The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

"so our dear daughter has thrown a curveball at me as when we arrived at the shelter she spotted two puppies who are brothers thankfully not the same breed or little that are ten weeks old and were dumped four days ago and is begging me to let her get both" Yuki rubbed his brown and looked at their daughter who was curled up with them. snapping a picture he send it to her "check your phone I just sent you a picture"
"I don't care at all but remind her that they are her responsibility. This means that she has not one puppy to take care of but two puppies. It is going to be a lot of work for her." Mihaela was commenting before she was just gently shushing Damion when he started to fuss a bit.
"I know trust me I know I mentioned getting only one of them and both her and the pups nearly had a meltdown" Yuki sighed and then looked back at them "this is going to be a long day"
Mihaela was just letting out a breath of air before she spoke, "No two puppies is going to be far too much for her. So it is either one puppy or no puppy at all. If she wants to see somebody as a bad guy, then she can see me as the bad guy." No she wasn't even going to start letting get her way such as that, yes she did need to be spoiled but Mihaela wasn't going to allow it to go overboard at all.
"I did tell her that if she threw a fit then she would get no puppy at all which stopped it in its tracks as she realized i was serious, and from what the shelter worker has told me is that the owner had them from a young age to the point that they shouldn't have been away from their mothers and that they are bonded. Selene begged and said she would do all the work to care for them" Yuki filled her in on everything including how well behaved they were "they are going to get huge though"
Mihaela was just giving a sigh before she was commenting that she really didn't want to deal with all of that though, especially not two puppies. But she truly wasn't sure at all about what to do, not really wanting to just leave the other puppy there but at the same time.... dogs were so much work.
"what if we do this, we let her get both but we make it clear if she has another fit or doesn't take care of them as she should then we will find them a new family and she will not be allowed to get any more pets" this would be a good compromise as it would make it clear that she had to do what she promised
Mira was hanging up the phone and just speaking to Lillian to are if she could track down Car. She was needing to talk to him, an important conversation.
Lillian was spotting Car before she was commenting, "Oh hey. Whenever you have the chance. Mira needs to talk to you, it is important."
Lillian was looking over before she spoke, "Damion started fussing and none of us could get him calmed down so we called Mira in. He is with her and Mihaela currently. Last time I saw them it was Mihaela was was snuggling with him."
"well that is good the more people her trusts young the better" Car then asked where they were so he could go and see her and Damion as well
Lillian was pointing him off towards where they were currently sitting in Mira's office. Malakai was asleep in a pack and play that was there, while Damion was currently asleep in Mihaela's arms.
Mihaela was looking up as Car came in and was giving a small incline of her head, her baby still cradled in her arms. There was a slightly sad look on her features but it was erased soon enough. "Please close the door." Mira was commenting as she looked at him from behind her desk.
Mihaela was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "Oh it is nothing." This had Mira looking over before she knew exactly why.... Mihaela didn't get this chance to be able to hold her own child. At least not for some time. Not until she was healed up and they tried again. If they decided to try again. After that Mira was looking towards Car and gesturing for him to have a seat before she spoke, "The lawyer came to me and there is a slight problem." With that she was explaining the whole job thing, and all of that before she was speaking, "Although I may have a solution. Obviously at least one of you would need to have a job to have income, but currently Sapphire isn't able to work. So this lies on your shoulders. I saw your skills at the accident, and many others have pointed it out. Which has me extending an exclusive off towards you, to come and work at this hospital with us. Of course right now since you have no official schooling, you wouldn't be able to become a doctor, surgeon, or anything like that, but I will personally train you as needed. The lawyer has offered to get you books but.... We both know she doesn't know our true professions." Nope already Mihaela had offered to go and get some things into the system, where Car went to school for his doctorate. All he needed to do was agree to this. And Mira was explaining this before she spoke, "Ultimately, we will get you registered in the database as having completed schooling; and the only thing that you would have left was to go and take your exams. But I am wanting you two work and train under me for two months before this period, as we will have it as though you are finishing up your internship." And that is when the next test was coming around for the interns, was in two months.
Car nodded his head "that is fine by me but I don't have a house I have been practically living here with Sapphire and Damion" Car didn't mind that they were willing to help him get this job and be able to keep Damion as well. Car was worried that his grandparents would continue to try and take him away from him even though they did not seem to be good people either
"That will not be a problem at all. For the time being you can stay with us at our place, it is more than large enough." Mihaela was offering, considering her and Yuki lifted in the gang's main mansion, and there were a number of empty rooms.
Car nodded his head lightly "thank you am I able to take Damion out of the hospital?" Car wanted to get him out of the hospital and to somewhere where he could grow and learn as well"
Mira was just looking for a brief moment before she was speaking, "I want to keep him here for a few more days. Right now while he is in the hospital, his grandparents cannot touch him at all, and currently they have been reported lurking near the hospital."
Car nodded his head "ok I won't take him from the hospital without your approval as I don't want him to get ill because I was being stupid" Car looked at the little boy and smiled as he slept in his frineds arms
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