The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"As soon as we are able to get in there. Your task is to get Sapphire and the baby out of there, and to somewhere safer." Mira was commenting to Car after a moment in time. Although she could only imagine the amount of pain that Sapphire was probably in at that point in time, and she was concerned for her wellbeing. Especially if she started to panic, her body was still in recovery!
Soon enough they were arriving up on the floor and the first thing that they could hear was the baby screaming, although this was more of the "I'm hungry" scream, and the pissed off grandmother yelling at the child to shut the hell up.
Car growled but knew the nurse had a bottle for the little one. While he waited to see what was going to happen so that he could get to Sapphire and Damion Car mentally cursed for leaving her sode
Mira just listened to the demands on the grandparents, demanding that they gain custody of the child. Although she could hear the grandmother yelling that the stupid bitch had disappeared with their grandchild. Sure enough while they hadn't been paying attention, Sapphire had gotten away with Damion, and was hiding in one of the rooms that was there, just holding the child close to her chest. Although she could feel the pain settling in and was breathing a bit heavily but some how she was remaining calm... somehow. "Shh little one... We'll be safe..." she whispered to Damion. At least she hoped so.
Seeing where she went Car moved to the room that also connected with it and went to her motioning for her to join him but to keep as quiet as possible
Mira was just watching the couple at the time, listening to them rant and rave about how they had the right to see their grandchild. They had even gone as far as ripping up the will, stating that that hadn't been their daughter's hand writing. "Take him...." Sapphire was mumbling and was pushing Damion off to Car, knowing that the baby wasn't going to start screaming since it was him.
Car took Damion and then with his free arm gently eased her off the ground “ come on there is a nurse waiting for us” Car then gently guided her out of the room and away from them.
Sapphire was getting up to her feet, albeit she was very unsteady. Definitely not suppose to be on her feet quite yet, not even close to being in that condition to be walking around quite yet.
Car supported her and got her to LIllian who helped her back into the wheelchair. "I'll be to the room shortly ok I am going to let the others know you are safe" Car gave her a light kiss and then watched as LIllian and a cop escorted her back to her room
Sapphire was giving a nod although she was just leaning forward in the wheelchair slightly, and just taking a few deep breaths. No the pain made her feel like she was going to throw up. The pair got her back to the room and Lillian was stating that she was wanting to check over her stitches and everything, make sure that everything was doing alright with the surgery incisions. "Do whatever it is you need to do." Sapphire breathed.
While Lillian took care of Sapphire Car walked to where Drake and Mira could see him and the baby but not the couple while he fed the little one so he was calm. Car nodded when Drake spotted him letting him silently know that he had gotten them both
Mira was looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "When he is done with his bottle, I want to do a quick examination of him, make sure that he is uninjured." Yeah he was probably going to start screaming, but that wasn't something that was going to bug her at all.
Mira watched as he left and she was soon enough heading off so that she could check on a few things. When Car walked into the room, Sapphire was sitting on the bed currently shirtless. Lillian and removed the bandages and was currently examining the incision, making sure that everything was alright. No torn stitches, and there was no infection settling in, which was good news.
Car walked over and kissed the top of her head not even looking below her eyes "how are you feeling" Car figured he would ask Sapphire rather then LIllian as he didn't want to make her think he was talking about her instead of too her
Sapphire just looked at him for a moment before she was commenting "In pain.... Feel sick...." Lillian was getting the wound rewrapped and was soon enough helping the female settled on the bed to lie down before getting the ivs in place once again.
“They will get you feeling better soon and you’ll be pleased to know that Mira and Drake are dealing with the two dumb asses and the cops and hospital lawyer are involved as well” Car sat in the chair next to her and then patted Damions back smiling when he burped.
Sapphire was just looking before she was leaning back against the pillows, listening to what he had to say. It seemed like thinks were being taken care of at that point in time. Soon enough Mira was coming into the room so that she could take Damion from Car, so that she could go and examine him. "Come here little guy. You are going to come with me for a bit, and then we'll come back here." Mira was cooing in a gentle voice before she was gently taking him from Car.
Car handed Damion over telling the little boy to be have for his aunt that crying was ok but screaming was not. Did he think the boy understood him no but he had to do it anyways
Sapphire was just watching for a brief moment in time although it seemed like Damion wasn't screaming when Car was handing him over. A little bit of whimpering and crying, but no blood-curdling screams.
Car waited till she left and then he let out a sigh “it seems he knows who will hurt him and who won’t or he has started to calm down”
Lillian was looking over before she was commenting, "Babies are quite sensitive to that. More so than we realize." She was looking over to see that Sapphire seemed to be asleep once again. "Everything looked good, nothing wrong. Just exhausted and a high amount of pain."
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