The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Not that he was going to be doing it free of charge though, regardless Sapphire was compensating him, whether he accepted it or not. But she was happy to hear that he was willing to help out. She was looking at the tiny infant when he was burping and spitting up a bit.... into her hair. Oh well it happened. She would survive for a bit.
Drake chuckled and while he made arrangements giving him the number of staff on duty and the amount of people there looking for loved ones or waiting to hear about their loved ones he cleaned the spit up out of her hair
"Thanks." Sapphire was speaking in a soft voice and looked at the door as it opened, and in came Lillian with one of the hospital's bassinets for the infant. Since there was somebody constantly in and out to check on Sapphire, the baby was safe enough there, and seemed far more content there than anywhere else.
Drake thanked her and carefully moved the baby while waiting for the screaming to start. when he didn't drake sighed and thanked God that he was finally calming down "can we get a bed for Car I doubt that is comfortable" Drake pointed at him and they would see that his head was dangling back over the chair he was slumped in
The baby did whimper a little bit although was soon enough falling asleep. He was fed, the nurse had checked his diaper and he was dry and clean at the time. "We can get one of the cots that family uses when they stay with their relatives although that is about it at this point. But those cots are quite comfortable." the nurse was speaking. All of the staff would know that, after all that is what they sometimes used if they ended up sleeping at the hospital overnight.
Drake nodded his head "thank you I would appreciate it and then I need to speak with his doctor I heard something about him being diabetic"
Sapphire was just tilting her head although she had no answers to that. She was just leaning against the pillows and pushing some of her hair out of her face a bit.
Drake kissed her forehead lightly "you rest up I'll be back to move Car to the cot in a moment." Drake then followed the nurse out to speak with Car's doctor and the babies grandparents as it seemed like they had show up and were not all that happy
Sapphire was nodding her head and it wasn't long before she seemed to be fading asleep as well, currently a hand resting on the edge of the bassinet, as though afraid that it was going to disappear. The grandparents were creating quite the show in the lobby, demanding that their grandchild be brought to them right at that moment. That the hospital had no right to keep the child.
"Until we have verified that you are in fact the grandparents of this child, then yes we have all right right in the world to keep the child here. Not to mention he is here receiving medical care as prior to his birth he and his mother had gotten into a severe accident, and his mother had died soon before he was born." Mira spoke as she came up out of nowhere, the nurse that was trying to speak to them thanking the woman for the timely intervention. She had been getting rather nervous about talking with them, the pair intimidating in their own right.
"Now if you are going to cause a huge commotion in my hospital then I ask that you leave. When it has been verified that you are indeed the grandparents of the child, then we shall call you. If you aren't going to cause a commotion then you can go and take a seat, and wait quietly." she added before she was turning on her heel and going over to the board. A couple of pictures were being taken from the "in surgery" section and being moved to the "in recovery". There was one that was being moved to the "deceased" although.... they had died enroute to the hospital. The paramedics had tried to bring her back, and then the OR attempted, but to no prevail.
Drake walked over to Mira and spoke "I am going to show them the video of his screaming and ask if they feel they can handle that everyone here even the grandmother of five got flustered and annoyed with him if they can't remain calm then i don't think it would be in his best interest to go with them." Drake kept his voice soft and then told her how he has behaved with Sapphire so she knew that there were two people who could calm him
Mira was looking towards him for a moment before she spoke, "Perhaps the child would be better off with Sapphire and Car."
"i'll let you know how they react" Drake then kissed her lightly and had the older couple follow him so they could talk privately and when they did he showed them the video and calmly asked how they would handle this situation
Mira was giving him a soft kiss in return, a number of the people around just giving some 'awws'. Everybody was calm for the most part, and waiting patiently for any information. Which was a good thing. The grandparents were following after the man and watched the video, although the video wasn't anything compared to how it would actually be. No that would be a better way to judge their reaction, is for them to see the child first hand.
"mind you this is a recording his screams are much louder than this" Drake looked at the two and waited for them to begin their demands once more
Well they were still demanding to see their grandchild. Right at that point in time, very demanding and rude.
“I’ll take you to see him but you can not tough or wake him up as the you man who had been taking care of him just now got to sleep” Drake made it clear if they woke the baby there would be hell to pay
Who would figured though that when they did walk on the baby was awake and laying contently in the bassinet. Currently his eyes were fixated on Sapphire's hand that was hanging in the bassinet. Yet the moment the baby saw the people he started to whimper, which had Sapphire rousing more than anything.
even Car started to rouse when the baby started to make noise. while Car knew he needed to cry he also didn't want him screaming like he was being hurt
Sapphire was looking at the people before she spoke "Get out." This had them going to say something but she just gave them a look not to argue.
Drake looked at them "sorry but these are the only two who can keep him calm and content while he does cry he doesn't scream" Drake then ushered them out and assured his sister that they wouldn't be back with out permission
Sapphire was just watching for a moment before she was watching the door close behind them. Oh that woman's perfume had been horrible and made her want to vomit now.
Sapphire was just watching for a moment before she was gently picking up the child and just holding him in her arms. "Would you like to meet your gradnparents?" she was questioning in a soft voice. No now that the child was awake, she was calling in her nurse wanting to leave the room. She couldn't walk at all, but she could leave in a wheelchair. So that is what she was going to do. She was telling the nurse to tell Drake to take them to one of the family waiting rooms up on the third floor.
While they were doing that another nurse had gone through his mothers belonging which had been brought to the hospital and found the woman’s will which barred her parents from gainigg by custody of the child
The nurse was taking Sapphire up to the waiting room, the wheelchair bound woman currently cradling the infant in her arms. No she wasn't going to allow the grandparents to take him, but she would allow the nurse to take him from her. Even then they would be able to see the reaction of the infant, hopefully anyways. "This is your grandson. You saw the video, but this is what it is like in reality. Is that something that you can handle?" Sapphire spoke and was allowing the nurse to take the child from her, the boy had been sleeping. Although it was as though he knew that somebody different was holding him, and he started to whimper.
"He is whimpering. That isn't a big deal." the grandmother was speaking, although he was still somewhat in Sapphire's arms, the nurse having just started to take him from her.
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