The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Drake was working with the staff as he knew they needed help and he would be having words with the other hospital about how long it took them to get there
Lillian was currently directing some of the staff and was looking at her pager when she got a page to one of the ORs. This had her hurrying off although it was a bit out of her league. She was a doctor yes, but she wasn't a surgeon at all. And it seemed like the patient that they had, they couldn't find the internal wound that continued to bleed. Go figure that Mira seemed to be materializing out of nowhere and was shooing some of the others out of the way. "Lillian go and grab me some bags of AB blood." Mira was ordering as she started to scrub in, and the other female was hurrying off to grab that.
Sapphire was currently talking with Car, who was sitting in her room with her. Or somewhat speaking with him. Only a few words in her sentences, but she was speaking nonetheless. Still a bit out of it from the pain killers that were running through her system, but that would be how it was for the next few days.
Car still had the baby cradled to his chest as whenever they tried to settle him in to a crib he would start to scream and not stop so this was the only option at the moment
Sapphire looked towards the door as Drake came in before she was pointing at the baby and spoke, "Baby is hungry." Although with how little the child was, the best option was breast milk. Although that wasn't exactly something that she could help with at all. Yet maybe there were some mothers in the lobby that could help.
"I will check and see if we have someone who can help otherwise he will have to be on formula" Drake nodded at Car who smiled he was as worn out as the rest but since the baby screamed when ever Car handed him off or set him down the male hadn't gotten much rest
Sapphire was just looking over before she was commenting that she could take the baby for a moment. It wasn't as though the child weighed but at all, so she wasn't pushing her limits. And she was safely in a hospital bed, so there was no fear of her falling, or dropping the baby.
Car looked at her and smiled "maybe once we know if he needs to be bottled fed or not. it will more or less be a test to see if he likes you for being so young he is rather picky"
"I meant just holding him in general." Sapphire was mumbling and was more or less telling him to just give her the baby for a bit. This way he could step out and take a breath, she could see that he was needing it. "Letting a newborn fuss for a bit isn't going to hurt them."
Car looked at her "ok and its not crying its screaming at the top of his lungs till he turns blue" Car then gently took the boy out of his sling and handed him to Sapphire waiting for the screaming to start
Sapphire was just shaking her head before she spoke, "But babies also need to learn how to self-sooth. Always holding them when they scream is going to make life difficult." She was gently taking the baby boy and just speaking to him gently, assuring him that he was safe and sound. There was a small whimper from the child, although he didn't start screaming at all.
while he did start to whimper and cry it was because he was hungry and it wasn't his ear-splitting death scream as Car called it. when one of the nurses came in holding a bottle up "we have his bottle" she then offered it to Sapphire so that she could feed the little one
Sapphire was looking over for a moment before she was taking the bottle and thanking the woman in a soft voice, before she was giving the infant the bottle.
Sapphire was looking over for a moment in time before she was shifting how she was holding the child slightly, allowing a nurse to put a pillow under her arms, so that she could rest her arms, and the infant, on the pillow. She wasn't having to support the infant at all, but she could still hold him to her gently.
Drake thanked the nurse and then looked at his sister "that poor man has been running ragged" Drake then showed her a video of the screaming car was telling her about keeping the volume low so as not to wake the sleeping male. the video showed Car handing the baby over to a nurse to be checked over and then instant his hands were no. longer touching the infant the baby started to scream, not cry not voice his displeasure but actively scream till he started to turn blue and nothing but Car soothed the little one. "we are lucky the he seems to like you"
Sapphire was just looking down at the tiny infant for a moment before she spoke, "I wonder what is going to happen to him know. I hope they can find his father."
"we are working on it we were able to identify her mother and called her family her parents are on their way here I'll be speaking to them but from what I gathered from them the father isn't in the picture and wont be" Drake didn't like it but he would find for sure
"Well from what Lillian was saying earlier. The baby would remain here until he is stable, and until they can find a safe home for him." Sapphire was speaking in a soft voice. Yeah the child was a bit premature, but he was definitely in good hands at that hospital. She was then commenting that she hoped all of the doctors and nurses were doing alright. They seemed to have their hands quite full constantly. "Drake will you help me with something. I want to do something for the staff. Just something small." Sapphire was speaking in a soft voice. She was just wanting to order them all something to eat, not like it would put much of a dent in her bank account. Even if it was some small sandwiches that they could snag from the break room. Catering wouldn't be difficult to do, and she was sure Mira would be fine with it.
"of course I can what would you like to do" Drake had sent work to Yuki about the boy as well but had a feeling that Car was going to want to adopt him as he was rather attached as well.
Sapphire was commenting, "I want to order food for the staff. Something that they can easily eat in a hurry. Something we can put in the break room for them. I know a few catering companies that would be more than willing to help out."
Drake nodded but smiled "how about the Mexican place near the house the one with the steak and chicken tacos that way we cover the gamibt as I belive they have shrip and fish as well"
"Oh I believe that the staff would love that. And it is something that will fill their stomachs." Sapphire was commenting although she was stating that a steak taco was sounding really good at that point in time. The baby was finishing the bottle and she was slowly picking him up to her shoulder so that she could burp him. Nope the child weight little to nothing, this wasn't a difficult thing at all for her. And Drake was in the room as well, he could tell if she was beginning to get tired or not.
Drake smiled and then pulled out his phone and called the owner explaining what he wanted to do. the male was excited and agreed and offered to do this free of charge as he had heard how bad the accident had been and knew the staff was working non stop to help those who needed it
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