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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"Mentioned it to Mira. She'll figure it out. When it comes to medicine and medical care she is a goddess. Anybody else tried to preform the surgery Sapphire went through.... There would have been complications. I would have dealt with my own complications." Mihaela was commneting as she was leaning back in the chair, just watching the monitor attached to Sapphire for a moment in time. Watching the stats for a moment.
"its really no big deal I wasn't healthy since I was a child and I really don't see the need to keep fighting to live" Car rubbed Sapphires hand lightly and just watched her while she rested
Mihaela just looked towards him before she spoke, "Tia still wants to be with you. This is one of the reasons we took her, and we are helping you. So that you can have that stable life, and she can stay with you. You are her "older brother" and we aren't going to stop her from seeing you. But we also need to be assured that she is going to be in a safe area." No this wasn't to say that she didn't trust Car at all, but if he didn't have a place to live, then the time that Tia could spend with him was rather limited. "Besides... I see how you look at Sapphire. You haven't left her side since she ended up in the hospital." Mihaela was commenting before she was looking at her phone as it vibrated which had her answering it when she saw that it was her brother's name.
Car looked at her and while he did care for Sapphire and he would love to have Tia visit him and often he wasn't sure that it was a good idea in general
Mihaela listened to her brother for a moment before she spoke, "Gabriel, I love you but.... You are an idiot." After that she was commenting for him to give Gio a call, that he would take care of the situation. Once that was said she was hanging up her phone before looking towards the monitor for a moment in time, watching it spike a bit. Nothing dangerous.
Mihaela was looking over before she spoke, "Gabriel is back in Italy with our parents and went out last night. Needless to say he had so much to drink last night, he doesn't remember what happened. At all."
"my question is why did he drink so much?" Car knew that most mafia didn't drink a whole lot so that they could keep their wits about them
Mihaela just looked at him before she spoke, "Today is an anniversary for us. Today is the day that his parents brought me in.... so long ago. I became their daughter. It was our way of celebrating, going out and having a few drinks together. Although this year... I wouldn't have been able to do that at all. I'm sure that factored in, and our mother told him what had happened." So the drinking had been drinking for both of them in celebration, and then extra drinking in condolences.
Car nodded his head "that makes sense I almost thought he had gotten into a fight with his wife or something with how annoyed your seemed"
"He isn't married. Just highly hungover right now... and irritable it seems." Mihaela was commenting before she was looking up as the door opened and one of the guards outside was popping their head in, more than likely to check on them. And they were letting them know that a nurse was coming up with Tia, which had Mihaela stating that the girl could come in.
"strange I figured if you were married your brother should be as well as so few families let the daughter marry before the son" Car smiled when came in and watched as she bounced to her new mom and asked about the baby
Mihaela just looked over before she was speaking, "He was suppose to but something came up. And the engagement was called off." Her eyes were going towards Tia came bounding before she spoke, "You know... I've been thinking on a new name for you. I was wondering.... how do you feel about the name Selena?"
"something came up or there were differences in upbringing and personalities" Car then watched as Tia's eyes went wide at the new names and then chuckled as she started nodding her head in earnest agreeing with the name
"To be honest.... I am not at liberty to say. Because it truly isn't my problem at all, and while I know part of the story. I don't know the full story." Mihaela was commenting before she was smiling as she looked towards Tia... no not Tia anymore... Selena with a bright smile.
Car nodded his head but remained quite as he figured she was right

Selena giggled as she played with the baby and watched her new mom closely
Mihaela was just watching for a moment in time before she was just looking towards Car for a moment, before she was signaling for him to smile slightly.
Mihaela was just watching for a moment before she spoke, "She'll be waking up here in a little bit." With that she was getting to her feet so that she could leave, leaving Selena to decide if she was wanting to stay with Car or follow after her.
Mihaela was just looking over towards Car before she spoke, "By the way... I programmed my number into your phone, Yuki's as well. Give us a call at anytime... Or have one of the guys outside call us. You are welcome at our place anytime."
"I'll keep that in mind" Car muttered softly while letting them do as they wanted

Selena looked at Car before asking "did you get your shot? you know you can't eat without it"
Mihaela was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "And you should talk to Mira about whatever medical issues you are having. Maybe she can help you. Or maybe... whatever doctor told you that you have a problem was just playing you." No if this happened before he had been taken as a slave... then it would make more sense. This was one way that he was being controlled by those people.
Selena shook her head "I have seen the meds before it's like the one that they gave to one of the guards he said it helped with his blood sugar the words on the jar were the same" Selena looked at her, her eyes big from worry
Mihaela was looking over before she spoke, "Insulin.... Diabetes. Not necessarily something that will kill you, especially if you take it when you are suppose to. But I'll look into your records myself and see what I can find."
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