The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Car nodded happy that she was resting “I am glad I was rather furious they had taken her and Damion” Car moved the blankets so she was better covered and then smiled at her sleeping form
"From what I heard from her nurse, Sapphire went with them willingly. Actually they didn't have much of a choice in the matter, she wasn't allowing them to take the child whatsoever." Lillian was commenting before she was stating that she had to get going to check on some other patients but he knew how to call her if help was needed.
After a bit Mira was coming back with the baby, who seemed to be fast asleep in her arms at the time. "He is all good. No injuries."
“Thank god” Car gently took him and settled him in to the crib so he could sleep on his own rather then in his arms all the time “what’s happening with those two”
Mira was looking over before she spoke, "As of right now I am not sure, Drake is handling it. I was going to stay but there were more pressing matters to attend to." With that she was giving a gentle smile before she was pushing a bit of her hair out of her face before she was handing him a few diabetic related items. One of them being a blood sugar monitoring device. "Shall I show you how to use it?" she questioned before explaining that this was going to be very important for him to use, testing throughout the day.
Car nodded his head “I don’t get how I have this I eat healthy and I stay active” Car was more then a little confused over all of this
Lillian was speaking, "It could be a genetic condition; something that you were born with. Sometimes people go for years having it before it actually becomes a problem." Actually Lilian herself was a diabetic, having not had an issue with it until she had been pregnant with her first child, a child that she had sadly enough miscarried due to it.
Car nodded his head lightly “ok” while he didn’t understand he would do as he had been instructed and checked his blood to get the number he needed so he could document it
Lillian was walking him through it step by step, and showing him what he was needing to do. No she was explaining everything to him, in a simple manner so that he could more easily understand this new lifestyle that he was going to be living.
Car nodded his head as he followed her directions since he didn’t want to screw it up. For once after getting a shot he didn’t feel weak and crappy something he said out loud
Lillian was smiling before she was explaining what being diabetic meant. She was also looking at him before she spoke, "If you ever need advice, or you aren't sure what is going on. You can give me a call and ask anytime, or even seek out Mira. She'll help you." With that she was ruffling his hair although it wasn't long before the door was opening and one of the guards was there commenting that there was a man there looking for Lillian. This had her a bit confused although her eyes were going wide after a moment before she was smiling then she spoke, "I'll be there in a bit." Her husband was back after being deployed to another country for the last two years.
Lillian was looking over before she was handing him a little book that he could use to jot down his numbers, and after that she was heading off.
For the next few hours everything had been rather calm. Everybody in the hospital was stable, and Mira was deciding that she was going to head home, letting some of the others know. Drake had been gone for a while to go and take care of his own thing, and now Mira was walking up to the mansion, one of the guards heading off to let Mihaela and Yuki know she was there. Mihaela was just looking at Malakai before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Your mommy is here for you. Although you are going to be spending the rest of the night with aunty and uncle I think."
Mira was just looking for a moment before she was giving a smile and soon enough Mihaela was walking up with the infant, whom Mira was taking into her arms gently. "How has it been at the hospital?" Mihaela was questioning which had Mira sighing before she was commenting that everything was falling into place again, but it was still hectic.
Yuki nodded his head “I am looking in to expanding your er and surgical wings this will also give you more room for more drs and nurses as well”
Mira was just speaking, "The thing that I want right now is the train manifest so I can know how many people were on the train, and how many we still need to find."
“We are working on it as fast as possible but the train company is giving some push back that is where Drake is he is getting that list” Yuki was mad that the train company but knew things would change soon
Mira was just giving a sigh before she spoke, "I hope they realize that the sooner they give us the list the better it will be for them. It'll be blamed on them for any unaccounted persons." She was sitting down in one of the chairs and Mihaela was questioning if she wanted some coffee. "Oh and we ordered some pizza it should be here soon."
"Coffee would be great. And thank you both so much for looking after him, I hope he wasn't too much of a hassle." Mira was speaking in a soft voice.
“He wasn’t he was and is a sweet boy” Yuki smiled at her lightly and assured her that Drake would get the list or they would have it by morning at the latest
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