The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"I'm glad to hear." Mira was speaking in a soft voice before she was shifting Malakai so that she was holding him in one arm and was taking the cup of coffee with her free hand.
Mihaela had brought out some plates and was laying a bouncer on the ground next to Mira, allowing the other woman get place the infant in that for the time being.
Mira was looking at Drake as he came in and was giving a faint smile before she was nibbling on a piece of pizza.
Mira was giving a soft smile as she took another bite of her pizza before she was commenting, "So Sapphire and Car decided to name the baby Damion. And I think he and Malakai could be the best of friends growing up."
“I agree but for now we need to get them out of the hospital and settled before we arrange play dates on” Drake smiled at them lightly
Mira was giggling before she was commenting that Damion definitely knew who he could trust, and who he couldn't trust. "I was able to take him with minimal fussing."
“That is great news at least we know he will be able to be held by others soon” Drake was happy as that would give them a break as well
After a while, Mihaela was commenting that she was pretty sure that it was bedtime for Mira and Drake. Both of them looked ready to fall asleep where they were sitting.
"Go get some sleep you two." Mihaela was speaking before she was going over to move the bouncer so that Mira could get up.
"Go and get some sleep. We have no problem with watching him for as long as needed." Mihaela was speaking in a soft voice before she was looking at Selene as the girl came into the room. The child had definitely adapted to her new name quite quickly, and it was a lot better than Tia. She had been a huge help with the baby as well; especially if Yuki was outside and Mihaela was cooking, and he started to fuss.
Mihaela was just looking at her with a smile before ruffling her hair a bit before she spoke, "Oh and Mira. Jessie will be arriving here tomorrow as well and she says that she'll be available to help at the hospital whenever." This had Mira giving a thumbs up and soon enough she was heading off with Drake so that they could get some much needed sleep.
Mihaela was looking over before she was smiling and spoke, "Jessie is my mother. She is coming all the way from Italy to visit."
Mihaela was looking towards Yuki before she was commenting, "I don't have a problem with that at all. But it would be your puppy which means you will have to feed it, take it on walks, take care of it." Of course if she needed help she would get it, but for the most part... the care of the puppy would be her responsibility. Her first taste of that "responsible adult". She Mihaela also wanted to know what Yuki had to say in the matter.
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