The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Car sighed and then nodded his head "I'll be back later" Car then settled Damion into his crib that was in the room and made sure he could see her and then headed out so that he could get to work
Sapphire was just watching him for a moment before she was looking over towards Damion, and just placing a hand on the crib that was there.
There were a number of others that were there helping, actually much to his surprise he would find that there was an unknown male there helping search for survivors. Gabriel.... although it wasn't as though the pair of them would know each other.
Car found several people who from the looks had died on impact and he called in their locations. as he moved he also found several that were still alive barely and was calling in their locations as well tending to them as he could and assuring them help was on the way
"Need some help?" came a voice and Gabriel was walking towards the male, although he was also on the phone with Mihaela, who happened to be there as well, currently sitting in the car since she had given him a ride there.
Car looked up and nodded "yea looks like a severe break thankfully no circulation was affected but he is in a lot of pain and getting him out is going to be a challenge
Gabriel was just speaking into his phone, "Medical anything is me. Come and help us." After that he was hanging up on whoever he was talking to and shoving his phone into his pocket. Within a few minutes Mihaela was walking over, looking a bit shocked to see Car there. In her hands she was carrying a first aid kit.
"You two know each other?" Gabriel was questioning which had Mihaela commenting that he was Sapphire's boyfriend. "Oh yeah I forgot Saph was here." Gabriel was commenting before he was introducing himself.
Even Gabriel was wincing in pain, although Mihaela didn't seem to react at all when the man screamed. Next was getting the beam that was on him off, or at least leveled up enough so that they could get him out safely.
"We may have to push it up ourselves, and Mihaela can draw him out." Gabriel was commenting after a moment in time.
With that Gabriel was going over so that he could hoist the beam up whenever Car was ready, Mihaela ready to draw the man out.
Gabriel was nodding and soon enough they were lifting the beam, and the moment that they did Mihaela was grabbing the man and dragging him out and clear from the beam to be dropped again.
Already some paramedics were coming over to get him loaded up so that they could get him back to the hospital.
Car kept moving and every time he found someone he would call it in. Car figured the reason they had been missed the first time was because it had been dark and crazy as well
It had been quite crazy that first day, but they wereakkng head way again. Gabriel was looking by the cliffside and peering over for a moment. Oh he found somebody over the edge which had Mihaela walking over and calling over the rescue unit. They were equip to climb down.
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