The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

The male nodded his head and then headed off. Drake wrapped an arm around her and then spoke “ come on love there is food in the break room let’s go eat”
Mira was just giving a nod of her head before she was mumbling that food did sound quite good at that point in time.
Mira was getting herself food, a happy smile on her lips before she was nibbling on a chip that she had on the plate in her hands.
“It is plus it lets the staff grab and go if they need to or to sit and relax” Drake knew the staff would need to be increased but first and addition needed to be added
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "The staff have all been notified about the food." With that she was eating a couple of bites from her food although at the time she didn't seem to be eating a whole lot. No she was more tire than hungry.
Soon enough they were headed off to a room that had some cots laying in it. Mira was just sitting on the edge of one them.
Drake sat next to her glad she had picked the one meant for two and rubbed her back "come one let's get some sleep and then we can see where the staff is on getting everyone taken care of ok"
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Lillian just got back after going home to rest herself. If I do get paged it would only be by her doing; and only because there are a few people that I wanted to be alerted of any major changes in." The ones who had gone through major surgery; such as the man whose leg she had needed to reattach.
Mira was giving a nod before she was laying down next to him. It was evident that she was tired, the moment she laid down she seemed to be falling asleep.
The pair of them were able to nap for a good four hours before there was a knock on the door and Lillian was coming in, apologizing for waking them up. "We have a situation. That elderly couple.... they showed up here for the baby again..... They ended up taking Sapphire and the baby... Sapphire going with more willingly. Least they hurt the baby." Lillian was speaking in an urgent voice. And of course Car hadn't been in the room at the time, they had waited until he had left to go to the bathroom, and when Sapphire was out with her nurse. The nurse had been knocked unconscious.
Drake nodded and then brought an app up on his phone “they haven’t left the hospital yet too many guard lock us down now” Drake then spoke with the cops giving them the location of. The couple explaining how he knew. Car had asked and they had placed a small tracker on the baby
Mira was studying the app for a moment before she was stating, "But by the looks of it they have gone up to the seventh floor. That is one of the isolation wings. They could easily lock themselves away in there, and we would have a difficult time getting to them." And she was rather worried for not only the infant but for Sapphire as well.
“True but with the hospital locked down they can’t get out let’s go” Drake offered her his hand and then headed to where the couple was he was fuming but that was nothing compared to Car who was being held down by five guards and they were struggling to keep him down
Mira was walking over towards where the guards were before she was kneeling down. "Either you can calm down and come with us. Or I will personally sedate you and have them take you to one of the isolation rooms for your own safety, and the safety of others." Mira spoke after a moment in time.
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