before setting out, he called up Elsa, letting her know he'd be home six hours later. Right at the prescribed time, he was walking up the path to his house, carrying his same duffel bag, and up through the door. He smelled a faint scent of dinner, and looked over to see his hot girlfriend in her hot tank top. "Hey baby," he called out to her. "Come say hi to daddy," he encouraged, dropping his duffel bag right inside the door.
Elsa jumped up when Carlos came in the door. She tore across the living room and threw her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. "Carlos," she whimpered, pulling her face away from his shoulder. Her eyes had teared up magnificently and she pressed her lips to his tightly, her mouth open in a little desperation. She held herself there in the kiss for a couple of moments and then pulled away. "Carlos, something bad happened while you were away. I tried to stop them, but they said they had a warrant. I didn't know what to do! They ran downstairs and...and..." she paused for a moment, blinking away her tears. "And then they just left. They said they'd 'be seeing me'. They were cops."
This was not what he'd expected to come home to, he thought as he squeezed and kissed Elsa back. He'd expected to get laid. "What?!" he shouted, grasping her shoulders and looking at her, as if to make sure she wasn't lying. She seemed genuine, tearful and everything. "Why didn't you call me on my cell when they were here?" he asked angrily. He knew it wasn't her fault, but he needed someone to blame now. He knew what was in the basement, and what a trained search team would find. "I could'a called up my lawyer right away."
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