The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa tensed up a little bit when Carlos went down into the basement. He hardly ever went down there, but when he did he always came up with a duffel bag. She, of course, knew what was in there. She wondered if he'd taken all of it. If he had then there was no way she could take pictures for Brendan even if she decided she would. She also didn't have a camera with her, he'd have to get her one or she'd have to go buy one. When Carlos was getting ready to leave she leaned over to him and gave him a little kiss, taking the keys. "You gonna leave me some money too, babe?" she was buttering him up just a tiny bit, hoping he'd leave her a good amount. "Maybe I can buy something sexy for you..."
Carlos kissed her back while she handed over the keys. He reached into his side pocket, and pulled out a wad of twenties. He didn't bother counting them, but simply judged by the thickness the amount he thought was enough. He was good at feeling money quantities like that. Handing her a wad that he figured to be about five hundred, he looked out and saw Luis pull up. "Yeah, baby, somethin' sexy would be damn fine, sugar," he said softly, caressing her cheek. "Maybe I give you a call earlier in the day when I'm comin’ home, so you can be here shakin' your juicy ass for me when I get in the door," he suggested with a devilish grin, before kissing her once more and heading away.
She took the wad of cash he thrusted at her, surprised at just how much he was giving her. But hey, he wanted to give her several hundred dollars, that was fine with her. She had been aiming for between one and two hundred but she knew this was a lot more than that -- and hey, that was okay with her. She gave him one last kiss before he left, walking to the door and giving him a cute little wave as he drove away with Luis. She was still just in the tank top and underwear, but she didn't care if Luis saw that. Luis was a lackey and wouldn't come near her for fear of Carlos beating the shit out of him, so she knew she was okay.

Elsa spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around and watching TV. She ordered a pizza because she didn't feel like cooking. The pizza would last her for tonight and tomorrow at least, she was sure. She slept alone in Carlos' big bed and then took a long indulgent bath with Gui the next morning. Once she was out of the bath and wrapped in a towel she put a load of laundry (including the sheets on Carlos' bed) in the wash and laid on the bare mattress to call Brendan.
Carlos was off on an eight hour drive, and took the opportunity to sleep some more as Luis drove through the night. He wasn't going to be back in town for a while, and for the first time in as long as he could remember, he missed someone. He knew he was going to miss Elsa, and miss Gui.

Brendan had been getting a little antsy that day, as he hadn't heard back from Elsa since the time he mentioned taking the pictures. He was at home, standing at the stove in a pair of sweatpants, making himself some scrambled eggs when the phone rang. She really kept him on edge, they way he wouldn't hear from her for a few days, and then she'd call. Letting out a sigh filled with both fear and excitement, he turned off the stove and went to go lay in bed while he took the call. "Hello," he answered.
"Hey, Bren..." she said softly when he picked up the phone. She rolled over onto her stomach and rested her head on her arm and balanced the cell phone on her ear that was facing the ceiling. "How are you today?" she asked him, a little bit awkwardly. He didn't sound like he was at work today. Maybe he had a day off in the middle of the week?
"Hey," he replied eagerly. "I had off because of the rain today. I'm working on an outside project this week," he explained. He laid back in bed, folding the pillow in two under his head, and smiled at the sound of her voice. "But I'm good. I was just making breakfast. What are you doing?"
Oh, well that explained it. She felt better about it now, she thought he might have lost his job or something. "I'm just hanging out. I have laundry in the wash...Carlos is out," she said with a little sigh. She didn't want to tell him that Carlos had gone away for a few days. That might give him some bad ideas that she didn't want to have to say no to. She found it so difficult to say no to Brendan that she wanted to avoid having to do that as much as she could.
Brendan closed his eyes and tried to picture Elsa in his mind, since that was the best he could have for now. He didn't really want to get down to business yet. That seemed to get Elsa tight and anxious. "What are you wearing, baby?" he asked a little suggestively. "I need to have the right picture, after all," he explained.
A huge smile spread across her face when he asked her what she was wearing. Did he want to have phone sex or something? The sheer idea of that made her blush. "Well..." she started, dropping her voice a little bit to be extra seductive, "I have a black tank top on...and a pink lace bra...and grey boyshorts on...and that's it." she giggled a little bit.
Brendan laughed at her suggestive tone. She was really turning him on, and he thought... she was doing it on purpose. "Ohhh," he shot back. "I should have known you'd be all sexed up just to skulk around the house." He looked down at himself. "I'm not nearly as decked out. Just a pair of sweats and no boxers," he explained, realizing that no matter what he was or wasn't wearing, it could never be as interesting or alluring as Elsa's outfit. "If I was there, I'd have to confiscate your tank top so I could check out that hot lace bra," he told her, speaking in a quieter tone.
She raised her eyebrows even though no one was there to see her do it. "Oh yeah? What if I don't let you confiscate my tank top, hmm? What if I evade the law?" she and Brendan hadn't played like this in a long time. All of their encounters since their break up had been serious. Very serious, in fact. They never messed around with words or even hinted at being silly together.
Brendan had craved not only spending time with Elsa, but the amazing sex, ever since they broke up. And while this didn't have the potential to exactly be the real thing, it was the closest he seemed destined to get. "You know I have a reputation for upholding the law," he told her in the sultriest voice he could muster. "I might have to confiscate it by force. So why don't you just make it easier on us both and take it off now?" he suggested playfully.
She laughed heartily when he suggested she just take it off. "You're silly, Bren." she said as she laughed. She didn't think he was being serious. She was glad they were being playful for once, it had almost seemed like they'd never be able to be playful together again. She sat up on the bed and stretched out all of her limbs. She didn't think she was going to go out today, but she thought maybe tomorrow. She'd go to the mall or something.
He sighed deeply, glad they'd been a little playful together for once. It did, of course only make him hot for her, but still, it was some fun banter. "So is he gone for the day, baby?" Brendan pressed. "Because, you know, when the cat's away...." he trailed off, laying back into the pillow with a big smile at the thought of maybe seeing Elsa again.
She was sobered by his suggestion. For some reason...she didn't want to meet up with him, even though she could. Even though there was absolutely zero chance of Carlos catching her out, that she, in fact, had permission to be out and could even drive Carlos' SUV. But she knew that if she went to see Brendan that she would want him and she would end up messing around with him...and somehow that felt wrong to her. She could mess around with him when she wasn't with Carlos anymore. "He's gone for the day...but I don't think I should go out, Bren."
Brendan wondered where that left them. Carlos was away, but she didn't want to go out. She didn't even attempt an excuse, she just said she didn't want to. "Um, okay, Els, I understand," he offered, a little disappointed. "Where do we stand with what I was talking to you about before, anyway, babe?" he said, getting right to the point, but a little afraid to hear the answer.
She could hear the disappointment in his voice. She sighed and banged her head against her arm a little. She felt like an asshole right now. "I don't think I can do it, Bren. He went down there this morning and took some stuff. All of it might be gone. And I don't have a camera. And he'll know it was me," she started rambling, almost getting lost in all of her excuses.
Brendan understood her concern. "I promise he won't, babe. I've thought it out already. And I can get you a camera..." he said before trailing off. He really shouldn't be pushing her into this. But he didn't have a plan without the pictures. "Do... Is there a time where you know he won't be there? I can come and check for you. And take the pictures," he offered.
"Brendan, you coming here was what got us both beaten last time!" she growled at him angrily. Then she realized something. She hadn't exactly told him that Carlos had beaten her for that. She was sure Brendan assumed that and when she saw him a few days later she had old bruises on her face, but she'd never really admitted it. She'd been afraid to. There was an awkward silence. "I don't want a neighbor to see you,"
Brendan could see he was getting nowhere fast with Elsa. "Is that how Carlos found out when he beat my ass?" he wondered. That made sense. He knew Elsa would never tell Carlos, although he hadn't pressed her for the information. "Meet me somewhere, Elsa. I'll tell you the whole plan. That way you can decide. Meet me anywhere. Starbucks, the mall, wherever."
She sighed, a little dramatically, and forced herself to sit up on the bed. Brendan was forcing this issue and she didn't see how she was going to get out of it. "Fine," she said, a little angrily. "I'll meet you at Starbuck's." she didn't like the fact that she was getting so angry with Brendan, but she just wasn't in the mood for him right now. Apparently that wasn't going to stop him.
Brendan wasn't sure why she was so angry. He didn't think he'd been too forceful. If she wanted to say no, she could have just made an excuse. It never stopped her before. As much as Brendan was her dominant when they were together, Elsa often did what she wanted. But he wasn't going to argue. He felt it was important to explain this. "Okay, Elsa," he said. "I really appreciate it. I'll owe you one, okay?" He quickly put on a shirt, threw away his half-cooked eggs and headed out to Starbucks, ordering a black coffee and having a seat once he got there, sipping at the dark liquid.
Elsa packed Gui all up once she was off the phone with Brendan. She grabbed some of the money and hid the rest and then put Gui in the carseat in the SUV, his baby bag next to him. She hopped into the driver's seat and took off, surprisingly at home in the lumbering SUV. She had been convicted for stealing a car, after all. She pulled into a parking space at the Starbuck's, went inside and ordered herself an iced coffee and then found Brendan at a table. She held Gui in her lap and heaved a big sigh. "Hi."
Brendan found it a little odd that she stood in line and got coffee before saying hi to him, but he could live with it. She'd agreed to come and see him, at least. Elsa was acting a little weird, though. That much he had to admit. "Hey, Elsa," he said softly when she sat down. He wondered if she was having mixed feelings about turning on the father of her child. That would probably make her act weird if it was true. "Gui looks bigger than last time," he observed. "Can I hold him on my lap for a minute?"
She looked down at Gui and smiled when Brendan said he looked bigger. He probably was bigger. He was about a month and a half old now and he was already a strong, healthy baby. She stood and walked the short distance to Brendan and set Gui in his lap gently. This brought her face right next to Brendan's, and that was what she'd been dreading. She couldn't hold herself back and pressed her lips against his passionately. She whimpered a little, her body finally receiving what it wanted so bad. She pulled away after a couple of moments, however reluctantly. "Ugh..." she groaned, "I shouldn't have done that..."
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