The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was just giving a faint smile before she spoke, "Just for a couple more days. Because I believe in a couple days I'll be able to allow Sapphire to leave as well." No she knew that the other woman would take it easy, at least until she was healed up fully.
Car nodded his head "that should give me some time to get things set up and ready for when they get released" Car was already making plans to get them settled in so that they could both rest and heal
Mira was just chuckling before she spoke, "I'm sure that if you ask Drake he will help you set up everything as well." She was however putting up her finger when the hospital phone rang and she was answering it. "Oh yes send them up right away." After that she was hanging up and looked towards Mihaela, who was raising an eyebrow. "Oh I'm guessing my brother and mother are here." Mihaela was commenting which had Mira giving a nod of her head.
Car looked at them both a little worried but when Damion started to whine he looked at Mihaela waiting to see if she wanted to change him of if she would let him as he had found some cute clothes for him
Mihaela was just looking towards Car for a moment before she spoke, "My mother came here to assist at the hospital, and she was Sapphire's primary doctor back at home. And Gabriel.... Well I'm not sure why he tagged along." Who knew what went through her brother's mind at some points. She was shifting Damion in her arms so that she could get up, having a free hand to assist. "Here you go." Mihaela was commenting and handing the infant over to Car, letting him take him for the time being.
Car took him and then grabbed the diaper bag before shifting to the floor and changing his diaper as well as his clothes. the top that Damion had said Mommy's little angel Daddies little slugger and then after he finished getting him dressed Damion carefully bundled him up and then stood taking him with as he stood
Mira was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was looking at her computer as it dinged, and she was looking at the information that had been sent by Drake. The list of passengers from the train, and she was cross referencing those to everybody that was in the hospital. Deceased, in surgery, recovering, ect. There were a number of them that were still missing, which had her running fingers through her hair.
"Yeah... And I'm willing to bit that had fallen off that cliffside that was near by." Mira was commenting before she was looking over at Malakai when she noticed that he was awake and just staring at her. This had her chuckling a bit before she was getting up so that she could go over and pick him up.
"I can go back and go down the cliff see if we can find them and get back into the wreck as well" Car knew that they would all watch Damion while he did this
"Drake has already alerted the authorities, and rescue teams are already headed out." Mira was commenting before she was stating that she was going to be headed there as well to check out the wreckage as well.
Car stopped her "Ill go you stay here that way if we find survivors they can get the best care possible I'll do what I can on site I watched you closely when we were there I can handle this"
Mira was just giving a nod of her head and then looked at Lillian as the other female was popping her head into the room stating, "Mira we have a slight problem with the patient in room 1409." Oh that was the patient where they had reattached the leg, evidently he had woken up from sedation and was getting violent, panicking. This had her giving a nod before she was handing Lillian, Malakai and she was heading off quickly.
Lillian was looking over before she was speaking, "I believe so. But last I checked she had been feeling the best." Nope what had happened with the grandparents had definitely put unneeded stress on her already recovering body. Yet again they could put the baby in the room, if anything Lillian could feed and change him as needed. "He seems to like me if I'm in the room with her. He fussed a bit when I went to pick him up earlier while she was sleeping, but it was a meltdown when I left the room. So if anything.... I can tend to him."
Car nodded his head. and then headed ot check on Sapphire and see if she would be ok watching over him. Car knew getting out of hte hospital would help her relax and recover more
"ok if your sure then I wont call her but I need to go back to the accident site we are still missing 30 people can you watch Damion" Car shifted the boy so she could see the shirt he had on
Sapphire was just looking for a moment in time before she was nodding and commenting that she could look after him.
"ok Lillian said she would come in and change him and such if you need her to" Car didn't want her pushing her luck and then he kissed her head "Mira says a few more days and then you can leave the hospital"
Sapphire was giving a small nod of her head before she was commenting, "Lillian usually pops in to check up on me often." Although her eyes were flickering towards the door when they heard yelling outside. Evidently that other patient.... it wasn't turning pretty at all. Already there was one nurse who had gotten injured from him lashing out. "Get a sedative!" she could hear Mira's voice calling out. Currently it was Mira that was just sitting next to the man, trying to calm him down. Yes he was lashing out at her, but she didn't lose her cool at all.
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