The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

At some point Mihaela was walking into the room with a slightly sleepy look, rubbing her eyes a bit before she was questioning in a soft mumble, "What's going on?" This had one of the others explaining briefly and she was just giving a nod of her head.
Yuki kissed her cheek lightly “I figure we can talk Selene to the shelter instead of shopping” Yuki wanted to adopt a dog rather then shop and get a puppy from a breeder
Yuki nodded his head “I may have just caused some problems” Yuki watched as the men grouped together to talk baby supplies and such
Mihaela was looking over for a moment before she was giggling then took Malakai in her arms. "Why don't you come with auntie today? Auntie has to go and visit the doctor today, you can see mama at work." She had to go in to get her stitches checked.
Mihaela was getting Malakai into the car, and settled in the carseat before she was getting buckled in herself. And off they were headed.
Yuki let Selene sleep for a few hours before he woke her up so they could go and get her puppy. Yuki then texted her whihc shelter they were headed too if she wanted to join him and Selene
Mihaela was looking at the message although she didn't respond right away, no she was currently talking over stuff with Mira about how to help Car with everything. Malakai was currently asleep in his mother's arms and Damion was allowing Mihaela to hold him with little screaming. A bit of fussing but nothing like when his grandparents had tried to take him. "His grandparents are still fighting for custody of him; and it would seem that his biological father has been found. And this is where the will gets.... tricky. The father wants nothing to do with the child at all, so it is stated that if anything happens to parents, then the baby would go to her parents, despite how it is also stated that by no means were they suppose to get custody." Mira was speaking with a sigh, which had Mihaela mumbling that she had probably expected to be able to raise him until he was old enough to decide on his own.
the lawyer in charge of Damions case walked in and looked at Mira "good news that daughter was a brilliant young woman she filed her will with the courts and had it notarized. she also filed willful disowning papers which means her parents have no rights to the child so long as the father is willing to give Car and Sapphire custody they can't touch him" The woman handed Mira the paper work as well as a list that they would need to be able to convince the father to hand over custody to them "if they can do all this by the hearing next month I am certain that they will keep custody of Damion"
Mira was looking at the papers before she was speaking, "This is a lot riding on the father signing the papers. Granted I'm sure he doesn't want the child but.... who knows of close of a relationship he has with her parents." This had Mihaela looking over for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I'm sure we will find a way."
"If he doesn't sign off on them then little Damion goes into the foster care system their daughter did everything right to cut them out of her life and that of her baby" the list that they were given was simple. that both were either in school or had jobs, that they had a home big enough for them with a room ready for Damion to move in too and that they had appropriate child care in place for when they were at work
"And what if dad decides to look into Car and Sapphire to see if this information is true." Mira was inquiring. This had Mihaela looking over before she was commenting that she wasn't too worried about that.
the Lawyer shook her head and smiled brightly "I spoke with the board and so long as you agree we can give Car a job here while training him to be a doctor many saw him work at the site and were amazed how calm he was and how he knew what was needed and to ask when he needed aid. he would be working directly under you while you train him as well that covers him needing work as Sapphire is recovering from heart surgery we can strike her working from it till she is cleared to return to work and with Drake being her brother and you two having a son of your own he can help with Damion's care till she is ready to return to work the only thing is finding them a home"
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I enjoy that you have thought off of this through as much as you did." This had her just commenting that it wouldn't be difficult to employ Car, although they would have to do something about schooling considering legally to work as a doctor he needed to have that schooling.
"I am working on that as well as we are a training hospital he can do his residency while working for you he just has to pass the exams and we can fast track him Ill be bringing him the books he needs to read later today" Lucy looked over her notes and then spoke "after what they did to the nurse and Sapphire I was able to get a restraining order for Sapphire, Damion and the hospital so they will be fine till the court hearing"
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "It shouldn't be a problem at all. Although if will state this now that if he is not training under me directly, he will be training under Lillian. She is the one who is in charge when I am not here."
Lucy nodded her head "that will work Lillian is amazing at her work as well" Lucy then waved and wished them luck before returning to her work
Mira was answering the phone when she was called, a bit startled that he was calling her and was throwing him on speaker phone. After she was assured that nobody else was around other than Mihaela. "What's up?" Mihaela questioned.
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