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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sapphire was just mumbling, "I hurt.... Thirsty." This had Mira looking over before she was grabbing the cup of water that had been filled earlier and was putting a straw in the cup.
Mira was grabbing something out of the locked cabinet, after unlocking it with the key that was around her neck and was pulling out a small vial. She was using a special type of syringe to draw the liquid out and going over to insert it into the IV.
Car watched her carefully but since she had become furious over what had happened he knew she would take care of Sapphire and not let her get hurt again while under her care
"Mira... You seem annoyed." Sapphire was mumbling which had Mira looking over. "My shadow jinxed me I guarantee it. Told me this was a difficult job and nothing was going to happen today." Mira was commneting. Yeah last time somebody had said that they had ended up with at least four trauma cases. Car crash on the high way. They had almost lost one of them... Thankfully they had pulled through. "So... Full ER more than likely." Sapphire was musing and Mira was stating that she had a gut feeling that was going to be the case.
Car looked at her "I can't help with the actual care but entering them into the system should be easy enough for me to do" Car figured if the nurses could be helping rather then registering it would help them out a lot
Mira just looked before she spoke "We'll see what today brings us." She was getting Sapphire to drink so more water and was commneting that if she wanted to sleep more that was fine. She had just undergone a major surgery, and more or less nearly killed.
For the next hour or so, everything was quiet and Mira had been bouncing back and forth between chatting with Car and tending to Sapphire, and checking up on some of the others. But for the most part everything was calm and quiet... at least until her pager went off as she was finishing up getting Sapphire redressed. She had decided to clean and redress the surgical incision, and had been checking up all that to make sure that it was doing alright since the surgery. No surprise at all that her pager was going off, laying on the table next to the door and soon enough Lilian seemed to be popping her head in. "Let me guess.... Trauma in the ER and all hands are needed on deck." Mira was commenting, not even looking to see who was there. "Scary how you know but yes.... Train derailed. Already I've got a number of residents and interns headed to the site of the crash." Lilian was speaking which had Mira giving a nod of her head, finishing up getting Sapphire dressed.
Car looked at her "want me running registration?" if a train derailed then they would need every single nurse they had and he knew he could help with out getting in the way
Mira was looking over for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yes that would actually be helpful." With that she was letting out a breath before she spoke, "Lilian you stay here in the pit with Stevens and Montgomery. I'm going to head out to the scene as well and start helping out there." "Got it. I'll start prepping everything. I'm going to call my hubby and let him know I have to cancel dinner. Want me to call Drake?" Lilian was commenting which had Mira giving a nod then asking if she would be willing to give Yuki or Mihaela a call, let them know. A thumbs up was what she got and soon enough Mira was gesturing for Car to come with her.
"So what you can do to help is... I want you to take down their information. If they have ID then good, that makes everything so much easier. If they don't have ID, then I want you to take a picture. We will get it printed when we return to the hospital and put up on a board. When family comes to find out the wellbeing of their loved one, they can help ID." Mira was speaking as she was tying her hair up into a tight ponytail and was jotting down an ID and password for him. Her information to get into the system.
Car nodded his head and jumped when one of the other doctors started yelling at him. this doctor was in charge of nutrition and she had seen his blood work. the doctor then looked at Mira and apologized and showed her the bloodwork "he needs insulin and then food" this doctor did tend to yell but that was only because she care for her patients and those who needed care
Mira was looking over for a moment in time before she was stating, "Go on and take care of that then. I honestly hadn't expected the results back so fast." She was looking at her phone as it went off and was answering it. An intern who had found a passenger trapped at the bottom of the hill and it seemed like there was was some heavy bleeding. "First take a deep breath and calm yourself." Mira spoke before she was breathing in herself and letting it out slowly, and was walking them through what they were needing to do, step by step. Already the man that had been told by Drake to shadow her was stating in a grumble that it probably wasn't even that bad.
Car let the doctor give him a shot and watched as she explained how to calculate everything and then promised that they would stop and get food on the way there so that they didn't delay too much. Car then looked at her shadow and spoke "why don't you shut up and watch your partially responsible for this shit"
The man was opening his mouth to say something before he was closing it again. Mira was looking over before she was speaking, "You haven't seen anything yet. The real fun... is about to begin." "Have fun! You get to see a medical goddess at work." Lilian was waving her hand and soon enough the three of them were headed off. The shadow had the job of going around and getting pictures of everybody, regardless of if they had id or not. This way they could put pictures up on the boards that they had set up. This way family knew where their relatives were at. Were they in surgery? In recovery? Deceased? Made things a bit easier than a doctor having to try and answer a million questions.
Car looked at Mira and said he could do minor treatments like cleaning and bandaging if need be but he wanted to make sure that everyone was entered in the system
The trio were driving to the location of the crash, although Mira was swinging through a drive through to get them something to snack on. It was a good twenty minute drive to the scene, so it gave them a bit of time to eat. And it didn't take long to order food for them at all, and they were headed off once again. She was hitting the button on her bluetooth headset to answer a call. Just Lilian letting her know that she had already sent out the helicopters. "Make sure that we are fully stocked up on blood as well."
Soon enough they were arriving and Mira was out of the car and grabbing her kit, the other man in the backseat following after. His jaw seemed to be dropping a bit. It had been a passenger train with at least a hundred people on it. And there were more than likely a number that were unaccounted for. Already Mira seemed to be heading off so that she could check up on a few of the closer patients and find out details from the other medical staff that were there. "Mira! Thank god you are here! There is a woman in the train.... she is trapped, pregnant.... and panicking. We can't seem to calm her down. She is worrying about her baby." an intern ran over and Mira was directing them towards somebody else after being pointed in that general direction. Yeah definitely sounded like she was needed.
Car went with her and stopped her from going in "let me Ill bring her a phone so you can talk to her but once we get her out and something happens you will still go home to your son" Car put on a mask and took some glove with him so if she was bleeding that he wouldn't come in contact with her blood
Mira was just speaking, "But you don't have medical training at all." Okay she would just have to deal with it at that point and was just digging out the spare phone that she always kept in her bag, for purposes like this. Oh it seemed like somebody had the woman's information as it was. "I need to know her status as soon as you get a visual."
"I will I may not have training but I know how to follow directions and I have a steady hand you need one for my old job" Car took the phone and then headed in to get to the woman so he could work on calming her
Mira was calling that phone after he had disappeared, although currently she was standing by the makeshift triage tent that they had set up outdoors, speaking with a few others. Getting more details about what had happened, although soon enough her focus was turning fully towards Car and the pregnant woman. When Car did get into the train he would find that she was trapped beneath part of the train wall that had been crushing her, which had in turn pressed the table that she had been sitting at into her chest. This meant that she wasn't able to move and there was something sharp stabbing into her stomach, which made trying to move her more difficult as well.
Car kept his cussing to a minimum and first he felt over he belly after introducing himself as Mira student he felt how tense her belly was but smiled when he felt her baby kick and hard "Mira the mother is scared and rightfully so but I felt over her belly and while it's very tight her baby kicked me in the hand rather strongly" Car then described everything else and waited for instructions was massaging the belly carefully directing the blood flow away from where she had been stabbed
Mira listened to what was going on, and she could hear the woman panicking on the other hand. "Miss Williams. My name is Mira and I know you are afraid, for yourself, for your child, I understand. If I were in your shoes I would be terrified as well. But I do need you to take in a breath and try to relax. Panicking isn't good for the baby, nor is it good for you." With that she was assuring her that they were going to get her free, but she just needed to continue to take those calming breaths, and to just relax. "Alright Car, can you visibly see the injury?" she was questioning, going over so that she could help tend to somebody else. Somebody who was bleeding severely from the neck and the intern had been panicking. Orders were being named off to that intern and she was taking over tending to the wounded, but still listening what what Car had to say. The other man was going around taking pictures of everybody like he had been ordered to do. Already ambulances were getting loaded up and people were being taken back to the hospital.
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