The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was just looking at him before she spoke, "I know. I was about to head off to shower. You can head home if you are wanting. I'm probably going to end up crashing here.... just to be safe."
"no I'll stay one of the empty offices has been converted for us" Drake had turned it into a room where he and her could stay along with their little one if she had to be at the hospital for some reason
Mira was giving a nod before she questioned, "Do you think Mihaela and Yuki are alright with babysitting? I feel bad for pushing this off on them." Which reminded her that she was needing to pump and she could have one of the others run the breastmilk to the house.
"they are fine with it I already called and asked they don't want to have him here and exposed to everything going on while so young" Drake smiled if they hadn't wanted to he would have picked their son up
Mira was giving a nod of her head and was commenting that she was grateful that they had such great friends. After that she was heading off so that she could go and shower.
Mira was disappearing into the locker room so shower, and was chatting with a few other girls that were in there. The last few days had been a hectic time for the staff.
Mihaela was listening into the conversation at that point in time before she spoke, "It has been all over the news for the last two days. Reports are coming in still about new victims constantly coming in. How are the staff doing there? I know I'm technically not suppose to do much until the incision has healed fully but if help is needed, I'm more than willing to lead a hand."
"its bad but they are handling it your mother arrives in the morning and is heading over to help out right now what you need to do love is rest and your brother is coming with her to be with you when I have to go to the site" Yuki smiled at her and kissed her lightly "right now what they need up doing most is watching their little one while they work and Drake mentioned that Car and Sapphire adopted a baby
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was looking over at the slumbering child and was then looking towards her husband, and giving a nod of her head. Okay she was giving in, she would help at that point in time by babysitting.

(You know... We need to name the babies.... I just thought of this now.)
(lol yep)

Yuki smiled and kissed her again "don't worry if they need us both we will go to them" Yuki smiled at her and then pulled her closer to him
(I say for Mira and Drake.... Malakai. My current male name obsession for some reason.)

Mihaela was looking over with a soft smile before she was giving her husband a soft kiss as he came over.
(Works for me.)

Mihaela was just looking at him for a moment in time before she was giving a soft smile then stated, "It could have been a lot worse. It would have been a lot worse if one of Car's friends had seen something out of the ordinary when he had. It didn't get us in the clear right away, but it stopped us from getting injured way worse... if not killed."
"I know for that I owe both men but for now I am lettign them settle and relax before getting involved" Yuki rested his head against hers and watched the baby
Mihaela was giving a small nod of her head before she looked over at Malakai, who was sleeping peacefully. "Car and Sapphire adopted a baby?" she was questioning after a moment in time, a quizzical look on her features. There was definitely a lot more to the story that she didn't know.
"yes apparently Car had gone into one of the cars and found a pregnant female but she had passed so while doing CPR to keep the baby alive he called for help and they were able to safely deliver him granted a little premature. since then Car has kept the little boy with him at all times partially because whenever Car put him down or gave him to someone else he would start to scream at the top of his little lungs. according to Drake, the little guys' grandparents showed up wanting their grandchild just as a nurse found his mothers will which bar them from getting custody. it seems that only he and Sapphire can hold him with out him screaming and he has to be in the room with one of them or he will scream as well"
"So Car adopted him because of that, and I'm assuming Sapphire signed as well because.... if it were taken to court, no court system would have allowed Car to adopt him on his own." Mihaela spoke. No exceptions would have been made, considering he didn't have anything at the moment. But while he was physically capable of caring for the child compared to Sapphire currently, she had everything else covered that they would be looking for. A home that would be fit for a child, money.
"yep he didn't ask her to she signed of her own free will according to Drake he even kissed her" Yuki chuckled knowing that those two would have their hands full once he got up and on the move
Mihaela was giving a giggle before she was commenting, "Oh I would have paid to see that." She was looking at her phone when she got a message from Mira questioning how they were doing on breastmilk. "How are we on breastmilk? Mira says she is going to pump after she showers and send one of the guys over with it in a bit." she spoke although felt bad since the message had come a few minutes ago, and at that point Mira was already in the shower.

"Drake.... There is a catering van outside stating that they are here to deliver the food you ordered." one of the guards that had been outside was coming in and speaking to Drake in a low voice.
Yuki looked in the fridge “we have enough to get us till his midnight feeding” Yuki then looked at the boy and smiled

Drake looked at the guard and nodded his head “ yes we were expecting then show them to each of the break rooms on the different floors and the. Let the staff know that food is here
"Can do." the man was speaking and was soon enough heading off with a few others so that they could help get all of that taken care off.

Mihaela was giving a nod before messaging Mira to let her know that they would be good for a bit, so it didn't have to be done necessarily right away.
Mira was eventually coming out of the locker room, and was handing over a bag to one of Drake's men that was hanging around, tell him to take it back to Yuki and Mihaela for her, a please and thank you coming after wards.
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