The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Oh yeah the woman was loading him up andalimg sure that the infant would be safe and sound. She was getting the car seat set up in Miras car for her.

Mira was arriving at the hospital and just letting out a slow breath before she was striding into the ER. People everywhere!
Car thanked her and then handed her some cash to replace the car seat since he didn’t know if he would be able to get hers back to her. Car took his time and got the little one strapped in before heading out
Mira found herself busy right away, instantly disappearing off to the OR. She was hoping that her own sweet child wasn't being a handful for Mihaela and Yuki. But she didn't have the chance to call and let them know what was going on. Turns out one of the guys bad the hospital had, one of the people there with Sapphire.
When Car arrived he took the baby with him to admissions and went to work getting those not critically injured entered in to the system while she worked.
Throughout the night most of the doctors and nurses were busy. Mira had sent the interns home after a while, and had a number of the other staff taking breaks. She continues used to work, and her shadow seemed to have a hard time keeping up with her. And now he was complaining to Drake that perhaps her job wasn't that easy. Currently they were sitting on the gallery while she did a surgery.
Drake looked at him “well now you know how much she truly works and if Car can keep up then so can you” Drake loved watching her work
The man was just grumbling for a brief moment as he just watched the surgery that was happening. Somebody had severed their leg, and she was busy reattaching it, along with the artery. Something he didn't think was going to have a good effect. He didn't think that the person would pull through.
Drake looked at him and then spoke "Mira is the head of this hospital and a skilled surgeon you should never ever doubt her skills. that man is going to be in the ICU for a long time but as long as he has the will power to live he will pull through"
The male was just grumbling a bit before he was stating that he had seen many skilled surgeons and something always seemed to go wrong.
"not with Mira she isn't cocky and assumes that everything she does is the correct way she listens to others and thinks things through and she prepares for every eventuality even someones death" Drake knew she hated losing someone but did her best to prevent it
"You are quite the debbie downer.... aren't you? We really don't need somebody like you in the hospital right now. I get that you are being punished for being an idiot, but you have to act like you are a staff member. And we don't look pesstimistic in front of patients." came the voice of Lillian as the woman walked into the room, her arms folded across her chest. After that she was letting Drake know that Sapphire was awake, at least partially.
Drake nodded his head and then stood up "thank you I made some calls and some other doctors and staff from the sister hospital who are licensed to work here are on their way in to aid in the treatment of the victims of the accident as well as off duty staff they called and are headed in as well to aid" Drake then smacked the male upside the head and headed out to see his sister
Lillian was chuckling before she commented, "I made some of my own calls while Mira was gone as well. Also.... Mihaela and Yuki just called your phone. I should apologize for answering it, but it had been laying on Mira's desk. I thought it was hers and saw Yuki's name, so I answered it. They say that they have no problem with keeping the baby all night. And asked me to tell you both that you aren't allowed to take your child back until after you have both rested up a bit whenever you were done."
Drake chuckled "I had a feeling that would be the case Yuki wouldn't want us trying to tend to our son while exhausted and worn out" Drake didn't mind but stopped shot when he spotted Car walking around with a newborn strapped to his chest while working "please tell me I am not seeing things"
Lillian looked over before she shook her head then spoke, "He was out helping at the crash site. Getting stuff into the system so that the doctors and nurses could tend to patients. Found a pregnant woman but she had died... they managed to save the baby." She was looking towards the operation room as some of the other doctors were coming out, one of them mumbling that Mira was absolutely insane.
this had Drake chuckling "you are just now realizing that it is what makes her a good doctor" Drake then nodded his head and spoke, "do we know who the father of the baby is or if the mother was going to give the child up for adoption?"
"We haven't determined anything quite yet. There is a lot going on so it is going to take some time. But until we can determine, the child will remain here in the hospital up in the NICU. Mira's orders." Lillian was commenting before she was heading off to help somebody, and soon enough Mira came out of the surgery room as well after shedding the blooded gown and gloves she had been wearing. Her hair had started to fall out of the ponytail that it was in and she had a bit of blood on her face.
Drake walked over and after wetting a clean towel nearby he cleaned her face "did it go well?" Drake would never assume that something was a success unless she felt it had worked and they med it through the recovery phase of things
Mira was looking towards Drake for a moment although was cringing slightly when he was wiping down her face. Nope the water had been a bit colder than what she had been expecting was all. "I believe so. His stats are stable right now. But only time will tell." Mira was speaking but she was confident that everything had gone well.
"that is good news" Drake then filled her in on everything that had happened so she knew help was coming and that they didn't have to worry about their son for the time being that he was safe and sound
Mira was looking over before she was giving a small smile before she spoke, "I'm sorry.... I know I told you at lunch that I was going to make more time for us..."
Mira was just giving a nod of her head before she was looking at her pager as it went off. Seems like she was being summoned off to another OR.
The hospital was busy for the next few days, and a number of the attendings and Heads were pulling a long stretch of hours without pause. They were resting for a bit, but their main focus was on the patients, at least until the situation was more under control. And it took a few days for the sister hospital's people to finally show up. A bit of an irritation to be honest. Day two and on forty-eight hours of working, and Mira was sitting in the locker room on the floor with her back against the cold lockers, letting out a small breath of air.
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