The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"Is this something that you can truly handle?" Sapphire was questioning, calm as could be. Even the nurse already seemed a bit flustered with the infant but she held him firmly anyways. The grandfather was telling somebody to shut the damn thing up while the grandmother was going over to try and soothe the child. That worked out well.... not. If the child could scream louder, it was screaming louder.
The screaming had even woke Car who followed the sound and took the child from her cradling him against his chest. Almost instantly the boy settled and Car glared at them for making him scream. He then walked over and handed him back to Sapphire “we are going back to the room if you want to see him ask Mira”
Sapphire didn't react at all to the screaming, her eyes just looking at the couple that were there. "You aren't able to handle it at all. I do not trust this child in your hands, at all." she spoke although it wasn't long before she found the child being handed back to her by Car, and she was just cradling him to her chest gently. The nurse was fixing up a makeshift swing for the infant so that Sapphire didn't waste all her energy holding the child.
Car growled at the male when he moved to take the child from Sapphire only to be stopped by security and the hospital lawyer who informed them that they had no league grounds to the child. She then handed Car some paper work he had asked for and he signed be fore showing Sapphire. It was a petition to adopt the boy and become his father
Sapphire was just looking at the papers although she already knew that Car wouldn't be able to adopt the child. He had no home, no funds, no identity. Yet on the other hand.... Sapphire had this stuff. She wasn't currently able at the time but it was still more possible. She still had the means to take care of the infant and herself, she had resources. So she was snagging the papers and signing them as well before handing them back to the lawyer, who looked a bit confused by her actions. "Car currently doesn't have the resources to care for a child himself, no offense Car, but I do. While I may be recovering, I have the funds that would be needed, and with Car's help." she was explaining which had the lawyer actually commenting that it made sense. In the end, there was nothing that would really prevent Car from adopting the child, not with Sapphire backing him.
Sapphire was surprised by the sudden kiss and found herself turning beet red, and just looking down at the ground.
Sapphire just looked around as they headed back to the room although she was rather silent. A bit lost in thought, and in pain. Definitely in pain.
Once they were back in the room Car took the baby from her and settled him in his crib before he carefully picked Sapphire up and laid her back in her bed before hooking her IV back up knowing she had pain med in it as well
Sapphire really hated being picked up yet there wasn't a whole lot that she could do about it at that point in time, there was no stopping him.
"N...N...No it is fine...." Sapphire was speaking in a low voice, although there was that slightly sleepy voice from the medications kicking in it seemed.
“Just rest and relax” Car smiled and once she fell asleep he let the guard know that they were going to bed and that only those on the approved list could come in. After that he settled in in his own bed and went back to sleep
Sapphire was giving a small nod of her head before she was mumbling that she would talk to him later. And before she knew it she was fast asleep.
Car was pleased that she was resting and then did the same. While they rested Drake dealt with the grandparents who were demanding their grand child
Mira was walking into the room with a few cops following her and the lawyer was handing over the papers to show that they had no right at all to the child.
Drake smiled at her and then walked over and told her what happened when the woman had picked him up making it clear he didn’t like her at all
Mira was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "Definitely a sign that the baby didn't like the woman whatsoever."
“Nope and I won’t let them near him either as the grandfather said to shut him up so that explains his mother’s will” Drake was so glad that nurse had found her will in her things
"I mean it could have been in the context of just make the baby stop screaming as well." Mira was pointing out. It might not have been anything darker than that actual meaning. Yet this had her wondering more into the family. There was definitely something that they were missing.
“True but he didn’t ask what was wrong he just demanded that he be shut up. The look Car gave him would have killed him if looks could kill” Drake knew Car was furious but not at any of them
Mira was just hiding a small yawn behind her hand before she was commenting that she had no idea. The number of people that were on the "in surgery" list was going to the "in recovery" list. Although as they were taking them down, new ones were going up. But they were getting through the people, and from what she could tell, everybody was going to recover. Yet there were more always being brought in, new victims that had been found.
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