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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela was giving a soft smile before she was gently kissing her husband back, then looked at Mira as she seemed to come up out of nowhere. "Car is diabetic. I'm going to dig into his records." Mihaela was commenting which had Mira just giving a slow nod of her head. A lot to process it seemed.
"It isn't your fault sweetheart. I'll be sure to take care of him." Mira was speaking in a soft voice, a smile on her lips before she was questioning the pair of them if they wouldn't mind taking the baby with them. "Yeah that isn't a problem at all." Mihaela was commenting and Mira was letting them know that she had some breastmilk in her mini fridge in her office, pumped and ready for the rest of the day.
"Thanks you guys. And... I'm not sure how long Drake will be. I'm not sure how long I'll be..." Mira was speaking although she was putting up her finger towards her shadow, the man obviously wanting to make a comment that she was a terrible mother. Mihaela was just looking over before she spoke, "We will watch him overnight if needed. He is safe with us. You have a job to do and patients to tend to."
"That is the one who has to shadow her for a week to see that her job isn't as easy as he tried to claim it was." Mihaela was commenting and the man was stating that nothing exciting had happened yet. This had Mira just mumbling under her breath that he had just jinxed them and she was stating, "Well give it an hour or two and you will see how taxing this job truly is."
Mira was waving her hand and stating that she would see them later. Mihaela was commenting, "Feel free to call me at all if you need to vent. I'll send you periodic baby pictures to help with the day."
Mira was giving a wave of her hand was soon enough sending the man off to help one of the nurses clean up vomit that was in the hallway. While this happened she went to go see how Sapphire was, glad to see that she was at least awake as she walked in. "Hey there." Mira was speaking in a soft voice before she was walking over to get a reading on her.
Not that Mira really needed to do a whole lot, checking her vitals at that point in time. They were stabilizing, which was a good thing. Whatever that other nurse seemed to have injected into her system seemed to be gone. After that Mira was glancing towards Car for a moment before she spoke, "Mihaela and Tia mentioned to me about the drug you've been taking. I hope you'll let me get a small amount of your blood, so I can run some labs. See if I can figure out if there is anything about you that we should be worried about."
Mira looked at him before she spoke, "Car. I am asking if you would be willing, not telling you. You have a choice in the matter, you always have a choice."
"Why would you get yelled at? Who would yell at you?" Mira was questioning as she was getting what was needed, just cleaning a small part of his arm where the needle would go. A tie was going around his upper arm to act as that tourniquet temporarily and she was sliding the needle into his arm. Car would find that Sapphire was holding onto his other hand gently, since had had been within reach of her hand, as though she was trying to comfort him.
"No fear...." Sapphire was mumbling in a soft voice, a whisper but it was so quiet in the room that it wasn't difficult to hear. It didn't take Mira long at all to get the blood drawn and she was wrapping the small wound so that it didn't continue to bleed after taking off the tourniquet. "I need labs run on this as soon as possible." Mira was speaking to Lilian as she opened the door and it was being spirited away almost instantly.
Sapphire was just giving a weak smile before she was letting out a slow breath of air, just relaxing against the pillows more.
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