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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"yes the metal is small so its not going to be hard to patch but form the look and feel it is right over her uterus and the baby so I want to be careful if we try to move her" Car smiled at her and held on to her hand and placed it where he child was kicking to assure her that the baby was ok "I would feel better if we had a way to monitor her baby while I worked" Car didnt want to risk something happening and missing it and losing either her baby or her or worse yet both of them
Mira was listening before she was grabbing an intern and telling them what she was needing from one of the rigs. "Go. Now." She spoke before she was on her feet again and going over to help somebody who was stumbling out if the wreck. Blood dripping from their head and the woman was frantic for their child. A ten year old boy who had rolled down the hill, and fallen off the small drop. "Calm yourself. We will find him. I promise." Mira spoke in a gentle, and reassuring voice. With that she was letting out a breath and calling over one of the other nurses, handing over her Bluetooth, and explaining the situation with the pregnant woman. Even if somebody else had wanted to go in and help, there wasn't the room. "We are getting stuff in there to monitor the baby." Mira was speaking which had the other nurse questioning where she was going. "I made a promise. And I'm going to keep it. Plus at this point, out of the staff that isn't busy... I'm the lightest." After that she was heading off towards where the woman had come from.
Car thanked her and then took the woman's pulse following the directions he had been given while it was rather fast it was starting to come down "her pulse was almost 100 when it got here it is dropped to 80" Car then smiled at her and assured her that he would be back he was just going to get the supplies he had asked for
The doctor continued to walk him through everything although she was trying to keep herself calm as well. Man the situation was bad... And the medical personnel were getting overwhelmed. Majorly overwhelmed, and at that point of panicking. But she was taking a slow breath before she spoke "Fire fighters just arrived, they are going to help get her out."
"ok" Car then discribed to the man who took over the condition of the area he was in and how things were laying over the expectant mother so that they wouldn't hurt her by accident
Eventually the firefighters were figuring out a way to get her out safely, and they were dismissing Car for the time being, just so that there was more room in the area, so that they could focus on getting the woman out safely. And she was in good hands with the firefighters, they were also trained in the medical field, to a certain degree. But this was a task that they were more equip for than the doctors, especially getting her out of the train. "Mira... Is the boy alright?" the nurse called down the hill where Mira had descended. The other woman was looking up before she spoke, "We are going to have to airlift him." They were going to have to get him strapped to a gurney and the helicopter was going to have to pull that up to a more flat area before they could actually load him up.
While she felt with the boy Car worked through the train alerting rescue services everyone he found someone either alive or dead. If they had passed he let them know so those who had survived could get treatment first
Mira tended to the child while she waited for the helicopter although she was startled when the boy all of a sudden seemed to be waking up in a panic, which had her gently holding him and hushing him; calming him down. "You are safe. My name is Mira and I'm here to help you. We are going to get you to the hospital soon." she spoke in a gentle voice and was just telling him to close his eyes and rest.
those that he could get out of the train Car did and while he knew some people weren't happy with him those that he was able to get out had minor physical injuries that he could see and didn't complain of any neck or back pain
Things seemed to being going smoothly at that point in time. People were getting medical attention, and the intern that had been acting as Mira's eyes was done freaking out now that the woman was standing up next to her again. Mira was calling out orders left and right, directing medical staff on which patients to get sent next. Those with the more severe injuries were obviously being taken to the hospital first, while the less serious injuries were being taken care of right there.

"This is... intense but... not as bad as I thought it would be." the man that was shadowing Mira spoke which had the woman giving a chuckle before she spoke, "Wait until we get back to the hospital then. I suggest at that point in time... be ready to be on the move constantly." With that she was stating to some of the others that were there that she was going to head back to the hospital, which had a few of them shooing her off. One of the attendees stating that she was going to be most useful in the OR now, since that is where the critical patients were. After that she was dialing Drake's number to call him, after getting a message from Lilian that she hadn't been able to give Drake a call.

Hopefully he answered. As she listened to the phone ring through her bluetooth she went off to find Car, and spotted the pregnant woman, who was getting loaded up to be taken to the hospital. The boy had already been airlifted away.
Drake picked his phone up when it rang and answered "hey babe what's going on" Drake had been dealing with the nurse who had hurt his sister and didn't even know that a train had derailed

while she was looking for him Car was still in the train only this time he was calling for help. it seemed that the one female wasnt the only pregnant woman on board and this one had passed just as he arrived and the baby was still alive but he didnt know how to get to it
Mira was glad that Drake was answering the phone. "I'm going to be running late... If I'm home at all tonight." Her attention was turning towards an intern who was running over and stating that the person who had come with her needed help. "Head back to the hospital. Help Lilian how you can." Mira was speaking and was heading off towards the train again, issuing a few other orders to people. "I'm sorry, I love you. There was a train that derailed, lot of causalities." She spoke into the phone as she was ducking into the train, finding Car.
"love you too I am helping at the hospital and called in some favors and several other doctors are here helping as well but the guards are doubled on my sister to make sure no one other than those on the approved list get in." Drake then wished her luck and hung up going back to work

Car looked at her and at the point he was doing CPR to keep blood flow going to the baby till he could get help
Mira was commenting, "I was going to head back right away... but something came up." With that she was hanging up and going over to next to where Car was at. She was looking around for a brief moment before she was going taking off the doctor jacket that she was wearing and laying it on the ground before she was rifling through the bag that she was carrying. Alright the mother was already dead... there was no need to worry about her getting an infection from the c-section not being done properly. And that was the only way to get the child removed. But this was going to be tricky without any other tools to use. But she had this. Mira was letting out a breath before she was commenting, "If you are overly squeamish with blood... then I suggest looking away."
Car looked at her and then pointed to a different section of the car they were in where the top half of a body was splattered "if I was I wouldn't have started screaming or passed out" while he spoke he kept performing cpr to give the baby a better chance at surviving
"Some circumstances are different than others." Mora spoke although didn't look up from what she was doing. Cutting open the woman's stomach to remove the baby.
"true but I have never been one prone to issues with blood if it weren't for my health and getting stuck working where is had been I probably would have gone in to medicine" Car enjoyed helping people and found a sense of peace while doing that
Mira was chuckling before she spoke "I know a few assisted living homes who are looking for caregivers." She was turning her focus back to the baby and mumbled something under her breath. She really didn't like this going in blind business, but she didn't have a choice. The intern had returned and was holding a blanket, but she had only been able to find one. That was fine. They were going to take the child straight to the hospital. The intern found them selves looking away as the baby was removed and the cord was being cut. "If you are going to pass out hand the blanket to him and leave." Mira spoke as she craddled the infant in her arm. Getting the baby into the blanket where Car was at would be easier anyways.
Car took the blanket from the intern and then took the small baby when it was handed to him. Car bundled the baby up and hugged it close sighing that the child would never know it’s mother
Mira didn't hand over the child right away, not until after she had done a brief examination there. Ah there was what she was waiting for, the sudden shrill cry of a newborn baby. Nothing seemed wrong but they would have to check at the hospital. Without proper equipment it was very difficult to tell.
Mira was giving a nod before she was speaking a soft pray for the mother and they were soon enough heading out of the train. Many of the more severely injured had already been taken to the hospital and one of the other doctors was waving them over, stating that he was headed back. There was one person in his rig, unconscious. This was something that Mira could take care of on the ride back. Her car would be fine, she could have somebody get it later.
Car joined them and then spoke “do you have a car seat for a new born somewhere I can get this one strapped in and follow you two in Miras car”
They didn't have anything, although there was a random stranger that had shown up to help that was stating that they had one. Her kid was at home with her father, and the carseat was typically just kept in the car. Easier than pulling it in and out constantly, and she was hurrying off to grab the carseat and the base. Mira was just watching before she was commenting that she would meet him back at the hospital, and was then giving him a code that would get him in through the employee entrance.
Car nodded his head and then followed the woman to see if she hand anything they could put the baby in to keep him warm and prevent him from getting sick
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